B. Coole Designs
B. Coole Designs > Embroidery > Firefly Quotes Embroidery

I am a bit slow on the uptake, but now that I have found Serenity and Firefly, I’m hooked.

And this is how I show my appreciation: make patches.

If your favorite quote or pejorative isn’t here, just let me know and I will add it to my list.



Patches and Basic Designs

These are the basic designs.  Your choice of colors and background are infinite. Except where the color is dictated by the artwork. 




bi-zui  ("shut your mouth")




feng-le ("crazy")



gai-si ("should die", used as we would say "Damnit")












gou-cao-de (literally "dog-f***ed", used like "we're f***ed")


















Circle Patches

5“  $15

3 “  $8

2.5“  $5


Rectangle Patches

5 “ $18

3 “ $10

2.5”  $8






5 for $20

For $1, I will add a card back and envelope to any patch under 4”. It makes it really nifty to send as a gift.


This embroidery is available in other sizes and on other items, like aprons.  Just tell me what you want.





B.Coole Designs



B.Coole Designs
2631 Piner Rd. Santa Rosa Ca 95401

Copyright, all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2010