Published in The Encyclopedia of
Critical Psychology, T. Teo (Ed.), Springer, 2013.
is an essential topic for psychologists to study. The reason is that capitalism
is the dominant cultural system in the world -- and has been for the past four
centuries -- and culture is the basis of psychology. To ignore capitalism is to
overlook important details of culture which are
involved in psychological phenomena. Unfortunately,
capitalism is virtually never mentioned by psychologists, even those who
profess an interest in culture and psychology (Ratner, 2012). This
chapter attempts to correct this error.
The fullest and deepest, and most critical characterization of
capitalism (that is relevant to critical psychology) was articulated by Marx (1973).
He demonstrated that for all of capitalism’s achievements – which Marx
did respect -- capitalism is essentially exploitive. Capitalism produces exploitation
while denying it, obfuscating it, rationalizing it, legitimizing it, and
mystifying it as freedom, agency, democracy, and fulfillment. Because the
exploitive character of capitalism is rarely analyzed, this chapter explores it
in economic and psychological terms.
political economy, exploitation, cooperation, consumerism, commodification,
consumer psychology, world system, liberalism
& McChesney (2012) document the exploitive nature of capitalism in Chinese
sweat shops. Low wages for Chinese workers (4% of American wages) enable Apple
computer, for example, to reduce labor costs to only 3.6% of total
manufacturing costs of IPhones. This generates a 64% profit margin on
manufacturing costs. In some Chinese sweat shops that
produce Microsoft products, workers are at the factory 83 hours per week, and
work on the production line 68 hours. Workshops are 34 meters by 34 meters
square and contain 1,000 workers who are paid 52 cents per hour take home pay.
In another Chinese factories, workers work on computer keyboards for 7.2
seconds each, 500 per hour. A worker is given 1.1 seconds to snap each separate
key into place repeating the operation 3,250 times every hour, 35,750 times a
day! Employees work 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week,
with two days off a month.
The Pou
Yuen Plant F in Dongguan (owned by a Taiwanese group) produces goods for the
German company PUMA. The base wage in 2004 was 31 cents per hour for 14-16 hour
shifts. The total cost of labor to make a pair of PUMA sneakers came to just
$1.16. The workers’ wages amounted to just 1.66% of the sneakers’ $70 retail
price. It takes 3 hours to make a pair of sneakers. PUMA’s gross manufacturing
profit on a pair of $70 sneakers is $34.09. PUMA’s hourly profit on
manufacturing each pair of sneakers is more than 28 times greater than the
wages workers received to make the sneaker. PUMA makes an annual profit of
$38,188 per production worker in China. When profit is measured against all
corporate expenditures, not simply the manufacturing process in factories, PUMA’s
profit is $7.42 per sneaker, which is 6.4 times (640%) more than the workers
are paid to make the sneaker. The workers pay for their entire year’s salary in
5 days’ work! All the rest of their yearly production goes to profit.
class structure does not just happen because some people work harder than
others. Class structure is formed because some people exploit others -- that
is, they forcibly take wealth from them (Taibbi, 2011). One clear example is
the way in which capitalists expropriate productivity gains from the workers
who produced them.
1972-2009 “usable” productivity -- that part of productivity growth that is
available for raising wages and living standards -- increased by 55.5%, while
real hourly pay fell by almost 10%. This opened a gap of 44.4% between
compensation and usable productivity since 1972. Had compensation matched usable productivity growth -- i.e., if workers had
been paid the value of their annual productivity increases (as they essentially
were prior to the early 1970s), the 84 million non-supervisory and production
workers in 2009 would have received roughly $1.91 trillion more in wages and
benefits. They would have received $35.98 per hour in 2009 instead of the
$23.14 they actually received. In other words, 13.5% of GDP in 2009 was
transferred from workers to capitalists and managers. (Cypher, 2011).
additionally exploited workers by needlessly firing them during the economic
retrenchment and replacing them with technology and higher productivity of the
remaining employees. In the Great recession, between late 2007 and the end of
2009 output fell 4.5% but the numbers of workers fell by 8.3%. Companies
displaced more workers than they needed to, in contrast to the 70s when they
displaced fewer than they needed to. (During the recession of the 1970s the
output of goods and services in the U.S. fell by 5% and employment fell by
2.5%. Companies retained workers whom they didn’t need just to protect their jobs.)
Companies today are more ruthless with regard to jobs and workers than before (Wall
Street Journal, July 27, 2011, p. B1).
objective exploitation leads to subjective unhappiness of workers: “More than
3/4 of departing employees say they wouldn’t recommend their employer to others
the worst percentage in at least five years...In 2008, just as the recession
began, only 42% of employees said they wouldn’t recommend their employer” (Wall
Street Journal, Aug. 8, 2011, p. B8). Antipathy towards employers doubled
in three years (see Hommerich, 2012 for data on Japan linking rising subjective
feelings of vulnerability to objective measures of social inequality and
exploitation is a pincer movement where capitalists increase profit through
reducing wages, and they reap high interest payments on loans that people are
forced to obtain because capitalists have reduced their wages and benefits, and
have curtained public spending through neoliberal policies (Soederberg, 2013).
