Flaked Stone Materials from the Skyrocket Site

Illustration of Fluted Projectile Point from
Paleo-Archaic Assemblage - ca. 9000 b.p.

10 February 1998

First flute: Truncates lateral first series of thinning/shaping flake scars. Left lateral side steepened over first series. Possible remnant of ventral or dorsal face on right lateral portion.
Second flute: Second series of lateral thinning/shaping flake scars invasive of lateral edges of flute scar as evidenced by filials on flake terminations.
With exception of most proximal edges of basal tangs, lateral margins & basal concavity are polished. Distal extent of polished margins truncated by use-damage.
Max Length = (38.7 mm)
Max Width = 31.8 mm
Max Thickness = 8.1 mm
Basal Depth = 8.7 mm (Axial Length = [30.0 mm])
Basal Width at 1 cm above base = 30.5 mm
Max Thickness at Flute = 7.3 mm
Spine Plane Angle - Rt Lat Edge = 30 degrees
Spine Plane Angle - Lft Lat Edge = 34 degrees
Edge Angle - Rt Lat Edge = 35 degrees
Edge Angle - Lft Lat Edge = 49 degrees

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