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don Allan Hardman

Joydancer Mission Statement and Allan Hardman's Bio

Allan Hardman (don Allan) is a Toltec Master in the lineage of the Nagual Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. Since completing his ten year apprenticeship with don Miguel, he has been teaching the Toltec path of personal transformation throughout the US, and on Journeys of the Spirit to sacred sites around the world.

Allan brings extensive experience in spiritual counseling and emotional
healing to his teaching of the Toltec Path and to creating spiritual community.
He shares his experience, dedication, piercing insight, and compassionate humor with his students and personal apprentices around the world. His
"Toltec Apprentice Community Online" (TACO), serves an international
need for spiritual community and sharing the Toltec Wisdom.

Allan's Axiom #1: "Live Passionately Without
Attachment to the Outcome!"

Allan is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book (below), and
co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World
(with Deepak Chopra, Dean Ornish, Caroline Myss, Prince Charles,
and many others).

Allan is accessible. You can speak with him directly by telephone at
or e-mail him at donallan@joydancer.com.


Toltec Book



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The 5th Annual Joydancer

Summer Celebration of Life!!

July 10~12, 2009

At Walker Creek Ranch, Marin County, California

This inexpensive residential weekend

is a celebration of

Life, Love, and all things sacred.

Renew, Refresh, and Enjoy. . .

• Wisdom Talks

• Inspirational Music

• Transformational Workshops

• Drumming Fire Ceremony

• Dreamtime Mitote

• Delicious Food

• Sunday Circle of Love

Go here for Celebration details and registration



Toltec Apprentice Community OnLine

Experience an Amazing Program

of Free TeleClasses

And audio archives and video

Go here for TeleClass schedule and registration

Coming Attractions!

Teotihuacán, Mexico ~
Full Moon in the Pyramids

October, 2009
Watch here for details.

Subscribe to our e-newlstter on the left

(Read this article by Allan Hardman)

A Special Photo Tribute
In gratitude and honor
of don Miguel Ruiz
The Joydancer Store OnLine
Buy Toltec books and music, jewelry, altar items, and art collected by Allan on his “Journeys of the Spirit” to Mexico, Guatemala and Peru.
Featuring Allan's new book, The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, his 5-CD set of The New Relationship ~ Five Agreements to Make Love Come True, and Much MORE!

Free Joydancer TeleClasses & Audio ~ and now, video!
Register to participate with Allan, or listen online

"The New Relationship~ Five Agreements to Make Love Come True"
Read the summary of Allan's new work

"The Joydancer (Not-So-Daily)
Thought for the Day" Archives:
Read many of don Allan's words of wisdom

Calendar of Journeys and Events
Teotihuacán |
5th Annual Summer Celebrations of Life

Photo Album • Power Journeys to Teotihuacán, and the beach at Chacala, Mexico
Testimonials, Love Stories and Blatant Hyperbole:
Inspirations about "TACO," Journeys of the Spirit, and the Teachings
don Allan's Notebook ~ Insights and Musings including: An Interview with Allan: "The Masculine's Journey from Guilt to Love"
Icon 4 Apprenticeships in the Toltec Lineage of Miguel Ruiz with Allan Hardman
TACO OnLine Apprentice Program | Long Distance Apprenticeships | Spiritual Coaching


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Contact don Allan & Joydancer Staff

 Email the webmaster with questions or comments about the Joydancer website.

Joydancer Mission Statement Allan Hardman Bio Listen to a Welcome Message from Allan Hardman