10 Tips for The False Fat Diet:
How to Minimize Food Reactions
False Fat refers to the bloating and swelling that can result from eating "reactive" foods, and this makes people look and feel fatter than they actually are. The process that generates false fat also contributes to the congestion and inflammation that leads to many acute and chronic health problems.

Clearing false fat often helps people feel better immediately and is the beginning of reducing true fat and healing many other conditions as well.

1. Watch out for the Sensitive Seven, the most common reactive foods. These are typically the foods most frequently eaten by people in modern societies – cow's milk, wheat, cane sugar, eggs, corn (and corn syrup sweetener), soy products, and peanuts.
2. If you have strong cravings for a particular food and the sense that you must have it, there is a good chance you are reactive to that food. In that case, you'll find that you feel better after avoiding it for a couple of weeks. Then you can try it again. Challenge yourself and see if you react.
3. To prevent False Fat, eat a variety of wholesome, natural foods and minimize the processed foods in your diet.
4. Rotate foods and avoid eating the same foods every day, especially wheat, sugar, and dairy products.
5. Chew your food thoroughly and make sure that your digestive tract is working efficiently. If not, have it checked out and re-balanced with the aid of a naturally oriented practitioner. (See The New Detox Diet, and the book, Optimal Digestion, by Nancy Faass and others.)
6. Get regular exercise to help stimulate your metabolism and energy. You will find that it also cuts your appetite and burns calories.
7. General supplements that are supportive during the False Fat program are vitamin C and quercetin, vitamin A and zinc, niacin, blue green algaes, and MSM. To enhance your digestion, try hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, and probiotics.
8. The initial detoxification phase will lessen your food cravings for reactive foods and eliminate false fat quickly. To cut cravings, try additional vitamin C (1000-2000mg), calcium (250-500mg) and magnesium (150-250mg), and the trace mineral, chromium (200-300mcg).
9. Other health problems also improve with the False Fat diet. My patients have reported decreases in a wide range of uncomfortable conditions, including environmental allergies and asthma, skin rashes, digestive disorders, chronic sinus congestion, fatigue, headaches, and insomnia.
10. The False Fat program, besides lowering your weight, will also improve your energy level and your overall health. Your skin and your body will look and feel more youthful and vibrant.
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