Flaked Stone Materials from the Skyrocket Site

10 February 1998

Summary of Findings

Discussion of Findings from Flaked Stone Analysis

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Apologies for the poor quality of the first four photos. The photos were made as slides under poor lighting conditions and from the slides I made 8x10 color prints. They were never intended to be of report quality and therefore, look pretty bad. Unfortunately, with the exception of several others showing scrapers and other bifaces, this is all I have available regarding the earliest assemblages.
The photo of the fluted point was made by a colleague, mainly to highlight the flake scars, but because it was screened, it doesn't look very good at a larger scale.
To view illustrations of artifacts from the Deep Component, go to: http://www.sonic.net/~dbieling/sky-arts.html


·  Large Stemmed Points
Paleo-Archaic Assemblage

·  Large Biface Forms
Paleo-Archaic Assemblage

·  Small Stemmed Points
Early Archaic Assemblage

·  Miscellaneous Biface Forms
Early Archaic Assemblage

·  Fluted Point - Photo
Paleo-Archaic Assemblage


·  Fluted Point - Illustration
Paleo-Archaic Assemblage

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