B. Coole Designs
B. Coole Designs > Embroidery > Event Disaster Merit Badges


We have all been there, that event that turned into a disaster.  Or perhaps it was just an opportunity for us event warriors to find new and exciting ways of coping with disaster.

I will start with the Disaster Events I have been at, and add more as you send me suggestions!  How many can you claim!


The rules of this game are:


  • You had to have actually been at the event, not just heard about it
  • Extra circles given for special circumstances, as listed in the patch description
  • I can add more extra circumstances if you suggest good ones
  • Shiny circles added if you were the autocrat, promoter, or other responsible party.
  • You may display your merit badges any where you deem appropriate: tent, sash, jeans, rucksack.
  • Nobody is watching, so it is all on your honor.




Wind over 50 mph


Extra circles for every 10mph over


Lots of Mud

Must involve at least knee deep mud, shoe lost in mud, hauling stuff out ¼ mile or more

Stuck in the Mud

Extra rings for multiple times

Shiny ring for pulling vehicles out








Extra circles for: wrangling, stampede, mating, sleeping in your pavilion or tent, dumping in your camp




Flying Earwigs


Elk or Deer






Flat Tire

Extra rings for multiple flats on the same trip

Stuck in the Mud

Extra rings for multiple times

Shiny ring for pulling vehicles out



Dead Battery

Spin out, extra rings when loose knives or swords are involved

Flipped vehicle




Other Acts of Stupidity


Fire in Dumpster


Happens when deep fry food vendor tosses in the oil, then someone adds hot coals

Grass Fire Approaching

Pavilion or side walls on fire

No water on site, no advance notice











$3 Each

All patches are 1 ½ inches, different colors may be requested

Shipping $1 for entire order of Event Disaster Badges





Disaster Hall of Fame

Every once and a while there is an event disaster so magestic that tales are told for decades after. 

As these happen I plan to add to this gallery






Your choice of Sizes:

3”     $8.00

5”    $15.00

Larger sizes available. Contact me for a quote.



Add wording:                           

Superscript: $2.00 (30 characters maximum per line)

Subscript: $2.00 30 here too)

Both: $3.50








B.Coole Designs
2631 Piner Rd. Santa Rosa Ca 95401

Copyright, all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2012