Mahal Plaza
Our largest farmworker housing rental property is located in Yuba City, California. Mahal Plaza has 98 two, three, and four bedroom townhouse apartments. There are extensive lawns throughout the project, and each unit has a small private patio and lawn. Ten units are accessible to the physically disabled. Built in two phases, the first was completed in 1990, and the second, including a child care center, was completed in 1997. There is a large laundry facility in each phase. Off-street parking spaces are assigned to residents, and there is also off-street guest parking. Recreation facilities include a playground for younger children and a playing field large enough for soccer for pre-teens and older.
For information, questions, or an application,
please contact Jaswinder Sandhu at 530-671-6810 or click here to send Jaswinder an email.
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