B. Coole Designs > Embroidery > Populace badges: Atenvelt



Help me out with this, I am really needing assistance. 

If you see an actual patch on this page, I have been given information that this is the Populace badge as used by the group.  Some groups have an appoved device, some use the baronial device as populace badge.  I am just going by what I have been told by individuals in the various groups.

It may or may not be a badge approved by the SCA Heralds.  If you see just a graphic, it is the Baronial device as shown in the website. 

If you see something that is incorrect, or if you know the Populace badge for a g, please let me know.


And please do not consider this to be a definitive resource for anything.  I am still a work in progress.


Barony of Atenveldt


Tir Ysgithr

Barony of Sun Dragon

Waiting for conformation

Barony of Mons Tonitrus

Twin Moons

Barony of Ered Sul











Barony of Granite Mountain

Shire of Burning Sands

Waiting for conformation

March of Wealbhnutu

Waiting for conformation

Brymstone College

In progress

College of St Felix

No badge available at this time

Shire of Iron Wood Loch


Shire of Windale



College of Sankt Vladimir

Waiting for conformation






Circle or Shield Shape

5” $15

3”  $8

Measurement does not include the name, only the device and shield

These can be ordered in any shape,

with or without the name.



Files   $5  each

This embroidery is available in other sizes and on other items, like aprons. 

Just tell me what you want.





B.Coole Designs
2631 Piner Rd. Santa Rosa Ca 95401

Copyright, all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2013