Friday, January 23rd, 2009 ... 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

(Return to playlists.) Of note this week:

  • Reminder: David S. Ware needs a kidney transplant.
  • ... and a bit more about his music, too.
  • Preparing for a Klezmery Messiaen
  • Hank Jones is how old?
  • Sun Ra shines on.

    William Parker Quartet -- Petit Oiseau (AUM Fidelity, 2008)

    Source: AUM Fidelity
    Parker's stuff is commonly put in the free jazz bin, and with good reason (note his work on David S. Ware's Cryptology, above). But the work he's done lately with his quartet might be better categorized as just plain modern jazz: post-bop compositions with healthy, grooving rhythms to them. Sure, there's some wild fire to the solos from Rob Brown and Lewis Barnes, and there's no glossy piano like you'd hear in a typical jazz-club date, but the rhythm is infectious and the writing is catchy.

    The 17-minute "Groove Sweet" is a great example, a suite composed of a few different grooves serving as bedrock for some tasty soloing. "Talaps Theme" is another nice jam, one that's down at a more radio-friendly six minutes. "Four for Tommy" is forcefully chugging bop, a jazzy good listen, while "Malachi's Mode" inserts a touch of joyous South African tones.

    It's only towards the end of the album that the quartet explores more experimental, inner-space territory. "Dust from a Mountain" opens with mystical wood-flute tones, later opening up for a big-sky, searching sax solo. "Shorter for Alan," which I'm guessing is a play-on-words tribute involving Wayne Shorter (I'm drawing a blank on the "Alan" part, though), has its jamming aspects but uses a dark, abstract theme and incorporates some free-form group work as well as an introspective unaccompanied bass solo.

    Horizontal lines denote microphone breaks.

    David S. Ware -- "Panoramic" -- Cryptology (Homestead, 1994)

    * Mostly Other People Do the Killing -- "Fagundus" -- This Is Our Moosic (Hot Cup, 2008)

    *! Eric Chenaux -- "Have I Lost My Eyes" -- Sloppy Ground (Constellation, 2008) * Pierre Vervloesem -- "Roaccutane" -- Not Even Close (Off, 2008)

    * James Zitro -- "Freeken" [excerpt] -- Zitro (ESP-Disk, 2008; orig. released 1967)

    Rod Poole -- "The Death Adder" [excerpt] -- The Death Adder (W.I.N., 1996) * Northern Valentine -- "Born Yesterday" -- The Distance Brings Us Closer (Silber, 2008)

    Source: Atavistic
    * Sun Ra -- "Solar Differentials" -- Secrets of the Sun (Atavistic, 2008; orig. released 1964)

    -- 4:00 p.m. --

    * William Parker Quartet -- "Talaps Theme" -- Petit Oiseau (AUM Fidelity, 2008)

    * Kayhan Kalhor and Brooklyn Rider -- "Paraz" -- Silent City (Harmonia Mundi, 2008) American Celebration Duo -- "Lilly Has a Rose" -- Though Love Be a Day (Innova, 2000) * Colter Frazier Quartet -- "4 Days and 5 Months" -- Colter Frazier Quartet (pfMentum, 2008)

    Next week, Stanford Lively Arts is putting on "Akoka: A Messiaen Remix," a program by David Krakauer and Matt Haimovitz. They'll be presenting Olivier Messiaen's "Quartet for the End of Time" from three angles: A Klezmerized version, a "straight" classical version, and a hip-hop/sampling version led by DJ Socalled. Details here (free registration required).

    David Krakauer -- "Klezmer a la Bechet" -- A New Hot One (Label Bleu, 2000)

    Matt Haimovitz -- "Gordon" [composed by Adrian Pop] -- Goulash! (Oxingale, 2006)

    * Rudresh Mahanthappa -- "Ganesha" -- Kinsmen (Pi Recordings, 2008)

    *! Kimya Dawson -- "I Like Bears" -- Alphabutt (K, 2008) * The Lost Trio -- "Unfaithful Servant" -- Plays the Solid Gold Hits! (Evander, 2008)
    -- 5:00 p.m. --

    ? Mats Gustafsson -- "Untitled (Shield)" -- The Vilnius Explosion (NoBusiness, 2008)

    ? Mats Gustafsson -- "Untitled (Shield)" [cont'd] -- The Vilnius Explosion (NoBusiness, 2008)

    ? Edmund Welles (The Bass Clarinet Quartet) -- "Synge" -- Tooth & Claw (Zeroth Law, 2007)

    Hank Jones and Cheik-Tidiane Seck -- "Tounia Kanibala" -- V/A: Mondo Africa (Mondo Melodia, 2001)

    Hank Jones -- "I Didn't Know What Time It Was" -- Tiptoe Tapdance (Galaxy, 1978)

    * Carlos Giffoni -- "A Son with No Father" -- Adult Life (No Fun, 2008)

    * Olekranon -- "Pisellini" -- Armor (Inam, 2008) * Yellowcake -- "Definitive and Subject to Change" -- Yellowcake (Rastascan, 2006) * Royal Hartigan Ensemble -- "High Definition Truth" -- Blood Drum Spirit: The Royal Hartigan Ensemble Live in China (Innova, 2008)

    * = Item in KZSU rotation
    ! = Pop anomaly
    ? = Item not in KZSU library

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