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Staying Healthy with Dr. Elson Haas
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Articles by Dr. Elson Haas

Here you'll find articles from Dr. Haas' years of writing, representing a wide variety of topics. He is a regular contributor to health magazines.

The Purification Process: Healing for Modern Times
A basic philosophy of Integrated (Multidisciplinary) Medicine in regards to healing is: Lifestyle first, Natural Therapies next, and Drugs last.
Healthy Eating at School & Work
The best way to insure a safe and healthy diet is to eat meals that are prepared in your own home.
Healthy Eating While Traveling
The most effective way to get kids to eat healthfully is to set a good example!
Staying Healthy in the Summer
The sun provides energy, stimulates activity and outward movement, and creates the hot or dry climate typical of this season.
Spiritual Renewal & Springing into Life
The first principle for improving your health is to eliminate destructive habits.
Self Care & Stress Reduction
Caring for ourselves and finding ways to handle our stresses are clearly important practice for assuring our long-term health.
Emotional Health
"This is the only body I have; I will treat myself in a loving way."
Millennium New Year's Message
To inspire you for the coming year, I am including my 10 Tips for Better Health Now.
Preventing & Treating Colds & Flus
Colds and flus are caused by viruses. Or are they?
Digestive Problems: Causes and Remedies
The following topics deal with common intestinal symptoms/dysfunctions. I also provide some simple home remedies you can try on your own that may correct these digestive problems.
Depression: Natural Therapies
Depression could be described as a mood, a state of being, or energy level that includes lack of motivation, a sense of hopelessness, and lack of physical energy. Here's how to heal.
Starches & Sugars in Weight Gain
The greatest factor in overweight and obesity is the high consumption of refined flour and refined sugar products.
Weight Loss Diets & Healthy Eating
Since our body and health is a result of our life, we can often make positive physical changes when we alter our diet.
Special Nutrients & Heart Disease
Discover the three specific important dietary aids for reducing cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.
Allergies: An Integrated Approach
Allergies include a variety of bodily reactions to our external and internal environments. This natural approach can really help.
Spring Cleansing
Did you ever wonder how you would feel if you took a break for a week – took a vacation from the foods that drain your energy? Here's how to clean up your act and re-vitalize your health.
Nourishing our Children
My top-ten guidelines for parents who want to teach their children good nutritional habits.
Real Preventive Medicine
What is called "Preventive Medicine" in America in this late 20th Century is really more appropriately termed early intervention and early diagnosis. Preventing disease comes from how we choose to live our lives.
Ten Healing Foods to Buy Organic
There are some key aspects of foods' nutrition and healthfulness to consider when choosing healing foods.
Detoxification and The New Detox Diet
I consider the cleansing/fasting/detoxification process to be the missing link in Western nutrition and a key to the health and vitality of our civilization.
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