Turnovers occur when:
Leaping: normal players can leap over pit counters or prone players (not dirty tricks) , but not standing players or empty squares. They must dodge out of tackle zones normally if they start thier leap in one, and subtract 1 from the ag roll for the leap for every tackle zone they are leaping into.
A coach rolls his own players armour and injury rolls.
A coach can reroll his own armour and injury rolls, although the opposing coach can call for a reroll on a foul armour roll, only if the original roll would eject the fouling player.
Players cannot throw the _ball_ to an empty square. There must be an intended reciever.
A coach may use as many rerolls in a turn as he has available (but a given roll may only be rerolled once).
A maximum of 8 'normal' rerolls are in effect, but Leader, Stadium, or Kickoff rerolls can make the total higher.
The -1 modifier for landing with an inaccurate teammate throw IS in effect (tho a missed player-pass does NOT cause a turnover unless the passed player loses the ball), so the blue card is official, not the 'easy' rules from the book.
Foul assists work like block assists.
Either coach may reroll the AV roll, which can result in a total of 3 rolls, tho the fouling coach may only reroll in order to avoid being caught (the new roll can still change whether the foul is sucessful or not as well, but the fouling coach cannot reroll an unsucessful foul unless he rolls doubles).
Serious Injury Table
D66 roll effect 11-46 miss 1 game 51-56 niggling injury 61-62 -1 MA 63 -1 ST 64 -1 AG 65-66 -1 AV
If a player rolls a 65-66 (serious concussion/fractured skull) roll an extra d6 and add 1 if the injury is a 66. On a 4-6 he gains the Bone-Head 'skill'. If the player already has Bone-Head, he replaces the skill with Really Stupid.
These skills are cumulative with previous skills on big guys, but cannot be removed (although if an ogre with bone head becomes really stupid thru this, he can 'remove' the normal bone head, and become...bone headed) Wild Animal with bonehead/stupid works like this: Before moving ANY non-wild players, coach must roll for Wild Animal. If he makes the role, he then moves as if bone/stupid (does not have to move immediately unless the coach wants to), however, the WA roll MUST be made. If the WA roll fails, he makes his wild move as normal, but still counts and bone/stupid, so the coach may have to burn a reroll to move anyone else.
Skills like Mighty Blow, Dirty Player, and Claws are not cumulative. However, AV and injury are separate rolls, so Claw and Mighty Blow would give a +2/+1 bonus. (other skill combos work similarly)
Stand Firm does negate frenzy.
Skills like Mighty Blow only work when the player with the skill attempts the block.
Regeneration works on a 4, 5 or 6; but may be rolled after each series.
If a player loses his head coach to a dirty trick or event, he must give up his entire match earnings for the game to get a new one.
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