Nighthawk house
Kitchen/Family Living Room Master Bath Garage Re-landscaping Views
Please Note: The pictures are from before we closed escrow, so the furnishings and interior decorating items belong to the previous owners!
Exterior Front
Exterior Side
Exterior Rear
Living room, front door, office
View from back deck (hills are Annadel State Park)
Garage: Painting the floor was our first major house project (weekend of 2/28/04).
Re-landscaping, April 2004. Removed oak trees (5) in the front yard. Added 3 sycamore trees along the side of the house. In the backyard, created two garden areas at either end of the lawn (lawn length reduced), and planted fruit trees (lemon, orange, peach, and 4-in-1 apple). Initially, there are two grape plants in the west (lower) garden area. We'll be planting more yummy veggies for the summer!
Here's the new comfy couch (Nov. 2006) as part of redoing the family room. There's a rug, table, chair, etc. still to come...