1 |
Hetaerina americana |
American Rubyspot |
2 |
Argia agroides |
California Dancer |
3 |
A. emma |
Emma's Dancer |
4 |
A. lugens |
Sooty Dancer |
5 |
A. vivida |
Vivid Dancer |
6 |
Enallagma civile |
Familiar Bluet |
7 |
E. cyathigerum |
Northern Bluet |
8 |
Gomphus kurilis |
Pacific Clubtail |
9 |
Ophiogomphus bison |
Bison Snaketail |
10 |
Ophiogomphus occidentis |
Sinuous Snaketail |
11 |
Macromia magnifica |
Western River Cruiser |
11 |
Brechmorhoga mendax |
Pale-faced Clubskimmer |
12 |
L. saturata |
Flame Skimmer |
13 |
Paltothemislineatipes |
Red Rock Skimmer |
14 |
P. hymeneae |
Spot-winged Glider |
15 |
Tramea lacerata |
Black Saddlebags |
An additional place visited to see/photograph/collect was Horseshoe Lake in
Bidwell Park. Seen there:
1 |
Enallagma civile |
Familiar Bluet |
2 |
Ischnura cervula |
Pacific Forktail |
3 |
Ischnura denticollis |
lack-fronted Forktail |
4 |
Ischnura perparva |
Western Forktail |
5 |
Telebasis salva |
Desert Firetail |
6 |
Aeshna multicolor |
Blue-eyed Darner |
7 |
Anax junius |
Common Green Darner |
8 |
Erpetogompus compositus |
White-belted Ringtail |
9 |
Ophiogomphus bison |
Bison Snaketail |
10 |
Ophiogomphus occidentis |
Sinuous Snaketail |
11 |
Libellula forensis |
Eight-spotted Skimmer |
12 |
Libellula luctuosa |
Widow Skimmer |
13 |
Libellula (Plathemis) lydia |
Common Whitetail |
14 |
Libellula pulchella |
Twelve-spotted Skimmer |
15 |
L. saturata |
Flame Skimmer |
16 |
Paltothemis lineatipes |
Red Rock Skimmer |
17 |
Pachidyplax longipennis |
Blue Dasher |
18 |
Tramea lacerata |
Black Saddlebags |
Cherry Hill is a mid-elevation mountain seepage nestled in the highest corner of Butte Co., about an hour's drive northeast of Bidwell Park. It was easily included in a day trip, and proved to be a fantastic place to encounter Tanypteryx hageni, although the Somatochlora semicircularis and other western mountain species hoped for weren't as cooperative.
| |
The site's species list:
1 |
Amphiagrion abbreviatum |
Western Red Damsel |
2 |
Argia vivida |
Vivid Dancer |
3 |
Tanypteryx hageni |
Black Petaltail |
4 |
Cordulegaster dorsalis |
Pacific Spiketail |
1 |
Libellula nodisticta |
Hoary Skimmer |
2 |
Sympetrum corruptum |
Variegated Meadowhawk |