1. |
Take time to eat and
chew your food well for best digestion.
2. |
Drink good quality, non-contaminated water, at least six glasses per day.
3. |
Focus your diet on vegetables, raw and cooked (steamed or baked) and fresh fruits.
4. |
Eat a wholesome breakfast and hearty lunch, and then a lighter evening meal if you can. Don't overeat or eat too much after nightfall.
5. |
Eat a greater percentage of higher-fiber, carbohydrate foods (vegetables, grains, and beans) and a lesser amount of animal fats and proteins.
6. |
Avoid excessive fried foods, salt, sugar, refined foods, and chemicals in your diet.
7. |
Work at correcting your abusive habits--caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and
sugar – getting away from their daily use to see how you will feel.
8. |
Take easy walks after meals if possible and get enough exercise to best utilize the nutrients and calories you consume.
9. |
Eat a balanced diet, focusing on whole grains and vegetables, legumes, and fresh fruits, and adding only some nuts or seeds, dairy products and animal foods, predominantly fresh fish as appropriate.
10. |
Take a multiple vitamin-mineral as indicated for your age and sex, along with extra vitamin C and antioxidants, as well as other supplements individualized to your needs.