A Nightmare in 3/4 Time
The Misadventure of Eva Marie Hudson and Betty Ruth
Jordan in
Vienna, the City of Dreams
Welcome to the world of Spies,
Champagne and Chocolates -- deadly combination, to the dismay of
Betty Ruth Jordan and the daughter of Judge Harold J. Hudson.
This delightful
misadventure is designed
to entertain and challenge adult readers. We invite you to step into a
world where the past and present seem to be interlinked; Where spies
drop like flies and no one seems to care; Where the hunt for lost
Swiss bank accounts and art still goes on.
Judge Harold J. Hudson disappears
from the streets of Vienna.
His partners ask his daughter Eva to send for Hudson’s mistress Jordan to help find
Jordan and Eva decide not to trust the partners, and set out to find
themselves. Jordan
is not surprised to find that the trail of Harold Hudson is full of
misadventures. It leads to strange places and into strange beds. She is
surprised when spies start dropping about her from fatal wounds. She is
surprised that the trail leads her into the sewers of the City of Dreams before
nightmare ends.
Jordan learns that playing fast and loose
with the rules leads to pursuit by lecherous men she dare not avoid.
She learns
the City of Dreams is also the City of Spies, and she must
somehow survive them all and find a ‘List’ and a treasure hidden by
Nazis half
a century ago. Then she can earn safety for herself and her lover
amidst the
dead and dying -- or can she?
Explore Jordan's world by clicking on her image, below.
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CITY OF DREAMS - Chapter One.
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This page last updated on January 29, 2001.
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