Friday, November 16th, 2007 ... 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

(Return to playlists.)

I am toying with the idea of extending these entries to something like LiveJournal. Disadvantages include the fact that people might actually read them, putting more pressure on me to get things done on time. Also, most blog pages use a "skinny column" format that doesn't provide room for the look/feel that I like for the playlists. One advantage to LiveJournal would be the ability to make the text go full-screen "below the fold." I guess I could just have the blog entries link back to here. Ultra-hipster blogger types might find that uncouth and irritating. Actually, that's all the more reason to do it that way.

I don't buy into the Power Of Blogging cult. Yes, it's a good medium that will ultimately have a positive impact on news delivery and information flow. But I don't go all-out saying blogs will usurp all other lines of communication; like most of Web 2.0, blogs are more about self-absorption than "community."

Plus, food for thought: The immediacy of news delivery today means journalists (bloggers) now have to do more work under tighter deadlines, probably for less pay. (Any time "the masses" can do something, it lowers the pay scale.) Blogs = Corporate America wins again!

Horizontal lines denote microphone breaks.

* William Parker/Raining on the Moon -- "Tutsi Orphans" -- Corn Meal Dance (AUM Fidelity, 2007)

? Lowbelly -- "Sleep Orange Dream" -- A Phoenix in the Sun (Fort Hazel, 2007)

Daniel Studer -- "Fragment 1" -- Ianus (Unit, 2004) Gustavo Aguilar -- "Zamzam, a Ki River Spring" -- Dreaming with Serpents (Acoustic Levitation, 1999) * Susanna Lindeborg's Mwendo Dawa -- "Spring Lines" -- Live at Fasching (LJ Records, 2006)

* Mrafi -- "Alice"/"Il Crogiuolo" -- La Terra di Giubba (Rai Trade, 2006)

Ornette Coleman -- "The Face of the Bass" -- Change of the Century (Atlantic, 1959)

-- 4:00 p.m. --

* Kirk Joseph's Backyard Groove -- "Get Your Shit Straight" -- Sousafunk Ave. (self-released, 2005)

Leonard Nimoy -- "Alien" -- V/A: Brain in a Box: Disc 4: Incidental/Lounge (Rhino, 2000; orig released 197???) * Happy Apple -- "1996 A.D." -- Happy Apple Back on Top (Sunnyside, 2007)

* Francois Carrier and Michel Lambert -- "White Summit" -- Kathmandu (FMR, 2007)

* James Gordon Anderson -- "Alphamirrar (Green Emerald Mix)" -- Transtemporal Empires (self-released, 2007) * Jon Raskin Quartet -- "African Tulips" -- Jon Raskin Quartet (Rastascan, 2007)

* Kioku -- "Binalig" [excerpt] -- Both Far and Near (Quiet Design, 2007)

Matthew Shipp -- "The New Circumstance" -- Piano Vortex (Thirsty Ear, 2007)

* Martin Speicher, Georg Wolf, Lou Grassi -- "Please, Confirm!" -- Shapes and Shadows (Clean Feed, 2007)

-- 5:00 p.m. --

Patrick Cress' Telepathy -- "Zum Bolly Bali" -- Meditation, Realization (Odd Shaped Case, 2006)
Patrick Cress' Telepathy -- "Sarcasm in the 13th Dimension" -- Meditation, Realization (Odd Shaped Case, 2006)

* Myo -- "Some Things I've Lost, Some Things I've Gained" -- Process (MT6, 2007)

* Taffetas -- "Taffetas" -- Fanta (Rasa, 2006) * Melanie Auclair -- "Jour 2: L'adaptation" -- Decore Sonore (Ambiances Magnetiques,2007)

Morgan Guberman and Matt Ingalls -- "Verdigris" -- Duets (self-released, 1999)

* Timeless Pulse Quintet -- "21" [excerpt] -- Timeless Pulse Quintet (Mutable, 2007) * Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Orchestra -- "Straight Up and Down/Will Be Back" [excerpt] -- Out to Lunch (Doubt, 2007)

* Saco Yasuma -- "Liquid Entity" -- Another Rain (Leaf Note, 2007)

* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library

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