“The Class of 2011 will graduate this spring from America’s colleges and
universities with a dubious distinction: the most indebted ever. $22,900:
Average student debt of newly minted college graduates. That’s 8% more than
last year and, in inflation-adjusted terms, 47% more than a decade ago. The
Collegiate Employment Research Institute estimates that the average salary for
holders of new bachelor degrees will be $36,866 this year, down 25% from
$46,500 in 2009” (Whitehouse, 2011).
Inequality. Not only is inequality increasing
in the U.S. between the capitalist class and the working class, it is also
increasing within the capitalist class. It is increasingly concentrated in the
very elite of that class. In 2007, the five best-paid hedge fund managers
earned more than all of the CEOs of the Fortune 500 corporations combined. The
income of just the top three hedge-fund managers (James Simon, John Paulson,
and George Soros) was a combined $9 billion!
Exploitation and stagnation: A double helix of
Marx explained that capitalist
exploitation is not only unjust and immoral, it is
economically unsustainable as well. Morality thus has a political-economic dimension.
Capitalist exploitation deprives workers of the financial means to consume what
they produce; this results in overproduction of goods, and stagnation in
production and profitability. Stagnation forces capitalists to desperate,
speculative, unsustainable measures to generate profit. These measures lead to
further exploitation and economic crisis, as in the Great Recession of 2008
(the magazine Monthly Review develops this point exceptionally well). This
is an intractable problem (an intractable dynamic or “law”) of capitalism that
dooms the system to collapse at some point – just as other grand social
systems have collapsed.
American capitalism has been in a
sustained decline since the 1970s (Ratner, 2012, pp. 294-302). One indicator is
that the recovery from the current recession is weaker than the recoveries from
recessions ending in 1975, 1982, 1991, and 2001, as measured by consumer
credit, disposable personal income, personal consumption, and the unemployment
rate. For example, adjusted for inflation, retail sales at the end of 2012 were
only 13% higher than when the recession officially ended in 2009; whereas sales
increased 18.5% in the aftermath of the previous four recessions (Wall Street Journal, Dec. 13,
2012, p. C1).
A recent study (“Majority of Jobs
Added in the Recovery Pay Low Wages, Study Finds,” New York Times, Aug.
31, 2012, p. B1) documents the dramatic deterioration in the American
capitalist political economy. While a majority of jobs lost during
the downturn were in the middle range of wages, a majority (58%) of those added
during the recovery have been low paying, according to a new report
from the National Employment Law Project. During the recovery, only low-wage
jobs increased more than they lost during the recession. Mid-wage jobs declined
by 4 million from 2008-2010, and regained less than 1 million from 2012-2012;
high-wage jobs declined by 1.1 million and have recovered 0.8 million; low-wage
jobs declined 1.2 million but increased by 2 million from 2010-2012. The
occupations with the fastest growth were retail sales (at a median wage of
$10.97 an hour) and food preparation workers ($9.04 an hour).
This report has important implications for the debate over
educational reform. The report shows that the capitalist political economy is
responsible for a
general deterioration of high and mid-level occupational skills. This filters
down into educational psychology where it reduces students’ educational
aspirations. The reduced economic incentive for educational achievement is
directly infused into schooling by neoliberal educational reforms that
restructure pedagogy along to be congruent with neoliberal political-economic
interests. This is described in the chapter in the Encyclopedia on macro
cultural psychology. Education will never improve as long as the economy has no
use for it, and neoliberals are limiting it. (Another consequence of neoliberal
educational reform is to narrow education so that students will not develop
critical, analytical, logical, cognitive skills and historical thinking that
would enable them to comprehend the full scale and the full reasons for the
deteriorating capitalist political economy and the entire society.
Comprehending this would lead to massive resentment and rebellion. Neoliberal
educational reform is thus really an assertion of social control over
potentially revolutionary resistance to the status quo.) Blaming education, bad
teachers, and bad pedagogy for the lack of high-skilled workers is a specious
distortion of the real reasons.
Privatizing the public
businesses dominate public institutions. Corporate corruption of the political
process is well-known (Wolin, 2008). Lesser known is
the fact that corporations have infiltrated police departments and make them do
their bidding.
