DREAMTIME MITOTE? The Dreamtime Mitote is a powerful energetic practice given to us by the Toltec Nagual, don Miguel Ruiz. Participants come together for a ceremony at sunset and spend the night together dreaming a new personal dream of unconditional love and freedom. The Toltecs say there is a "Mitote" in our minds that keeps us from being free. They describe this Mitote as the sound of 1,000 people talking at the market place and nobody listening. In our minds it is the sound of the Judge and the Victim, as well as all the other voices that attack, defend, and justify ourselves. Several years ago, Miguel Ruiz was asked to create a powerful medicine that would break the hold of this Mitote on the human mind. In response to this request, he created the Dreamtime Mitote energy by harnessing a pure ray of the sun and experimenting with it until it was tamed. Then he seeded this new Mitote energy into some of his teachers. We now share this dream with others. The Mitote energy is a specific dream that is alive. It is made of light. It has the ability to go into your personal dream and shift that dream. Your mind is like a computer, with its very own program. That program was put into that computer during your childhood "domestication" and reflects the values and beliefs of the society that were there before you were born. This program includes, at its core, beliefs and agreements based in self judgment and self rejection. The Mitote energy acts like a virus in the mind's computer, going into the old program, breaking it down, and changing it. During the Mitote, the Mitote Master hooks the pure ray of the Mitote energy to the personal dream of the participants. This ray has the point of view of the light from the sun as it really is, before it is reflected by humans. It has the power to de-scramble the light in the human mind. The Dreamtime Mitote begins with a ceremony at sunset to hook this ray of the sun and to assure that the participants' attention is hooked together to create new channels of communication while sharing the Mitote dream. A candle holds the ray of the sun during the night-long Mitote. At dawn a ceremony closes the Mitote energy and releases the ray to return to the sun. During the night, participants are guided by the Mitote Master as they alternate being awake and asleep. Instructions are given for various exercises of intent and dreaming that change according to the experience and alchemy of the group. Participants report beneficial and sometimes unexpected changes and effects from the Mitote occurring for many weeks after the experience. Thank you for sharing Allan’s message with others