Anthony Soto Employment Training Centers (ASET)
Farmworker Services' three ASET centers located in Santa Rosa, Stockton, and Marysville, offer vocational skills training such as truck driving, welding, fork lift, shipping and receiving, office occupation, and english literacy. The centers receive referrals from partnering agencies and insurance companies. These referrals bring revenue into CHD that allows the Corporation and Farmworker Services to broaden the services that are available to its participants and all other students that come to the centers for training. Referrals come from EDD, the Department of Rehabilitation, Dislocated Worker, and the County WIA/WIB. There are also participants who do not qualify or receive a referral from any of these agencies, but wish to attend training at one of the CHD ASET Centers. These participants are enrolled as what is known as Self-Pay.
The information below relates to our Anthony Soto Employment & Training or ASET Center(s)
Please us the links below to access the documents.
Our School Catalog
2014-15 Performance Fact Sheet(s) for each educational program offered through any of CHD's ASET Centers (Galt Satellite, Olivehurst, Santa Rosa or Stockton) can be dowloaded by using the following link:
2014-2015 Performance Fact Sheets by Center
Our most recientAnnual Report to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) can be dowloaded by using the following link:
2014 Annual Report
CHD is approved or licensed by the Bureau, information regarding where students may access the Bureau's website at,
California Human Development or CHD's Anthony Soto Employment Training (ASET) centers have been granted institutional approval from the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (Bureau) pursuant to the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009, California Education Code, Title 3, Division 10, Part 59, Chapter 8, which begins with section 94800.
ASET Center Photos Click to enlarge |
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