(including big guy 'negative' skills)
BLOOD GREED: Whenever a player with Blood Greed kills an opponent, he stops whatever else he's doing and begins eating him. (he will drop the ball if holding it) He will do so until the next drive,and has no tackle zone, unless another player from either team blocks him. At that point, the player becomes enraged and will automatically go berzerk at the beginning of each of his team's turn, like a failed Wild Animal roll, but will not show preference for either team, and will not use up his team's blitz action. Players being eaten may not roll to regenerate at the end of the drive (tho they may on subsequent drives).
ALWAYS HUNGRY: The player is always ravenously hungry - and what's more he'll eat absolutely anything! Should a player with this skill ever use the Throw Team-Mate skill, roll a D6 after he picks the player to be thrown, but before he throws them. On a roll of 1 he attempts to eat the unfortunate player! Roll the D6 again, a second 1 means that he successfully scarfs the other player down, with obviously fatal results for the latter. On a roll of 2-6 the other player squirms free and should be placed prone in a randomly selected adjacent square (if the square is occupied then the original occupant is pushed back and knocked over).
BONE HEAD: Roll a D6 before taking an action for a player with this skill. On a roll of 1 they standing around trying to remember what it is they're meant to be doing. This means that they can't do anything for the turn, and they lose their tackle zone until they managed to roll something other than a '1' at the start of a turn. In addition, bone-headed players must take their actions last of all during a turn UNLESS there is a player from the team that is not a bone-head or really stupid in an adjacent square. This simply reflects the slow-witted and sluggish nature of these creatures unless there is someone around to tell them to get a move-on (and now you know why the Ogre on the covr has a Goblin undr his arm!).
REALLY STUPID: This is treated in exactly the same way as the Bone-Head skill, except that the player can't do anything on a roll of 1-3 instead of only a '1' _unless_ there is a friendly player in an adjacent square who is not either a Bone-Head or Really Stupid too (i.e. if there's a sneaky Goblin next to the Troll, treat the Troll as a Bone-Headed rather than really stupid!). In addition, really stupid players must take their actions last of all during a turn; in other words, once you've taken an action with a really stupid player, the only other type of player you may take an action with is another really stupid player. This applies even if there is an intelligent player standing next to the really stupid one. This simply reflects the _really_ slow-witted and sluggish nature of these creatures.
TAKE ROOT: Roll a D6 for the player before each drive. On a roll of 1-2 the player has rooted into the dugout and misses the drive all together! On a 3, he is placed as normal, but cannot move and cannot be knocked over. (Make armor rolls whenever he would be knocked down).
WILD ANIMAL: A player with this skill tends to get a bit, erm, carried away during a match, and rather lets his natural enthusiasm overcome him. Wild animals must take their actions first of all during a turn; if you take an action with wild animal after having moved a player tht is not a Wild Animal, then your opponent call call you for illegal procedure exactly as if you had forgotten to move the turn marker. In addition you must roll a D6 before taking an action with a Wild Animal. On a roll of '1' he goes berserk. Berserk players immediately drop the ball if they have it, which causes a turnover at the *end* of their action. The berserk player will then attempt to block the _nearest_ player - friend or foe - attacking them as if he were making a frenzied blitz move (i.e. he keeps blocking until the victim goes down or he runs out of movement). The berserk player will always go for an opposing player if there's a choice, but otherwise decide randomly who he goes for. The berserk move DOES count as the team's blitz action, with the eception tht it can be made even if another Wild Animal from the team has already gone beserk and blitzed. Berserk wild animals _do_ have to go for it in order to try and knock their victim over!
OFF FOR A BITE: Roll a D6 for *each* player with this skill each time you want to set them up on the pitch. On a roll of 4-6 they can be set up normally, but on a roll of 1-3 they've popped into the crowd to bite the lily-white neck of an attractive maiden (and who can blame them!), and can't be used this drive.
IMMATURE: At the beggining of the player's move, roll a D6. On a 1-2, the player does nothing, as he's intimidated by the frantic chaos of the BB field. You may add 1 to the die roll for every teammate with a TZ on the player, and must subtract 1 for every enemy TZ on the player. A roll of 1/6 always fails/succeeds. This skill cannot be removed by doubles.
SILVER BULLET: Player may only be killed by silver. If the werewolf is "killed" roll a d6. On a 1 or 2, the assailant happened to kill him with something silver and he dies. On a 3-6, he survived, but is still Serioiusly Injured.
