Welcome to Heather
Daylight's Online Portfolio This site is obviously ancient, I used it 15 years ago when working as a commercial illustrator. I have it up still as it has illustrations and artwork I have done over the years, which my friends and customers often ask to see. Click any button below to view the work. A Note To Those Who Would Use/Download/Steal My Work: Please understand that my artwork is how I pay my bills and feed myself. I worked very hard in Art School and have made many sacrifices to train and study art and will be paying off my Student Loans until I die. Artwork is exactly that; WORK. Many hours of work. I do bi-weekly searches for my work and when found I will ask your server to remove it under Internet Copyright Laws. It's not that hard to email me, ask PERMISSION to use my art and give me a byline. Generally I am easy to deal with, unless your aim is to reproduce and sell my work or are a site I have a moral issue with I will usually let you use it. I am flattered you enjoy my work. Please do not use it in any manner otherwise, ever. Not an avatar, a magazine cover, illustration for pamphlets, homework, anything. No. Don't. Ask me first. Otherwise it is stealing. Email: daylight@sonic.net |