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Tapestry weaving workshop using the 
“Trishary Loom”- 

Workshop leader: Trisha Gow, (Scotland)

“The loom was designed with the Symposium in mind. I wanted to be able to weave when I  went on holiday and I liked the idea of being able to weave the symposium samples in the plane !! The loom is designed to frame the finished article and can be hung on the wall with work in progress

There were 8 participants who were given fungi dyed yarn plus yarns and also had yarns of their own.  They were taught to warp up, basic weave, ghiordes knot, soumak , and each weaving grew at the pace of the weaver . We worked so hard that we forgot to take photographs. We expected to show each other what we were doing at the “show and tell” but this event did not happen. During the workshop people came in to see what we were doing and took photograph , so if you have a photo can you let Dorothy and Trisha have a  copy?”

Trisha Gow

Note: We worked so hard that we forgot to take photographs. We expected to show each other what we were doing at the “show and tell” but this event did not happen. During the workshop people came in to see what we were doing and took photographs, so if you have a photo can you let Dorothy and Trisha have a copy?” Thank You- Trisha Gow

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