The New York City
Police Dept. has set up a “Paid Detail Unit” of cops that corporations pay for
-- rent -- to enforce their own interests. They do so disguised as NYPD,
wearing NYPD uniforms and carrying weapons and using the training that are all
provided by the taxpayer. The Paid Detail typically reports directly to a
member of the internal security for the corporation. They follow the
rules given to them by the corporation. They work in their NYPD uniforms
so the public has no way to know they are not being paid by the NYPD, are not
under the jurisdiction of the NYPD, and are essentially private thugs. Yet they
use their authority as “off-duty” police to make arrests, as any off-duty cop
can -- in the interest of their corporate bosses, not public safety. This form
of privatizing public services to combat the public interest in whose name the
work is done, is more clandestine than privatizing education where at least
people know that teachers are not public employees or public servants, but are
private employees of private interests. J.P. Morgan bank and the New York Stock
Exchange recently paid $4 million to the New York City police department to
quell civil protests against Wall Street and establishment policies. These
privatized city cops conducted the mass arrests and beatings of Occupy Wall St.
protestors (Martens, 2011).
The national
police state. Exploitation and immerisation must be enforced and
defended against resistance by the victims. (This, of course, is reframed as
“security,” or protection.) Consequently, the State has become a police state
that spies on, detains, brutalizes, prevents, and prosecutes potential resistors.
Today, 64% of American federal employees are in the military or work for the
departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security.
The national
police state extends to the international police state. All modern capitalist
countries have conquered foreign nations through military and financial means,
including funding and training of death squads from Chile to Indonesia. One of
the worst of these interventions is the little-known fact that American
capitalists actively supported Hitler (Sutton, 2010).
Capitalism is a world system
Capitalism is a coherent, unified, administered
domestic system and international system. The capitalist class works in a
concerted fashion to impose capitalist practices on every social sector. Today,
they are actively at work to extend capitalist hegemony to the fields of
education, medicine, pensions, health insurance, election rules, legislative
procedures, the military, the judiciary, regulatory agencies, the media, news,
scientific research, athletics, tax codes, and trade. The 10 largest American
financial institutions control 60% of domestic financial assets. Globally, the
10 largest financial institutions control 70% of global financial assets
(Foster, 2010, p. 9).
Transnational capitalist corporations form
corporate-government institutions that subsume national governments within
corporate rules. Corporations are thus dominating national governments in a
unified world capitalist system (Carroll, 2012). The World Trade Organization
(WTO) decreed in June, 2012 that basic consumer
information such as country-of-origin labels on meat are “unfair trade
barriers” to multinational corporate profits. The WTO has proclaimed that U.S.
“dolphin-safe” tuna labels and a U.S. ban on clove-, candy- and cola-flavored
cigarettes both violate WTO trade rules. The recent WTO rulings are not merely
advisory. The United States will have to abandon some hard-won labeling rules
or pay to maintain them in the form of fines or sanctions.
The Obama administration has continued negotiations
on a secret Bush administration initiative called the “Trans-Pacific
Partnership.” It limits a signatory’s right to regulate land use, food safety,
natural resources, energy, healthcare, financial services, and human rights.
Special private courts would adjudicate compliance. These courts would consist
of three attorneys from corporations acting as judges. These corporate attorneys
would decide whether particular governments were in compliance with TPP
stipulations (see Marazzi, 2011 for an excellent discussion of capitalism's
recent trends).
Critical Debates
contrast to the description of capitalism as fundamentally a coherent, exploitive
system, defenders of capitalism describe it as segmented, efficient, rational, free,
productive, innovative, and benefitting community through the accumulation of
egotistical choices. Problems associated with capitalism are construed as anomalies,
mistakes, or accidents. Conservatives adopt this viewpoint wholesale. Liberals
adopt it with minor reservations and adjustments. Liberals recognize excessive
greed that plagues unfettered capitalism, but they believe that a few
governmental regulations will contain these and allow the advantages of the
market to prevail. Liberals never identify exploitation as an essential element
of capitalism. They never call for the transformation of the capitalist system
or the replacement of capitalist ruling class by a cooperative, democratic
political economy.
example, Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman (2012, p. 12), who describes himself as a
“free market liberal” economist, opines that “The truth is the recovery [from
the recession that began in 2008 and has persisted through 2012] would be
almost ridiculously easy to achieve: all we need is to reverse the austerity
policies of the past couple of years and temporarily boost spending…With a
boost in spending, we could be back to more or less full employment faster than
anyone imagines…Now is the time for the government to spend more until the
private sector is ready to carry the economy forward again…Measures I have
advocated would mainly try to boost the economy rather than try to transform
economic liberalism insists that the private capitalist economy is basically
sound and it just needs some government priming to get it back on track that a
few greedy capitalists have derailed. Krugman opposes transforming the
political economy, and this includes rejecting a cooperative transformation.
exemplifies the liberal position as loyal opposition to capitalism. It presses
for humanitarian changes within the system. This is utopian. The American
economy has been stagnating since the 1970s, 40 years before the current
crisis. The private economy has been plunging capitalism into a spiral of
permanent decline. GDP growth was 4.5% in the 1960s, 3% in the 70s, 80s, and
90s, and 1.5% from 2000-2011. The rate of growth in this last period was 63%
below that of the 1960s. From 2007-2012 the rate of growth was 0.6%, despite
the infusion of $14 trillion in government stimulus. Growth declined from 4.5%
in 1995 to 0.6% in 2012, despite massive tax cuts for the rich in 2003. Wages
now are at 1970s levels; wages for college graduates have declined 15% in the
past 10 years. The last several recessions have produced “recoveries” in GDP
and profits without any job increases (jobless recoveries). In addition, jobs
have become increasingly skewed toward poorly paid, low-skill occupations.
