B. Coole Designs
B. Coole Designs > Embroidery > Societies

One of my all time favorite tee shirts was the “Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society.” These days it will get you arrested.

These patches came from the fertile minds of my friends, with special thanks to the Sebastopol Coffee Catz Mendacity Club.

The wording can be changed to suit your own organization.



Patches and Basic Designs

These are the basic designs.  Your choice of shape, size, color and background are infinite. (Except where dictated by the artwork.)




Neptune Fellowship


Hogwarts Alumni

Shield only





Tesla Coil

Tesla’s Storm Troupers


Entropy Enhancement Technician




Proceeds from this patch

go to this very important project.

Dirt First


Advocates of Mischief & Elegance

Coprolite Happens










Four ways to buy



Finished Patch

Your choice of colors, fabric, and sizes

Circle or Hexagon

5”  $15

4” $11

3”  $8

2.5”  $5

1.5"  $3


5” $18

4” $14

3”  $10

2.5”  $8


Email me for an order.  I will send a PayPal invoice, or make other arrangements.



Instant File download for your machine



Using Gumroad, use your credit card on their secure server for an instant download.



Click on table squares that are BLUE  to see full format information.

If your design choice is not posted Email me and I will do the one you want next.



Custom alterations to a patch for your project

My goal is to help you create the art you invision.

Email me and lets discuss it.


Custom Download for your machine

I will alter the file to fit your specialized design needs.

I can add or remove parts of the file.  I

can add lettering. 

If you use a format not listed here I can see if I can do it for you.

prices start at:    $5  or    5 for $20

Email me to start the order





B. Coole Designs
2631 Piner Rd. Santa Rosa Ca 95401


Copyright, all rights reserved. B.Coole Designs. 2013