Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 ... 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

Freaky coincidence: This quarter, a DJ named Ben decided to take a break from the station. Ben is my cohort in jazz/experimental musics, especially the crazy free jazz likes of Peter Brotzmann and Ken Vandermark, and European improvisers like Evan Parker. Who should step in but another DJ named Ben, who's also into some of that stuff. Ben W. is debuting this quarter with "Rock in a Position," a show that includes prog rock and some acoustic/folky stuff, but also touches on weird noises and the occasional out-jazz track.

When Ben W. asked for a substitute for today's show, I just had to step up. Particularly since my regular time slot, tomorrow, is 70% pre-empted by a baseball game. Since I won't be here next week, this lets me get my on-air fix in -- aaahhhhhh.

As usual, in trying to conform closer to what Ben would play than what I would play, I opened up a lot of new directions; it's like exercise for the mind. I was left with a lot of unused ideas that I'll be trying to pack into my show in weeks to come.


* Wayne Peet Quartet -- "Five Swirls" -- Wayne Peet Quartet: Live at Al's Bar (pfMentum, 2005)

Fred Frith Guitar Quartet -- "Stinky Eye/To Laugh Uncleanly at the Nurse"/"Spitty Boy" -- Up Beat (Ambiances Magnetiques, 1999) Brothomstates -- "Brothomstates Ipxen" -- Claro (Warp, 2001) * Hard Cell with Tim Berne -- "My First Phone" -- Feign (Screwgun, 2005) ! Happy the Man -- "Run into the Ground" -- Better Late ... (Azimuth, 1983) ! Djam Karet -- "Heads of Ni-Oh" -- A Night for Baku (Cuneiform, 2003)

*! Mats Morgan Band -- "Sinus" -- Thanks for Flying with us (Cuneiform, 2005)

-- 7:00 a.m. --

* Steuart Liebig Stigtette -- "Alchemy" -- Delta (pfMentum, 2005)

? Ethel -- "Shuffle [mvmt. 3 of "Sweet Hardwood" by John King, 1996] -- Ethel (Cantaloupe, 2003) The Redressers -- "To Each According" -- To Each According ... (Free Porcupine Society, 2005) * Edmund Welles: The Bass Clarinet Quartet -- "Asmodeus: The Destroyer, King of the Demons" -- Agrippa's 3 Books (Zeroth Law, 2005) * Zu and Mats Gustafsson -- "How to Raise an Ox" -- How to Raise an Ox (Atavistic, 2005)

* Dirty Three -- "Even Since" -- Cinders (Touch and Go, 2005

* The Stares -- "From the Sky" -- Spine to Sea (Web of Mimicry, 2005)

Charming Hostess -- "Zenica Blues" -- Sarajevo Blues (Tzadik, 2004)

Amy Denio -- "Car Life" -- Birthing Chair Blues (Knitting Factory, 1991)

-- 8:00 a.m. --

* The Vandermark 5 -- "That was Now" -- The Color of Memory (Atavistic, 2005)

Peter Kowald, Miya Masaoka, Gino Robair -- "View 20" -- Illuminations (Rastascan, 2003) * On Ensemble -- "Little Man" -- Dust and Sand (self-released, 2005) * Ettrick -- [untitled track 4] -- Demo EP (self-released, 2005) * Moutin Reunion Quartet -- "MRC" -- V/A: French Jazz Essentials (Bureau Export De La Musique Francaise, 2005) * John William Gordon -- "Quidnunc Mo" -- John William Gordon (self-released, 2005) * Decision Dream -- "Steamroom Variations, part 1" -- Steamroom Variations (Red Toucan, 2005)

* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Prog set
? = Item not in KZSU library

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