Furthermore, the industrial production index has steadily declined from 10% in
1955 to 2% in 2010 (an 80% decline). Manufacturing has been replaced by
financialization as the major driver of GDP. Yet financialization does not
produce anything and is therefore incapable of carrying the economy forward.
Quite the opposite, the rise of financialization to about 70% of the economy
has driven it to one crisis after another and to a steadily declining growth in
GDP (Foster & McChesney, 2012,
pp. 4, 15; Foster, 2010; New York Times, Sept. 16, 2012, p. SR4).
To proclaim that the private economy will
easily return to “normal” and carry us “forward” ignores this structural,
continuous, intractable decline in the private economy that is due to the
fundamental problem of overproduction that is rooted in the way that capitalism
generates wealth by exploiting its work force. Krugman’s position is close to
Milton Friedman’s apologetics for capitalism as the best, and only, political
economy, and in no need of fundamental, structural transformation, i.e., toward
Liberal achievements never challenge the essence of capitalism. Indeed,
they are always won by accommodating the capitalist ruling class. A few
examples demonstrate this:
Roosevelt was
quite adept at bargaining with corporations. In his first 100 days, to attract
corporate support for the National Industrial Recovery Act, he won collective
bargaining, minimum wages and maximum hours in exchange for a temporary
suspension of antitrust law, so businesses could fix prices. To establish the
Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934, he made concessions to Wall Street
that scrapped statutory requirements in favor of regulatory flexibility. The
following year, to allow the Federal Reserve to better conduct monetary policy,
he gave bankers representation on the policy committee.
Lyndon Johnson also
found little value in warring with corporations. He won a Keynesian tax cut in
early 1964, defeating budget-conscious conservatives, thanks to a broad
coalition that included corporations. He attracted business support to back his
first antipoverty bill by junking plans to promote family farming and push
businesses to hire long-term unemployed people. He created the Transportation
Department, in 1966, only after exempting resistant shipping interests from its
jurisdiction. He incited a new era of environmental protection, increasing
federal responsibility for cleaning air and water, while defusing corporate
opposition by trading away federal pollution standards.
Recently released e-mail exchanges between the Obama
White House and the pharmaceutical lobby, which detail a path of compromises
that won the drug industry’s support for the Affordable Care Act, certainly
look more like “business as usual” than “change.” The e-mails include a White
House promise of a “direct line of communication” to lobbyists, along with a
suggestion to “stay quiet” about an agreement that buried a proposal for cheap
drug imports. [The Act forces people, and subsidizes
them, to buy insurance from private companies. This individual mandate was a
conservative idea hatched by the right-wing Heritage Foundation – known
as the
Heritage Consumer Choice Health Plan --; promoted in the '90s by the likes of Newt Gingrich
and Bob Dole; first enacted by Mitt Romney as governor of Massachusetts; and
which benefits private insurance companies and the for-profit hospitals by
adding tens of millions of additional customers and the pharmaceutical industry
by banning Medicare from using its market power to negotiate lower drug prices.
The Act was largely written by health insurance industry
Health care was
not an anomaly for Mr. Obama. His original stimulus package never faced
well-financed conservative opposition in part because the United States Chamber
of Commerce backed the business tax cuts in the package. We got a Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau after Mr. Obama put Wall Street at ease by
resisting proposals to cap the size of banks. New standards lifting average
fuel-efficiency goals were set once the White House accepted the automakers’
demand for a review in 2021 and flexibility regarding light trucks. The food
safety bill empowered the Food and Drug Administration to recall tainted items but
won industry support by dropping a ban on bisphenol A, or BPA, a chemical used
in food and beverage containers (“How Liberals Win,” New York Times, July 1,
2012, p. SR8).
Obama’s liberal endorsement of the capitalist status
quo is also demonstrated in the fact that he has continued all of Bush’s
counterterrorism policies, as well as neoliberal educational policies
(Williams, 2012).
Liberalism thus does not understand the essential
problems of capitalism, nor can it solve them.
Practical Relevance: Capitalism and
Because this chapter appears in an Encyclopedia of Critical
Psychology, it is appropriate to discuss the way that capitalism organizes
psychological phenomena. This will not only explain concrete psychology, it
will also explain how capitalism maintains itself through subjectivity. This
reciprocal relation between cultural factors and
psychology/subjectivity/consciousness is central to understanding and
maintaining each.
