PLEASE INDICATE ANY WORKSHOPS YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING: SELF IMPROVEMENT WORKSHOPS: ____ Creative Suffering ____ Overcoming Peace of Mind ____ You and Your Birthmark ____ Guilt Without Sex ____ The Primal Shrug ____ Ego Gratification Through Violence ____ Holding Your Child's Attention Through Guilt and Fear. ____ Dealing with Post Self-realization Depression ____ Whining Your Way to Alienation ____ How to Overcome Self-doubt Through Pretense and Ostentation BUSINESS & CAREER WORKSHOPS: ____ Money Can Make You Rich ____ Talking Good: How you can Improve your Speech and Get a Better Job ____ I Made $100 in Real-estate ____ Packaging and selling Your Child: Parents Guide to the Porn Market ____ Career Opportunities in Iran or Iraq ____ How to Profit From Your Body ____ Under-achievers Guide to very Small Business Opportunities ____ Filler Phrases for Thesis Writers ____ Tax Shelters for the Indigent ____ Looters Guide to American Cities HOME ECONOMICS WORKSHOPS: ____ How You Can Convert Your Family Room into a Garage ____ How to cultivate Viruses from your Refrigerator ____ Burglar-proof Your Home With Concrete ____ Basic Kitchen Taxidermy ____ Sinus Drainage at Home ____ 101 Other Uses for Your Vacuum Cleaner ____ The Repair and Maintenance of Your Sanity ____ How to Convert Your Wheelchair Into a Dune-Buggy ____ What to do with Your Conversation Piece HEALTH AND FITNESS WORKSHOPS : ____ Creative Tooth Decay ____ Exorcism and Acne ____ The Joys of Hypochondria ____ High Fiber Sex ____ Suicide and your Health ____ Bio-feedback And How to Stop It ____ Skate your Way to Regularity ____ Understanding Nudity CRAFT WORKSHOPS: ____ How To Draw Genitals ____ Needlecraft for Junkies ____ Cuticle Crafts ____ Gifts For The Senile ____ Bonsai Your Pet ____ Mexico Guide to Bad Taste ____ Mobiles with Fetishes ____ Optional Body Functions From: Ray