REVERT: On each kickoff, roll a d6 after setup. On a 1 the werewolf reverts to his pityfull human form. At the next kickoff he can turn back into a werewolf if he rolls something other than a 1. HUMAN: 5 / 3 / 2 / 7 The Human form retains any star player upgrades from the wolf form.
BREATH FIRE: Once per game, the player may opt to breath fire instead of block. Place the lightning bolt template in any direction from the player, all models touched by the template must make an AG roll to avoid being hit. Those hit must make an AV roll to avoid injury (they are not knocked over). If a player with this skills rolls doubles for a new skill, can opt to get an extra use of it per game instead of a new skill.
DISTRACT: Player has a particular talent with hand-checks and choice insults. Any opponent trying to throw or catch the ball while in the player's tackle zone must subtract 2 from his die roll instead of 1.
HATRED: The player has a very violent (an un-PC) prejudice against a certain other race. The player may add 1 to his strength when blocking a player of the hated race, and hated players must add 1 to thier injury rolls when blocked/fouled by the player (in addition to other modifiers). A player may get the hatred skill more than once, against different races. If the player begins a turn next to a hated opponent, he MUST make a block or blitz (or foul if hated player is prone) against the hated opponent. If he is next to several hated opponents, he may choose which. They player may choose whatever race he hates, and will hate any member of that race's team list.
TEAM PLAYER: Having this skill allows your team to roll one less ally roll at each half. Having multiple players with this skill on a team gives a cumulative effect.
SNEAKY: Sneaky players get to add one to any 'argue the ref' call that involves themselves (cumulative with Intimidate). Also, at the start of any drive that a sneaky player is in the reserves box, after setup but before the kick, he may attempt to sneak onto the pitch, breaking the 11 man rule. Roll a d6. On a 1, he is caught and ejected (may argue), on a 5-6 he may be placed on the pitch, under normal restrictions, but as a 12th (or 13th, 14th, 15th, or even 16th) man.
INTIMIDATE: The player is an extra-fearsome representative of his race. While this doesn't do much against other BloodBowl players, it has an affect on others. Whenever fans try and injure the player, he gets an AV roll to resist. Also, the player can help his team argue penalties. Any time the coach rolls to argue a penalty, the coach can have the Intimidating player help. The penalty is succesfully argued on a 5 or 6, but on a 1 both the head coach and the Intimidating player is ejected along with the person commiting the illegal act (an intimidating player may help argue his own penalties as well). Multiple Intimidating players do not affect the penalty roll further. In addition, once per opponent's team turn, if an opposing player attempts to block an Intimidating player, the Intimidating player rolls 2d6, if he rolls equal to or less than his own strength, he may shift the block roll one die in his favor (1d becomes 2d his pick, or such) up to 3d in his favor.
TOUGHNESS: A player with Toughness is harder to injure/kill than normal. Toughness allows a player to ignore one poing of AV and Injury roll modification. (would cancel MB, halve DP ect)... this skill is cumulative with Chaos Armour.
PERFECT SPIRAL: A player with this skill throws the ball with just the right soft tough. Anyone catching an accurate pass thrown by the player can add an extra +1 to the catch roll.
SQUIG RIDER: (Only available to Gobbos with squigs on roster) Goblin can ride a squig on the field for better control of the beast. Use a squig rider model, which counts as both players (2 players on the pitch.) instead of the squig attacking the nearest player automatically, the rider may direct him up to his MA using the sideline scatter template (he may still attack nearest player automatically any time during the move). He may not stop an in progress attack, however (frenzy). The model is treated for blocking purposes as the squig, but both the squig and gobbo make AV and injury rolls separately. If either is KO'd or worse, replace the model with the individual's model for the rest of the drive. If either is stunned, place the model face down. One or both players being stunned is the same effect (unles one is stunned and the other is KO'd or worse).
REBUILD: The player is particularly hard to kill, as being a construct he can be rebuilt with 'spare' parts. If the player is killed roll a d6 1-2:Dead 3-4:can be rebuilt, but suffers the effects of a serious injury 5-6:he's OK for next game(treat as badly hurt).
TATTOOS: The player's AV cannot be modified by any means, but also cannot go above an 8.
WINGS: A player with wings may, instead of moving, 'throw' himself across the pitch. He may go as far as Long Bomb range, and does not take up the team's passing action (tho it counts as full use of his MA, it may be used in a blitz, allowing one block after landing, or pass action). Otherwise the rules are the same as throw teammate, using the flyer's AG for both the pass and the landing.
CHAOS/SKAVEN: This represents different mutations exclusively available to types of mutants, depending on race (skaven) and chaos patron (Korne, Nurgle, ect.) of the player, whichever of the following mutations apply.
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