Capitalism, marketing and engineering the bourgeois
Engineering desires, needs, and tastes through marketing is
a necessary way to overcome the problem of economic stagnation, described
earlier. Because workers cannot afford to purchase their products, they must be
induced to buy beyond their means. Extending credit is one aid – American
household debt is 113% of after tax income as of June 2012. Creating intense,
insatiable, uncontrollable desire is another inducement to consume beyond what
wages afford and should limit for the rational consumer. Marketers need to
create an entire irrational psychology that dispenses with rational decisions
based upon wages. This is what consumerism is all about. Commodifying the self
to identify one’s success and happiness with products is a key element of this
psychology. Another mechanism for inducing consumption is to promote “junk”
products that provide intense, superficial stimulation that quickly vanishes
and needs to replenished by new products. Junk food,
and the continuous snacking it causes, is an obvious example. Junk products
generate more purchases than wholesome products which generate
satiety and enduring satisfaction (Ratner, 2012, pp. 335-375).
Zwick explores the ways that consumer capitalism engineers
consumer psychology. He explains the erosion of community that consumer
capitalism promotes in the area of condo housing:
the dream of a community that protects against loneliness,
ensures meaningful personal encounters, and holds the promises of authentic and
lasting social relations may appeal to many potential condo buyers. Yet, the
frailty of each member's social, professional, and personal relationships means
that for most “members” community constitutes hardly more than a fragile
network of personal contacts. More importantly, given the increasing unpredictability
of professional and personal biographies in liquid modernity, the upwardly
mobile condo dweller cannot well afford belonging to a community made up of
lasting, committed relationships to a group, a person, or a place. Social
responsibilities and emotional dependencies are considered a liability for
mobility, a drag on personal freedom, and a potential barrier to a life of
enterprise. Hence, marketers must be careful not to present an unfashionable,
traditional version of community when what their particular clientele is
seeking is a deliberately patched-together set of active, consumerist,
pleasant, and affluent individuals “just like them”—what Dean calls
“enterprise community”—that allows for safe, enjoyable, and cooperative
exchanges while guaranteeing a non-committal and always temporary association
with others characteristic of neoliberal individualism.
explains that consumer capitalism insidiously promotes the autonomous self and
personal agency in fraudulent ways that actually work in the service of
A second biopolitical
strategy of condo marketing pursues what we term enterprising consumption. It
aims at stirring the desire of the aspiring middle-class condo population to
maintain a mode of existence centered on the “endless, self-creative project of
making yourself and your life a work of art”. The marketer asks the condo buyer
to consider the dwelling together with the large and always-changing universe
of consumption opportunities as a resource for the work of continuous
self-realization and self-production. Enterprising consumption is, hence,
presented as a form of self-government that pushes the buyer of the condo or
loft to cultivate him- or herself as “human capital” employed toward the
maximization of her own creative potential and investment. However, this
pursuit of lifestyling as a practice of continuous self-formation is not to be
viewed by the consuming subject as an end in itself. Rather, enterprising
consumption is to be undertaken as part of a straightforward economic calculus
where the right kind of local consumption is positioned as a key practice in
the transformation of the neighborhood and thus of economic value creation; for
example, attracting and supporting a more high-end retail environment in turn
increases the neighborhood's desirability more generally thus ensuring a rise
in value of the real estate investment. Put differently, "by urging the
buyer of a condo or loft to consider every act of consumption as a matter of
entrepreneurial judgment—as a cost–benefit calculation that can
ultimately be tied back to the value of the acquired real estate—condo
marketers hand the responsibility of future value creation (through the
transformation of the immediate and extended vicinity of the condo development)
over to the autonomous choices of each individual owner” (Zwick & Ozalp,
2011, pp, 239-240).
Biopolitical marketing is a
strategy of subjectivation by encouraging consumers to cultivate themselves as
autonomous and self-interested individuals who regard their performance of a
specific consumerist lifestyle, based on a particular set of economic,
cultural, and social resources, as a form of investment, which can generate a
return. It is a strategy of subjectification in that it seeks to govern a
population of consumers, or a community of buyers, as a form of “human capital”
whose effects produced at the level of everyday life are pitched against other
forms of human capital, thus framing all forms of life in economic value and
making every individual—including, as in the case of condo marketing,
populations not directly targeted by biopolitical marketing—morally
responsible for navigating the social realm using rational choice and
cost–benefit calculation to the express exclusion of all other values and
interests (ibid., 245-246; Zwick, Bonsu, Darmody, 2008).
