Friday, November 2nd, 2007 ... 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

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It's the third time Amy X. Neuburg has appeared on my show; this time she'll be calling in for a brief live chat about "The Secret Language of Subways," a song cycle for voice, three cellos, and Neuburg's sundry gadgets and mic tricks. The debut performance last year impressed the hell out of me, as did a short set Neuburg and the band did at the during a benefit for violinist Irene Sazer. In fact, the Freight was impressed enough to invite the group down for a full performance on Nov. 3 (tomorrow night).

KQED-TV's Spark program did a nice profile of Neuburg that includes footage of the "Subways" debut concert.

Epilogue, Nov. 4: The show at the Freight was good fun. The house was packed with Neuburg fans. When the promoter asked for a show of hands, about 40% of the crowd admitted they'd never been to the Freight before. I overheard a couple of people explaining the show to friends -- they'd been impressed enough not only to come back but to drag others along with them. The mood was a lot lighter and looser, since this was less formal than the full theatrical presentation of a year ago, but the songs were just as effective. The guy sitting next to us, who'd never heard of Neuburg before, was blown away from the first song and came out a believer.

Neuburg and the ChiXtet will be back in March or April for a set of shows with Paul Dresher at the Theatre Artaud. The Innova CD should be out by then.

Horizontal lines denote microphone breaks.

? Human Feel -- "Cat Heaven" -- Galore (Skirl, 2007)

* Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Orchestra -- "Hat and Beard" -- Out to Lunch (Doubt, 2007)

! Eileen Ivers -- "Humors of Ballyloughlin/Knocknagow" -- Eileen Ivers (Green Linnet, 1994) * Rudder -- "Stablemaster" -- Rudder (19/8, 2007)
* Kamikaze Ground Crew -- "Christopher Columbus" -- Postcards from the High Wire (Busmeat, 2007) Matthew Shipp -- "Nooks and Corners" -- Piano Vortex (Thirsty Ear, 2007) * Bruce Eisenbeil Sextet -- "Cues To The Vagabond" -- Inner Constellation, Volume One (Nemu, 2007)
* David Slusser and Rubber City -- "Down in the Mine" -- Trouble in Tiretown (Jazz Excursion, 2007) * Terence Blanchard -- "Funeral Dirge" -- A Tale of God's Will (Blue Note, 2007)
-- 4:00 p.m. --

* David Torn -- "Structural Functions Of Prezens" -- Prezens (ECM, 2007)

* Jean-Marc Hebert -- "Salif" -- L'autre (Ambiances Magnetiques, 2007)

! Rykarda Parasol -- "Just Like Gin" -- V/A: At the Crossroads (Three Ring, 2007) Flute Force 4 -- "Paseo Del Mar" -- Flutistry (Black Saint, 1997)

* Kioku -- "Pinari" -- Both Far and Near (Quiet Design, 2007)

Kletka Red -- "Sirba" -- Hijacking (Tzadik, 1996)

* Jason Kao Hwang and Sang Won Park -- "Grassy Hills" -- Local Lingo (Euonymous, 2007)

-- 5:00 p.m. --

Amy X. Neuburg -- Interview

Amy X. Neuburg -- "Stone" -- Residue (Other Minds, 2004)

Daniel Bernard Roumain -- "The La La Song" -- Etudes 4 Violin & Electronix (Thirsty Ear, 2007)

* Jon Raskin Quartet -- "Kandinsky" -- Jon Raskin Quartet (Rastascan, 2007)
Mujician -- "There's No Going Back Now" [excerpt] -- There's No Going Back Now (Cuneiform, 2006) Cheryl E. Leonard -- "Mongol Falcon" -- -- V/A: Women Take Back the Noise (Ubuibi, 2006)
John Abercrombie -- "Descending Grace" -- Class Trip (ECM, 2004)

* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library

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