CHD was recently funded to purchase and operate a unique, mobile, hi-tech classroom that will serve rural farmworkers in Northern California with outreach services, workplace literacy and ESL instruction, pesticide safety training, and job training for upgraded careers in agriculture. Multiple partners, including California's Department of Community Services and Development, the Department of Labor's Workforce Investment Act 167 Program, California's Department of Employment Development, One-Stop Career Centers, and private donors are joining to make this dream a reality.
This mobile technology and training unit is the answer to bringing information, services, and employment connections to rural, isolated workers that need to be connected and served in our service area.
In addition, this vehicle is easily converted to an emergency response vehicle to be used for disaster relief. It will use bio-diesel fuel, be ADA compliant and host a wireless instructional computer network supported by satellite communications.
Staff here a CHD is looking forward to the expanded capability that this vehicle will provide. Our intent is to use this vehicle as a mobile classroom that can serve as an instructional base not only at employers' sites but also at community and other public events. The mobile classroom will include office and instructional space, supported by broadband technology and a wireless network to allow workers to access the Internet, One-Stop Core Services, distance learning and customized ESL, workplace safety and literacy instruction.
CHD welcomes participation of all community service providers. The additional participation of these partners - housing, child care, food stamp outreach and health, just to cite a few examples - will help farmworkers address or remove significant barriers to employment and/or upgraded employment.
The Jobs on Wheels office will work with participating agricultural employers to develop and deliver on-site customized programs of workplace literacy, ESL and safety instruction. We envision the training as short course instruction, customized to the employer's work site, methods and materials, and leading to a credential, language and skills gains, and upgraded agricultural employment or increased employment time. Offering instruction on the employer's site allows the program to take advantage of land, equipment, employer-specific practices and knowledge that could not be replicated in a conventional classroom setting. Workplace-based instruction can be strengthened and augmented by individualized On the Job training contracts for upgraded agricultural employment.
Jobs on Wheels Bus Click to enlarge |
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