Biopolitical marketing wants
to govern consumer conduct as a technology of the self, not through force and
coercion but through “autonomous” processes by which the self constructs and modifies
him- or herself in ways desired by the marketer. Biopolitical marketing relies
on a form of power that is primarily about the guidance of consumer behavior,
i.e. governing the forms of self-government, structuring and shaping the field
of possible action of subjects (p. 247).
The biopolitical turn in
marketing is an attempt to erect a specific space of power that produces
self-producing and self-governing subjects; and to
manage and channel the processes of self-production and self-governance into
profitable avenues. As a consequence, biopolitical marketing turns conventional
marketing on its head by positing what would be considered a desirable outcome
of a purchase such as community, social communication, and lifestyle as an
input for a new mode of surplus value production (p. 249).
research is a powerful critique of agency. For it demonstrates how agency has
been made to serve capitalism rather than the reverse. Capitalism encourages an
active, agentic, enterprising consumer who creates a lifestyle out of products
and is constantly searching for new ways to do this. This active self, of
course, generates more sales and profits. This cultural exploitation of agency
cannot be admitted by the ideology of individual choice, rationality, and democracy.
So biopolitical marketing denies its actions and pretends that it is simply
responding to autonomous, creative, self-expressive, authentic, agentive
It is
alarming that many cultural psychologists are fooled by this rational consumer
rhetoric: they claim that individuals are autonomous, creative, agentive beings
who use culture for their own purposes (Ratner, 2012, chap. 6).
Dunn (2008) emphasizes the 'systematic
commodification of need and want.' We don’t simply want commodities to use;
more insidiously, our psychology has become commodified, it has been infused
with the commodity form of capitalism. Psychological phenomena are defined
in terms of commodities that are bought and sold. Commodities make us feel
happy or sad, successful or unsuccessful, they determine what we need and want.
Commodities are presented in ways that tell us that we need and desire them.
They are not presented neutrally for us to consider. They are laden, or
saturated, with desire; they call for us to use them; this is why we “must”
have them. The self does not stand apart from commodities,
independently deciding which of them it wants to serve its own needs.
Commodities are the tail that wags the dog. We derive our status from the
objects we possess; objects define us more than we define them. This is why we
“must” have them. Objects are not bestowed upon us to reflect or express our
capacities. Rather, objects define us: we are popular because of our objects. We
buy our popularity through them.
proliferation of commodities generates proliferating needs, wants, and
emotions; it also generates a high intensity level of need and an insatiable
level of need -- even for such traditionally commonplace objects like sneakers,
trash cans, and telephones. Commodities determine our level and duration of
satisfaction (temporary), impatience and anticipation (of new products), the
intensity of our need and happiness, and our attention span. Commodification of
need and want refers to the fact that features of the commodity market organize
the manner in which we need and want, not merely the object of our want
(Ratner, 2012, pp. 335-375).
Within “the cultural logic of late capitalism,” David Howes
(2005) has suggested hyperesthesia or “the sensual logic of late capitalism” to
designate how commoditized senses and sensual codes pervade the mechanisms of
consumption, such as media, entertainment, advertising, retail architecture,
and fashion. Howes correctly highlights the role of the senses as a driving
force within the contemporary capitalist economy of consumption. As a term and
concept, hyperesthesia also implies a neuro- logical condition precipitated by
the logics and architectures of consumption. As a medical condition,
hyperesthesia involves an abnormal increase in sensitivity to stimuli of the
(2012) documents the commodification of psychological phenomena. She reveals
ways in which online dating commodifies the manner in which people portray
themselves and respond to each other. Looking for love is treated as looking
for a job. Internet self-presentations are short and must attract a viewer’s
attention in 3 seconds. Individuals brand themselves, and seek a return on
their investment in the quantitative form of responses. Presenters are often
rated with a number. This depersonalizes them. Several subjects who hooked up
on dates reported the experience of wanting to find more “6s” to compare. This
commodification of people into quantities led to lack of commitment since there
is always “another 6 out there.” Ironically, Hochschild reports that online
dating was most successful when participants minimized the commoditization
features that they had paid to adopt. Failures occurred when participants
adopted commoditization too seriously.
dating coaches similarly truncate their psychology by commodifying it. Coaches
commonly devise different packages or levels of assistance. They carefully
gauge their assistance, attention, and concern to how much the customer pays
for. This replaces genuine concern for helping the customer find satisfaction.
of Hochschild’s subjects applied business logic to her family behavior. She
believed in outsourcing whatever can be done better and cheaper, and she
applied this to herself: “I don’t invest my identity in the stuff I hand off. ‘m not a fantastic cook so it’s no problem to order in or eat
out.” The problem is that she winds up outsourcing all kinds of personal
interactions with her family. Instead of outsourcing increasing quality time,
it becomes an inexorable pressure to hire more experts and coaches for all
sorts of things. One executive paid an assistant to send flowers to his mother.
