Santa Rosa Table Tennis Club

USATT Affiliate

Where: Mountain Shadows middle school (Burton & Southwest - Rohnert Park)
Mondays - 6:30pm until 10:00pm
Thursdays - 6:30pm until 10:00pm
See schedule below
Cost: $3 -- first visit is free
Info: David Kent (707) 942-1494
Jim Bjornsson (707) 537-7681

everyone is welcome, regardless of age, gender, or playing strength!


UPDATE as of 09/19/2002.

Open play tonight at Mountain Shadows Middle School in Rohnert Park. Play atWindsor Middle School is CANCELLED for tonight.Next Thursday 09/26, Rohnert Park will be unavailable due to a school function,but Windsor will be open.

Play will continue in Rohnert Park on Mondays through June, except when pre-empted by school activities.

As always, please check here for updates prior to setting out.

Windsor Site: WINDSOR Middle School.
Six tables, Thursdays 5:30-9:00.
101 North, Central Windsor Exit. At light, go straight,
then left on Brooks. School is on the right after the stop sign.
We play in the cafeteria.


We provide:
Here are directions to the club:

Challenge board (top 60) as of 1/15/01 (USATT ratings in parentheses).Asterisks indicate group winners, followed by their guaranteed group numberat the next meeting.

*1   1. Peter Graves (1985)     2. Tracy Tang*1   3. Jim Bjornsson (1824)     4. Gene Schwartz (1685)     5. Gary Alcares (1746)     6. Massoud Dehdashti (1773)     7. Michael Marinas (1727)     8. Scott Gordon (1802)     9. Chris Roth   --   [ Jeff Plake (1674) ]*1  10. Charles Chen    11. Weiwan Liu*1  12. Ray Bickel    13. Ruben Quevedo (1256)    14. David Kent    15. Eric Hilmer (1304)    16. Greg Schwartz*2  17. Russell Saito (1245)    18. Kevin Diamond    19. Frank Asedo   --  [ Don McDermott (1745), Roger Swan ]    20. Daniel Marinas (1063)*2  21. Fumi Christiensen (1124)    22. Tim Evans   --  [ Larry Patrizio (951) ]    23. Debbie Olcott*3  24. Brad Cott    25. Arnie Schwartz  --  [ Temitope Isibor (1203), Jason Adams, Jake Lee ]    26. Mike Kay    27. Aristides Lindo    28. Vince Delgado    29. Kevin Hickey    30. Tim Tang    31. Marcus Foody (608)*3  32. Ernest Klock    33. Mark Doyle    34. Brec Swan    35. Howard Blum    --  [ Jim Riddle, Don Storm ]    36. Anthon Plake (849)    37. Chau Giang    38. Diego Bowen   --  [ Shaffer Salisbury (295) ]    39. Steve Diebold    40. Donald Ahn    41. Teymour Ansari  --  [ Jaren Krchnavi ]*4  42. Ken Egel*4  43. Shane Hansen    44. Robert Parker    45. Steve Hanson    46. Jim Henning    47. Jeremy Russo    48. Pete Evans   --  [ Erin Lochman ]    49. Paul Keller    50. John Mann*5  51. Doug Sullivan   --  [ Al Wheeler, Ryan Wilkins ]    52. Tabi    53. Jon Burleson    54. John Wheeler  --  [ Elliot Hance ]*5  55. Seann Hamilton    56. Kevin Chen    57. Celia Chen   --  [ Kevin Beardsley ]    58. Larry Henson    59. Elijah Nash    60. Tommy Tang   --  [ Kerin Deeley ]etc.

Come test your skills!!

Here's our fantastic room in Rohnert Park:

Other local, national, and international sites:
Petaluma High School TT club
Northern California Table Tennis
U.S. Table Tennis Association
Classic Hard Bat Table Tennis
International Table Tennis Federation
Terry Canup's awesome collection of table tennis links from around the world