Friday, Dec. 8, 2006 ... 4:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

Album week! An unofficial KZSU tradition, intended to aid students cramming for finals. The idea is to pick album(s) of the year and play them entirely.

It might sound boring (remember, it's intended to be easy for the DJ) but I've had fun in the past culling albums down to fit 60 minutes (or adding a filler track or two to get up to 60 minutes), so I could play one per hour, and I've tended to use the opportunity to spotlight local artists.

Choices this year were a bit on the more accessible side, if you can call it that: Ben Goldberg and Edmund Welles: The Bass Clarinet Quartet. I wanted to include some improv but didn't have the time; an intermission track from the CBD Trio had to suffice.

The show opened with a couple of non-local tracks, intended to just get me to the top of the hour.

I've changed the format for the "full album" plays; you can probably figure it out.

* Keefe Jackson's Fast Citizens -- "Blackout" -- Ready Everyday (Delmark, 2006)

Rashied Ali -- "Judgment Day" -- Judgment Day (Survival, 2006)

Edmund Welles: The Bass Clarinet Quartet: Agrippa's 3 Books (Zeroth Law, 2006) ... Prelude: The Conspiracy Manifests / Cause and Effect / The Black Lodge / Corso V. Torchia / Asmodeus: The Destroyer, King of the Demons / Postlude: Aphel, Die Schwarze Schlange / Into the Void / Roots Bloody Roots / Big Bottom CBD Trio -- "Crescendo" -- Suspension (Rastascan, 2006) Ben Goldberg Quintet: The Door, The Hat, The Chair, The Fact (Cryptogramophone, 2006) ... Petals / Song and Dance / Long Last Moment / F13 / Facts / Blinks / I Before E Before I / Learned from Susan Stewart / MF / Facts / Dog's Life / Lone / Cortege / (hidden track)

* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library

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