When she asked him the names of the flowers she had received, he did not know
what “he” had sent his mother.
market has so commodified our tastes, needs, desires, feelings, and logic that
many people feel more comfortable purchasing personal services than interacting
on a personal level. They feel that personal relations are too complex,
embarrassing, or unreliable. Only a few decades ago, before market dominance,
people thought just the opposite.
The Pharmaceutical
interesting example of capitalist psychology is the manner in which the self is
shaped by the massive presence of corporate pharmaceuticals -- especially,
psychopharmaceuticals. Anthropologists have called this the “Pharmaceutical
Self” (Jenkins, 2010). They begin with identifying “psychopharmaceutical
culture.” It is critical to identify such concrete factors and systems and to
studiously avoid nebulous cultural abstractions such as “collectivism,” “power
difference,” and “neuroticism” which never deal with concrete factors, their
organization in a social system, and their politics.
“anthropology of psychopharmaceuticals” studies them as cultural factors --
i.e., as institutions, cultural artifacts, and cultural concepts. The “social
life of medicine” includes its existence as a commodity based in capitalist,
global corporations, subject to all the principles,
dynamics, manufacture, research, and marketing that characterize such corporate
products. The cultural-politics of medicine also include ways that they are
included in government health policy, which, of course, is heavily influenced
by corporate “lobbying.” For
instance, drug companies promote neoliberal governmentality that shrinks public
services such as mental hospitals so that patients will be sent into society
without adequate support and supervision, and will require heavy doses of
medication, for which they are held responsible to regularly consume. Drug
companies also influence psychiatric research -- including diagnostic measures
such as DSM. -- to emphasize biological causes
of disorders and medical treatments. (This has the political effect of reducing
attention to social critique of socio-cultural causes of psychological
problems, which has occurred throughout the social sciences and in the National
Institute for Mental Health.) Drug companies press insurance companies to
reduce their compensation to physicians, so that doctors are forced to examine
more patients per day and rely more on medication than on involved, personal
treatment such as psychotherapy. Neoliberal corporate social philosophy also
promotes the notion that individuals are responsible for their own behavior and
are not entitled to public support, which further throws patients back onto
individual medication (see Applbaum, 2009 for a case study of how drug
companies organize – “channel” -- insurance companies, physicians,
hospitals, governmental regulatory agencies, patient advocacy groups, and
patients to pay for, prescribe, endorse, and “need” psychopharmaceuticals for
an expanding set of disorders. This process seeks to convert these expert
gatekeepers into pliable consumers of manufacturers’ propaganda. The process of
channeling many disparate players from distinct organizations holding different
interests, represents an important new stage of
corporate management power that is horizontal. This testifies to corporate
power becoming more insidious, duplicitous, multiplicitous, and tentacular as
it extends beyond its own doors to seemingly independent experts and consumers.
This new form of corporate hegemony and its psychological effects and
requirements is an important subject for cultural psychologists to study).
cultural-political- economic elements are built into psychopharmaceuticals.
Psychopharmaceuticals thus “totalize” a broad culture of interrelated factors.
The features of this commodity culture are cultivated into the subjectivities
of potential patients to prepare them to accept psychotropic drugs as the
solution to their problem. Psychopharmaceuticals constitute a cultural
“imaginary” which is the conceivable possibilities for human action. The
“pharmaceutical cultural imaginary” structures the agency of citizens
concerning the directions it is likely to take when casting about to understand
and solve life problems.
“Strategic medicalization” conditions
patients to view themselves through the cultural lenses of neoliberal social
philosophy, budgets, medical care from physicians, bio-medical causes of
psychological disturbance, autonomous, self-responsible individualism, and
fragmented communities with no social support.
International Relevance
thorough understanding of capitalism is vital for the world’s people for whom
capitalism is the dominant world system. The more they understand the
structure, principles, and dynamics of capitalism the more they will understand
the way it organizes their lives. Understanding the capitalist world system is
also crucial for setting forth a direction of social reform that specifically
counters capitalism’s exploitive features, and utilizes its advancing features.
Understanding capitalism as a global system also unifies multitudes of people
around the world in a common set of problems that demand a common solution.
People thus have an objective common interest in cooperating toward a common
alternative to capitalism – as the chapter on emancipation in this
Encyclopedia explains. If people realized this in their subjective
understanding, they would halt the internecine divisions and conflicts that are
decimating their cultures.
capitalism as an exploitive system should lead to a new direction for analyzing
(deconsrtructing) social phenomena and solving (reconstructing) social
problems. Social phenomena that are habitual, acceptable, enjoyable, and
desirable will be viewed more critically to ascertain whether they embody
exploitive features of the capitalist system. One of these is the
identification of individualism with freedom, agency, and choice. The truth is
that in capitalist society, these four terms are insidious constructs for
perpetuating the unequal, unjust class structure. The truth is that freedom,
agency, and choice are never individual acts; they are always structured by
social positions. Ignoring social positions and pretending that choices are
free and agentive simply disguises social conditioning and perpetuates it. When
poor black males make choices, they cannot be similar to choices that
rich white women make. This is why the wealthiest members of the capitalist
class promote individual choice – because they know that this ideology
preserves their elite position -- it allows them to utilize their resources as
the means for implementing choices that poor people can never implement. Really
free choices require that anyone who wants to pursue a desire has the social means for implementing them. This requires
changing social conditions which individualism obfuscates.
