B. Coole Designs
B. Coole Designs > Embroidery > The National Heirloom Exposition




Plain Patch, see below for pricing



Sizes refer to width of the circle.


Add your name or your group name

 to the National Heirloom Exposition


Add $5 to any of the prices below


10% discount for pre-orders

to be delivered at the event.



Other items than patches are available: vest, bag, tote, apron, parasol.




Two ways to buy This Patch

Finished Patch

Your choice of fabric, and size

5”  $15

4” $11

3”  $8

2.5”  $5


Shipping 50¢ for up to 6 patches, 3” and smaller.

Shipping $1 for up to 6 patches, 4” and larger.

Email me for an order.  I take major credit cards and PayPal.



Custom alterations to a patch for your project

My goal is to help you create the art you invision.

Email me and lets discuss it.














B. Coole Designs
2631 Piner Rd. Santa Rosa Ca 95401


Copyright, all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2012