Remembering Bob Bione

There was a time when Sunday nights were magic. From 10 to 12 on KVMR Bob Bione would read novels and short stories in a voice that even today I can still hear when reading. I turned a few people onto his "Readings in Speculative Fiction"show and a few others have found me since then.

I am looking for recordings of Bob reading and for more information about him and his show. Specifically:


I have at least one recording of him reading a story and possibly a few more on unmarked cassette tapes which are waiting to be transferred to computer. Please contact me if you have any information about Bob or recordings of him speaking or reading. My email address is here.

Below is a partial list of the works read during the time the show was on the air.

Known novels:

Known short stories:

Many thanks to everyone who sent me information about Bob and the things he read on his show.

Special thanks to George Parsons for providing the picture of Bob!

Thank you Sheldon Colin for sponsering Bob's show back in the day, recording the shows when they aired, and for digitizing them for all of us to enjoy again!

Last updated: Sun Jun 24 17:14:40 PDT 2018

Copyright 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Paul E Coad

"Until we see each other again, keep your head together, read some good books, be useful, be happy." - Stephen King, Different Seasons