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The two-edged sword can cut both ways-- to hurt or to heal.
To be impeccable with our word is to always use our word in Love.
These sword pendants serve to remind us
of our commitment to Love and our integrity.

Cast from the original pendants created for the first
Circle of Fire Celebration in 1996, these sword pendants
are 1 1/2" long and are available in SILVER or GOLD.
SILVER is also available with a small RUBY in the center;
GOLD is also available with a small DIAMOND in the center.

$ 55.00
price on request
$ 85.00
price on request

To order your sword or a beautiful new Joydancer pendant,

please visit the Joydancer Store here

Thank you for your order.

We look forward to seeing you at the annual Joydancer Summer Celebration of Love!

Questions? E-mail swords@joydancer.com

The Sword in the Stone
Sword Pendants from Circle of Fire
Excerpt from "TACO": Honeymoon with God
Ceremony at the Circle of Fire

The Sword in the StoneCircle of Fire PrayerCircle of Fire CeremonySword Pendants

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