Family History Research:
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~surname research page~

surname sites
by ethnicity
heraldry surname

~general surname sites~

Cyndi's Surname List
Families Connect Surname Registy
Family Chronicle-Surname List
Family Chronicle-Surname Origins
Gateway to Surname Origins GenForum
Naming Systems
Origins of Family Names
Our Lost Family
Surname Exchange
Surname History Index
Surname Origins
Surname Specific Webrings
Surname Springboard
Surname Submission Board
Surname Variations
Surnames: What's in a Name?
Surnames & Genealogy Club
Surname Web
Tree Search Connections
US Surname Distribution

~surnames by ethnicity~

Basque Baber's Basque Page: List of Surnames Researched
China Chinese Surnames
The Origin of Chinese Surnames
Czechoslovakia Origin and Distribution of Czech Surnames
England Dorset Surname Interest List
Lancashire Family Names: Meanings & Origins
Surnames of North Eastern England
West Riding Yorkshire Surname Interests
France - French Canada Avoyelles French Family Name Origins
French-Canadian Surnames: Variants, Dit, Anglicization, etc.
Germany German Surnames and their Origins
Hispanic Hispanic Surnames: Tu Apellido Origen y Arinas
Iceland Structure of Icelandic Surnames
Ireland Ancient Irish Surnames
Irish Genealogy at Suite 101
On-line Irish Names Research Directory
Italy L'Italia dei Cognomi
The Origins of Italian Names
Sicilian Ancestry & Surname Registry
Sephardic Genealogy Sources: Name Lists
Philippines Catalog of Filipino Names
Poland Naming Customs found in Poland
Notes on Selected Polish Surnames
Russia A Dictionary of Period Russian Names
Scotland Scottish Names Research
Switzerland Swiss Surname Directory
Wales Welsh Patronymics
Welsh Surnames

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~heraldry & coat of arms~

~surname searches~

I Found It Genealogy Search Engine

Common Threads

~surname articles~


Please send me any web sites you would like to see listed here as well!
Simone Haslam © last modified May 2002

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