There were three nuns at the chapels that want to take a break on the weekend and have fun on the town. The father first rejected the request, but after much pleading, the father agreed with one condition, and that is when the nuns come back, they have to confess to him what happen over the weekend. The three nuns went out for the weekend and came back on Monday. All three were in the chapel and one of the nun approach the father. Father: "Would you like to confess sins?" The nun noded. Nun: "Father, over the weekend, I went to watch a R-rated movie. Please forgive me." The father gazed up in silence to the heaven for two minutes, and then said to the nun, "Sister, you are forgiven. Go and drink of the Holy Water." One of the nun was noticeably smiling standing in the back, trying not to laugh. The second nun approached the father, and said, "Father, over the weekend, I dress in common cloth and danced with people. Please forgive me." The father gazed up in silence to the heaven for four minutes, and then said to the nun, "Sister, you are forgiven. Go and drink of the Holy Water." The smiling nun in the back bursted out laughing after hearing the second confession. The father was puzzled. Father: "Sister, do you have something to confess? Have you sin more then your sisters?" By this time, the nun was laughing in tears, and was only able to say, "Father....(laugh)...please forgive me, for I......pee in the Holy Water!" From: Hank