Archaeological Studies

Brought to you by

David G. Bieling & Sunshine Psota


Sonoma County, California

These Pages Last Updated 22 February 2009

For summaries of recent archaeological studies conducted, visit the following pages:

Coming Soon: Holman & Associates' 1996 Archaeological Studies at CA-MRN-254

PICS of Excavations at MRN-254
PICS of Excavations at MRN-254

Coming Soon: Holman & Associates' 1998 Archaeological Studies at CA-MRN-255

PICS of Excavations at MRN-255
PICS of Excavations at MRN-255
PICS of Excavations at MRN-255

Obsidian Studies at Three Sites in Pleasanton, California Ala-555, Ala-483, & Ala-483 Extension
Obsidian Studies at SOL-356 in Green Valley, California
Obsidian Studies at ALA-42 in Pleasanton, California
Franz Valley Obsidian, Sonoma County, California
NEW Information about the Obsidian Hydration process
This page and those linked to it provide information about the use of obsidian hydration. The technique of specimen preparation and measurement is described on the first page. Other pages (soon to come) show results of various studies and summaries of hydration results.

NEW Skyrocket Site - Early Assemblage
Introduction to Flaked Stone Analysis of Materials from the Skyrocket Site, Calaveras County, California
NEW - Skyrocket - Illustrations of selected Flaked Stone Items from the Paleo-Archaic Assemblage
Visual Sourcing of Eastern Sierra/Western Great Basin Obsidians
View a Map of Major Obsidian Sources in California & Western Nevada
View Hydration Charts for Pleasanton Sites


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