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24 Hours ago: 38.2°F

Virtual Temp (THW):

12 to 24 Hour Forecast (based on barometer trends):
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precip possible within 24 to 48 hrs

" " " "

Weather Station: Davis Instruments Vantage Pro22
Longitude: -122.7720032

VWS Version: V15.00

Today's Extremes
as of 1/22/23 9:38am
High Temp 45.5°F at 9:37am
Low Temp 33.8°F at 6:29am
Peak Wind Gust 2mph at 8:40am
High Humidity 92% at 9:03am
Low Humidity 76% at 12:00am
High Heat Index 50.6°F at 9:36am
Low Wind Chill 33.8°F at 6:29am
High Barometer 30.18in at 12:00am
Low Barometer 30.12in at 4:29am
Yesterday's Extremes
High Temp 59.5°F at 3:31pm
Low Temp 29.3°F at 7:10am
Peak Wind Gust 5mph at 1:01pm
High Humidity 83% at 9:10am
Low Humidity 27% at 12:39pm
High Heat Index 59.0°F at 3:35pm
Low Wind Chill 29.3°F at 7:10am
High Barometer 30.31in at 9:59am
Low Barometer 30.18in at 11:59pm
Rain in
Year To Date Extremes
High Temp 66.3°F on 1/12/23
Low Temp 29.3°F on 1/21/23
Peak Wind Gust 22mph on 1/4/23
High Humidity 96% on 1/4/23
Low Humidity 15% on 1/20/23
High Heat Index 67.2°F on 1/12/23
Low Wind Chill 29.3°F on 1/21/23
High Barometer 30.31in on 1/21/23
Low Barometer 29.38in on 1/4/23
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet For more graphs, click <here>. Archives: 2006 2007 2008 2009