reanalysis (deconstruction) that capitalism affords concerns cultural events
such as movies, television, music, advertising, and art. They will be analyzed
in terms of whether they oppress people (and prepare them to accept oppression
as normal) by fostering superficiality, sensationalism, impulsiveness,
irrationality, disarray, egoism, violence, transitory involvement, and passive-uncritical
acceptance of information, or whether cultural phenomena foster critical
thinking, logical reasoning, character development, drawing conclusions from
empirical facts, and social responsibility. Today there is little cultural
critique that resembles the Frankfurt School, or the work on cultural kitsch in
the 1930s-60s.
analysis of this chapter also leads to explaining social problems –
including psychological problems -- as rooted in fundamental, exploitive features
of capitalism. They are persistent because they are functional. Capitalists
fight to preserve them and they fight against ameliorating them through
political or economic changes. Consequently, social problems should not be
construed as mistakes, accidents, anomalies, or technical fluctuations that can
remedied by technically tweaking the system. People
must reject bailing out the system, and must instead bail out from the system
to develop a new paradigm based on new principles, practices, and parameters.
critique and transformation of capitalism must include the subjectivity,
consciousness, or psychology that animates it. Oppressive elements of
psychological functions must be identified, critiqued, and re-educated. I
explain this in the chapters on Psychology of Oppression, False Consciousness,
Macro Cultural Psychology, and Emancipation in this Encyclopedia.
must seek to develop a concrete oppositional system to capitalism. It must
negate the exploitive, core elements of capitalism, and replace them with a cooperative,
coherent, stable, supportive social system (Hudis, 2012, Ratner, 2013). It will
entitle people to own and control their social institutions, resources, and
artifacts. This is the most thorough way to overcome the myriad social problems
that are caused by alienation and exploitation.
capitalism’s exploitive basis and telos does not mean that capitalism is
entirely exploitive or destructive. Future directions for social improvement
must analyze capitalism’s fruitful features to be used in a humane society. These
include respect for individual desires, opportunities, and views, as well as an
emphasis on efficiency and innovation, plus large scale, coordinated
enterprises and planning. These cannot be accepted in their current form, which
is saddled by the logic of capitalism.
and Multiculturalism
critical perspective on capitalism emphasizes its exploitive political economy
as its central (but not only) element. Exploitation has the strongest
explanatory, descriptive, and predictive power concerning behavior. The
critical perspective also emphasizes the need to transform the capitalist
political economy to a democratic-collective one as the only way to solve
capitalism's problems and unify people in a true collective social
organization. Movements that do not analyze and transform the exploitive
political economy are incapable of understanding and improving human
behavior/psychology and social life.
A case in
point is the liberal humanistic attempt at respecting diverse peoples and their
indigenous cultures/ethnicities. This multiculturalism is deficient despite its
good intentions to achieve peace and harmony through respect. One problem is
its failure to critically evaluate the diverse cultures/ethnicities it promotes.
Multiculturalism/diversity generally takes pride in indigenous, local cultural
customs. This blanket respect for virtually all cultures and peoples overlooks
their numerous problems. Multiculturalism/diversity additionally fails to
engage in critical, political analysis and transformation of capitalism. It
presumes that people can be respected just by valuing all cultures/ethnicities
and their funds of knowledge/wisdom. If we simply realize how enriching cultures
are, we will respect them, and peace and harmony will follow (Thomas calls this
"banal multiculturalism," see Ratner, 2011 for discussion and
strategy operates in blissful disregard of the capitalist juggernaut. It fails
to analyze or challenge capitalism, retreating instead into local cultural ethnicities.
"The cultural turn" is a detour around capitalism that diverts
attention from critiquing and transforming capitalism as it glorifies minority
customs. This leaves people subject to the ravages of capitalism, including
competition, estrangement, egoism, materialism, climate change, financial
speculation, class structure, and aggressiveness that prevent respecting and
cooperating with people. Indigenous, ethnic customs do nothing to negate these
problems. Multiculturalism does not even significantly improve the social
position of minorities. Minorities remain marginalized despite decades of civil
rights laws to accept them into the mainstream. Ethnicity can only truly be
respected in a democratic, cooperative society that supersedes the capitalist
political economy (as I explain in my chapter on Emancipation in this
Encyclopedia). This means that the cultural turn should turn toward critiquing capitalist
culture and its psychological correlates.
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