1. |
Eat a balanced diet of wholesome foods, focusing on high-nutrient and low-calorie foods--vegetables and whole grains, legumes, and some fresh fruits.
2. |
Overeating and don't eat much after nightfall.
3. |
Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
Meaning, consume most of your fuel early in the day so that you will utilize it in your daily activities.
4. |
Drink plenty (8-12 glasses) of filtered or spring water daily, particularly first thing in the morning and then 30 to 60 minutes before meals to satiate your body and minimize your appetite.
5. |
regularly – at least one hour daily –
including stretching and strengthening exercises along with 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic activity at least four times a week.
6. |
Avoid high-fat, processed, and high-calorie foods, such as candy, cookies and cakes, sodas, chips, cheese, and meats, especially lunchmeats.
7. |
Take time to
eat. Eat and chew slowly and thoroughly, satisfying yourself with each mouthful; pay attention to eating when you're consuming food.
8. |
Be loving and forgiving with yourself both for any weight problems and for whenever you vary from your diet
plan. Get back on track quickly and focus on low-fat, low-calorie, wholesome foods.
9. |
Realize that your weight has many genetic and emotional factors and triggers involved, and you may need support to help you really change your bad habits.
10. |
The ultimate process for weight loss is the long, slow one that involves you changing your diet for life
– rather than going on a diet – to create the body, health and the appropriate weight for you. |