B. Coole Designs > Embroidery > Populace badges: Atenvelt
Help me out with this, I am really needing
If you see an actual patch on this page, I have been
given information that this is the Populace badge as used by the group. Some groups have an appoved device, some use
the baronial device as populace badge. I
am just going by what I have been told by individuals in the various groups.
It may or may not be a badge approved by the SCA
Heralds. If you see just a graphic, it
is the Baronial device as shown in the website.
If you see something that is incorrect, or if you know
the Populace badge for a g, please let me know.
And please do not consider this to be a definitive
resource for anything. I am still a work
in progress.
Barony of Atenveldt |
Tir Ysgithr |
Barony of Sun Dragon Waiting for conformation |
Barony of |
Twin Moons |
Barony of Ered Sul |
Barony of |
Shire of Burning Sands Waiting for conformation |
March of Wealbhnutu Waiting for conformation |
In progress |
No badge available at this time |
Shire of Iron Wood Inactive |
Shire of Windale |
Granholme |
Waiting for
conformation |
Circle or Shield Shape 5” $15 3”
$8 Measurement does not include the name,
only the device and shield |
These can be ordered in any shape, with or without the name. |
Machine Embroidery Files
$5 each |
This embroidery is available in other
sizes and on other items, like aprons.
Just tell me what you want.
all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2013