B. Coole Designs
3 – 1 - 3 Fursona Special




If you have the art work I have the embroidery. Send me your favorite drawing and for $30 I will do 1 hour of digitizing and send you a 3” patch.

Reorders will be at the regular patch price.





This is a good example of what can be done with your fursona drawing.





The better the original, the better the project.


Clean lines, not too much shading.

JPG 200dpi.


This is what one hour can do.


Because of the amount of detail,

 there was a limit to what I could achieve in one hour.


This is what two hours can do.


The change in colors was so you could

see it better on the sample.

The actual patch would reflect Rift’s colors.





Circle Patches

5”  $15

4” $11

3”  $8

2.5”  $5


Rectangle Patches

5” $18

4” $14

3”  $10

2.5”  $8



Embroidery files

 can be made for your machine.

For $1, I will add a card back and envelope to any patch under 4”. It makes it really nifty to send as a gift.


Shipping in USA free.

This embroidery is available in other sizes and on other items, like aprons. 

Just tell me what you want.



Bc (at) bcoole.com

B.Coole Designs



B.Coole Designs
2631 Piner Rd. Santa Rosa Ca 95401

Copyright, all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2010