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Allan’s Sabbatical News

Allan’s Mexican Sabbatical in Puerto Vallarta

December 12 is the saint’s day for the Virgin of Guadalupe throughout Mexico. It is a special time of celebration and worship in Puerto Vallarta, with villagers and organizations marching to the church over a period of several days. These photos are some of Allan’s impressions of the celebration. Note that they are taken with available light only, so there is a wonderful element of motion and mystery to them.

Street filled with people,
going to Church of Guadalupe

Street dancers on the way to
the church of Guadalupe, PV

Parade to the Church of Guadalupe PV

Street food, Argentina style, PV

Dessert woman with daughter

Mother and infant at street fruit stand

Boy with banana desserts, street booth

Parade to
Church of Guadalupe with candles

PV Sunset #1

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