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Athena House

Athena House is a comprehensive residential treatment program for women who suffer from chemical dependency and has been in operation for over three decades. We understand it takes true courage, guidance and a tremendous amount of on-going support to learn how to live without the use of drugs & alcohol.  Our approach is based on respect and compassion and encompasses the mind, body and spirit of the individual. Our model offers an opportunity for women seeking recovery to gain the skills and become empowered to rebuild their lives and relationships.  We have previously provided these services using three separate homes; however it was decided that the expansion into one larger facility would allow us to greatly enhance our program and serve additional women, therefore we purchased the historic Stonehouse Inn in Santa Rosa. The Stonehouse property was most recently a high-end Bed & Breakfast, however, 3555 Sonoma Highway has had a rich history.  Between 1909 and today this building has been a single family home, a restaurant, and a tavern, just to name a few.  Athena House at Stonehouse will provide individualized treatment for women up to six months followed by a 26-week aftercare program with a very competitive cost of treatment, which is approximately $1,500 per month, that includes room, board and treatment services. We are planning on the required rehabilitation being completed by early December 2011, at which time we will be able to move the program into this new facility.  

The acquisition came about through partnerships with Henry Trione, the Community Foundation Sonoma County, the Zygielbaum and Walter Family Funds at the Community Foundation, the Housing Authority and Community Development departments of the City of Santa Rosa, California Department of Community Services & Development, and the Clearinghouse Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).

If you would like to sponsor a room at Stonehouse or review our ongoing wish list, please click here.

For information, please contact Jenna McAdam at 707-526-3150 or .

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