Friday, June 15th, 2007
... 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ...
KZSU, 90.1 FM
On a whim, I e-mailed drummer Jeff Arnal to suggest doing an interview.
Arnal is one of those artists who's been kind enough to send us his
CDs over the years, not just of his own pressing but from labels that
don't normally service college radio. I've always liked his stuff and
figured it would be nice to take a half hour or so to get to know the
guy a little better.
Of course, you can do that yourself by going to his
Web page.
Horizontal lines denote microphone breaks.
Jeff Arnal and Gordon Beeferman -- "I Dip My Hands Once Again in the Ocean" -- (Generate, 2001)
As noted here, a set of piano/drums
duets that comes across with a bit of a classical air. Nice improvisations.
* Arthur Bull and Daniel Heikalo -- "Afterthought for Ornette" -- Concentres et Amalgames (Ambiances Magnetiques, 2006)
* Declared Enemy -- "Flowers" -- Night of 100001 Stars: A Tribute to Jean Genet (Rogue Art, 2007)
Other Dimensions in Music -- "Steve's Festive Visions Revisited" -- Now! (AUM Fidelity, 1998)
* William Parker/Hamid Drake -- "First Communion III-A" -- First Communion/Piercing the Veil (AUM Fidelity, 2006)
-- 4:00 p.m. --
Transit -- "Cortelyou Q" -- Transit (Clean Feed, 2005)
Previously noted here, an
impressive jazz-improv quartet with Jeff Arnal on the drums.
Jeff Arnal and Dietrich Eichmann -- [untitled: Side B, track 2] -- Live in Hamburg (Broken Research, 2007)
Duets of percussion, piano, and a few other noisemakers (mostly acoustic percussion, it sounds like), recorded in a church in Germany, if I'm remembering Jeff's story right. Echoey and clattery, with its sparse spaces but also moments of violent abandon. And it's a vinyl-only release -- ooh, shiny, black -- in a limited edition. Nice stuff. It's got three tracks -- one comprising all of side A, and then two tracks on side B.
Jeff Arnal -- Interview, part 1
* Tripwire -- "Hearing Device" -- Looking in My Ear (Creative Sources, 2006)
Jeff Arnal -- Interview, part 2
Jeff Arnal and Gordon Beeferman -- "Sanctum" -- Rogue States (Generate, 2006)
Jeff Arnal -- Interview, part 3
* Tripwire -- "Constellations" -- Looking in My Ear (Creative Sources, 2006)
Stuart Saunders Smith -- "Each Moment an Ending" -- Breath: The Percussion Music of Stuart Saunders Smith (11 West, 2003)
During the interview, Jeff mentioned studying under Smith and
learning quite a bit from him. As we had this CD in the library, I
figured it was a great excuse to give it a spin. We're talking tuned
percussion pieces here: Lots of bells, xylophone, marimba, that sort of
thing, with multiple players for a forest/sheen effect sometimes. Smith
wears a long gray beard,
* Lake | Tchicai | Osgood | Westergaard -- "Turku Boogie" -- Lake | Tchicai | Osgood | Westergaard (Passin' Thru, 2006)
*! Jessica Bailiff -- "" -- Feels Like Home (Kranky, 2006)
* Myra Melford and Tanya Kalmanovitch -- "" -- Heart Mountain (Perspicacity, 2007)
-- 5:00 p.m. --
* Reel Change -- "When the Spirit Moves" -- Open in Total Darkness (Evander, 2006)
Previously noted here. This is
the album's tour de force, a 25-minute epic. The base is a slowish flute,
creating a placid, organic feel that wouldn't be out of place in a
modern-classical piece. Slowly springly electronics sounds, possible from
an altered lap-steel guitar, spring up to create a more "improv" feel,
with a bit of a dark, ominous overtone. The rest is a floating
controlled chaos, again not too different from an open-minded conservatory
program. Nice work.
* Triosk -- "Lazyboat" -- The Headlight Serenade (Leaf Label, 2006)
From Australia, a trio doing a scattery kind of avant-jazz,
concentrating more on atmosphere than on composition or technique.
Ambient avant jazz? Other tracks get more aggressive.
* Logan Richardson -- "Like Water" -- Cerebral Flow (Fresh Sound New Talent, 2006)
Mainstream stuff with a nice progressive attitude.
* Michael Dessen -- "The Eye Is the First Circle" -- Lineal (Circumvention, 2006)
* Scott Tinkler -- "Slam It Down Fast To Be a Solo Man" -- Backwards (Extreme, 2006)
* Joel Harrison -- "You Bring the Rain" -- Harbor (High Note, 2007)
* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library
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