Friday, January 11th, 2008 ... 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

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At the last minute, a regular listener named Mark was able to set us up with Vijay Iyer for a phone interview regarding Still Life with Commentator, the latest CD and concert project he's doing with hip-hop poet Mike Ladd. David Leikam helped with the interview.

Horizontal lines denote microphone breaks.

* Myra Melford/Trio M -- "Brainfire and Buglight" -- Big Picture (Cryptogramophone, 2007)

* Tony Wilson 6tet -- "Boo-Dat" -- Pearls Before Swine (Drip Audio, 2007)

* Francois Carrier and Michel Lambert -- "Namaste" -- Kathmandu (FMR, 2007)

* Marty Ehrlich and Myra Melford -- "I See a Horizon" -- Spark! (Palmetto, 2007)

* Martin Speicher, Georg Wolf, Lou Grassi -- "Please, Confirm!" -- Shapes and Shadows (Clean Feed, 2007)

* Sam Newsome -- "Four in One" -- Monk Abstractions (self-released, 2007)

-- 3:00 p.m. --

Vijay Iyer -- Interview, Part 1

? Vijay Iyer and Mike Ladd -- "Cleaning Up the Mess" -- Still Life with Commentator (Savoy Jazz, 2007) Vijay Iyer -- Interview, Part 2

? Vijay Iyer and Mike Ladd -- "Mount Rather" -- Still Life with Commentator (Savoy Jazz, 2007)

* Splatter 3 + N -- "Selim" -- Clear the Club (Rastascan, 2007)

* Heiner Goebbels and Alfred Harth -- "Vorwarts!" -- Hommage/Vier Fauste and Vom Sprengen Des Gartens (ReR Megacorp, 2007; orig released 1979?)

? Tim Berne's Bloodcount -- "Eye Contact" -- Memory Select (JMT, 1995; re-released by Winter & Winter)

-- 5:00 p.m. --

* Iannis Xenakis -- "Palimpsest" -- Iannis Xenakis [1922-2001] (BVHaast, 2007; recorded 1979)

* Evan Parker and Matthew Shipp --"Tenor Suite 2" -- Abbey Road Duos (Treader, 2007)

Trio Putanesca -- "How About You?" -- Live at Yoshi's (Evander, 1999)

Borful Tang -- "Roach" -- Sunshine Militant Children's Hour/Borful Tang [split EP] (Gigante Sound, 2006)

Tommy Flanagan -- "Upper Berth" -- T's Magic (Savoy, 1957)

* Amir ElSaffar -- "Khosh Reng (Maqam Awj)" -- Two Rivers (Pi Recordings, 2007) * James Carney Group -- "Williwaw" -- Green-Wood (Songlines, 2007)

* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library

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