Degree Consulting Services

What clients say about Degree Consulting Services

Over the years since 1977 we have helped more than 8,500 clients, with virtually every kind of academic interest and need. Our clients provide us with a steady stream of feedback about their experiences in the vast world of distance learning. This includes their experiences in degree programs, and their career development. This feedback gives a unique perspective and depth to our consulting: we know what people experience in the real world of distance learning. Here are excerpts from some communications:

"I had earned about 90 credits but did not have the time or money to finish my degree through a traditional college. I earned my Bachelors by taking some exams and some additional courses. I used your counseling service and it was the best thing I ever did."

M. F., California

"I received your mailing today and have spent the last several hours in review of it. Please accept my thanks to you even prior to steps on my part. Just the reduction from hundreds of possible schools to a manageable number of choices allows me a much freer and calmer breathing space."

F. S., Ohio

"It's more educational counseling than I have received in all my 35 years."

N. S., Maryland

"I am now enrolled in a fully accredited nontraditional Doctoral program, paid for by my VA benefits. Your work was one of the best investments we ever made. Thank you for a truly honest, viable, and authoritative piece of research."

F. N., Florida

"Thank you for your excellent consultation concerning theological studies. Your reports, I believe, are the best in the academic consulting field."

J. U., Ohio

"I'm happy to report that I will soon be receiving a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Systems Management. Thanks for putting me on the right track. The small investment made in using your service has paid off in the realization of a lifelong dream."

P. C., Germany

"Your advice literally saved me from the ruination of my career. I am now enrolled in a good program and have only you to thank."

J. F., Virginia

"Because of your service my entire life has changed. My hope is that more people who do not see hope for an education, and who are unsure of correspondence degrees, will call you."

S. A., Oregon

"After much investigation I am about to settle on one of two schools to do my Doctorate. I have turned over dozens of rocks and have dived into the deepest depths of distance education...Your original counseling letter turned out to be solid and reliable."

A. I., Louisiana

"I appreciate your thoughtful and prompt response. Your recommendations and suggestions were to the point, and readily accepted. In one shot you spelled out the various options for the entire degree program that I wanted to explore."

S. S., Saudi Arabia

"I am writing to thank you foremost for your highly informative counseling letter regarding my intention of obtaining a Doctorate in International Affairs. Your efforts have opened my eyes to a variety of opportunities which otherwise would not have come to my attention."

D. B., New York

"Had it not been for your enlightenment, I might still be inquiring to schools at random, hoping to discover one that had the program I was seeking. I was awarded the PhD in June of last year. I could never have accomplished all this without your assistance. You have a tremendous service and I thank you. You should advertise more. There are thousands of people out there waiting for your help, and don't even know you exist."

J. C., Indiana

"Thank you very much for the extensive information you sent regarding a graduate degree in psychology. This was more in-depth than I was expecting and has helped me immensely. The additional information regarding a license in California was particularly helpful."

S. V., California

"Your materials have been a great help in bringing me closer to the determination of what I really want. What we want is determined by what we think we can have, but if there are more possibilities and we can have more, we can get a bit more ambitious."

R. D., California

"I am very grateful for the service you provide. I would never have known where to begin. I am also thankful that when I have questions that I can ask someone that can help me."

S.B., Connecticut

"I received your consulting response to my enquiry into Doctoral programs in Computer Science. Your response was certainly worth my small investment. I am very pleased with the broad scope and soundness of your recommendations."

P. F., Thailand

"It was through your advice that I earned my MA and PhD in Education without ever going to America. As a result of consulting you, my educational status was so enhanced that Michigan State University invited and awarded me the status of Visiting Research Scholar."

M.B., England

"Thank you for your suggestions on my application essay! You are right on with your suggestions..."

K. P., Florida

"I am in receipt of your lengthy report, and I thank you for the obvious diligence, specificity, and enlightening information that it contains. I have greatly benefited by your comprehensive discussion of correspondence law study and other law study issues, and the full range of options enclosed. I want to thank you for the precision and knowledge shown in answering my specific questions."

J. W., New York

"You provided me with information which I don't believe I could have obtained at any price."

D. D., Canada

"Thank you for your information and for wading through my long letter to you, making sense from it and coming up with the good concrete information."

D. K., Jordan

"Distance learning was my best alternative for a Masters degree since my vocation and family are here in Guatemala. Your recommendation was right on the mark."

P. A., Guatemala

"In 1998 you wrote me recommending options for completing my Bachelors degree. Largely in response to your recommendations, I enrolled...and have almost completed my Bachelor of Science with a concentration in business, specializing in Information Systems. Thank you for your advice. It was excellent and made a significant contribution to my life."

C. W., California

"I took your advice and contacted four or five universities you had suggested, and ended up with the programme you had recommended most strongly. So far I am very satisfied with the course. Thank you again for your sound advice and very useful information."

S.M., Norway

"The services you provided me were highly professional in every way, and inordinately beneficial. I wrote all ten of the universities you recommended and only one failed to get back to me in a timely manner. Each of the schools you recommended offered diverse programs, and had features that made it unique and desirable."

P. T., California

"I wish to express my gratitude for your advice concerning my goal to enter a doctoral program in philosophy. It was certainly the best dollar for value deal I've had in a long time."

H. H., Arizona

"Thank you for your prompt reply to my latest inquiry. I am looking into several of your suggestions and feel a lot closer than last year to knowing what my focus and direction are. I will be glad to recommend your service to others."

T. B., New York

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Degree Consulting Services
P.O. Box 3533, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
538 Blackstone Ct., Santa Rosa, CA 95409
tel. 707.539.6466 fax 707.538.3577