you to all our readers for your Health Tips, Resolutions and
Affirmations. I loved them all. Many were
inspiring/motivating and others very practical. Instead
of picking one person's five tips, I have chosen the
best tips from three different people.
Each one will receive a book of their choice.
are the winning resolutions and tips: |
1. |
Michelle Benoit
– Health Affirmations
- Remember "we are not human beings on a spiritual journey, but spiritual beings on a human journey."
- My body is wise and if I nourish it well with whole foods and invigorating movement, it will be the healthy, sacred vessel it is intended to be.
- The new moon is a good time each month to turn off the man-made noises in my life, count my blessings, contemplate my missteps, and take positive efforts towards my needs/desires.
2. |
Betty Lue Lieber
– author of daily tips called Loving Reminders.
"Ingest the Best. Forget the rest."
This applies not just to nutrition, but to media, associations, and beliefs. We need to spiritually filter our intake, so that we consciously choose what is good for us mentally, physically and spiritually.
3. |
- Health Affirmations (I am including Ralph's five
because they go together so well.)
- Take
four deep, relaxing breaths at least once every hour
and a half.
- Drink
a glass of fresh, good water once every hour and a
- Eat
slowly and consciously, attending to all the flavors
and textures of the food.
- Do
four to five sets of yoga stretches upon arising
each morning.
- Do
30 minutes of vigorous walking or aerobic exercise
every day.
are some more resolutions that I recently received: |
Resolutions/Affirmations from
B.J. Birdwell
- I know how to eat. (It is especially helpful when other people are having a negative effect on my "Choosing Mechanism." "Choosing mechanism" is my version of will power.)
- I love to drink water.
- What do I need to do today to make tomorrow better? (I use this to motivate myself to not eat too much. Or, to do something that will make my choices easier the next day, like cutting up the vegetables, or cleaning the kitchen before I go to bed.)
- Is "this" taking me closer to my goal? (The "this" could be in reference to skipping my exercise, eating something, or a self-doubting thought.)
- NOW is the time. (This combats the "Oh, this little bit won't hurt" & "I'll do better tomorrow" thoughts.)
Bunny Stacey's 5 health resolutions for 2001
- Compliment at least one person per day whether it be their cooking, their clothes, or their thoughtfulness.
- Call an acquaintance that I have not seen for a while at least once a month.
- Try a new healthy recipe at least once a week.
- Take that walk 3 times a week that I always say I will do.
- Take one afternoon per week to do something fun with my husband.
And thanks to Bethany Argisle for her comments on
January's Health Tips:
10 Tips for Emotional Well-Being & Heart Health
By Dr. Elson Haas with comments by Bethany Argisle |
1. |
Practice self-respect and self-love; they reinforce each other. With these feelings, you will treat yourself and others with the highest regard.
[Bethany] How can folks practice this? Elson, I can wish for self-respect, for self-love, but doth thou show us the way, how then do we do we
do what do? This is a to do, but not a how to do.... Make a circle with your friends, at new moon, at full moon, practice self-respect by thinking about another as yourself, this is common sense for a tribe to thrive...the thrive tribe!
Bethany, the following tip list is part of this do-wah-do.
2. |
Work with yourself or with the aid of a counselor to heal past wounds and sources of destructive behavior. These might be smoking, alcohol or drug abuse, or acting out toward others from deep-seated frustrations and anger. Remember that there may also be a biochemical component to addictive behaviors.
[Bethany] How to choose a counselor...try a tree, it is free and it may free thee to be, learn to listen to yourself talking, and first pay another if you are afraid of making your own choices or they have been imposed on you. Remember that my Mother told me that the word "therapist" spells 'the rapist' and even though they may not necessary be one, it doesn't always work to pay someone to love you and an hour isn't much...a tree can listen longer and eventually you'll have nothing left to say and you'll just want to be with the tree anyway.
3. |
Learn about fair fighting in your personal relationships to avoid vicious or violent arguments that could separate you further from your loved ones and which can cause emotional damage. Learning to listen fully and then respond is an important approach in healing conflicts. Know the difference between reaction and response.
[Bethany] Fair-Fighting and Venting and Denting, one can cancel out the other and what about being prepared and not scared which elicits some of the things we wish not to, those of us who love life enough to really live, to really give both in and out breaths to ourselves and do it with the trees in the breeze! Do not be afraid of your dark side, first you must know yourself and if you hide or deride or simply glide upon the lives of others - you may be surprised at some of your thoughts, your feelings, your dealings and when you discover your own truth from sinner to winner, can you achieve personal human honesty or do you simply expect it from others hoping they may show you what you need to know, but do they?
4. |
A key guideline in personal relationships is, "Don't say things out of anger." Remember that words can be deeply hurtful. Learn to re-channel anger. When you feel angry, work it out through exercise or physical activity rather than in your relationships, and then heal the problems through constructive communication.
[Bethany] For instance, I play drums, and sometimes I might add that I am an irrelephant stampeding and flattening everything. and sometimes I am veils blowing in the breezes 'neath the tent of the dessert sky and like a storm with lightning and even quakes, we all are made out of
barometrics, sun flares, comets and the beginning and the end. how can we not be angry at all this responsibility of knowledge? (and the destructive events that surround us daily) It's not hard to see that we are made of gravity which makes everything around it end up there
– and there's no escape....
5. |
Eat a balanced diet with good-quality foods, such as vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits. Avoid foods that cause reactive symptoms as they can affect your moods. Try to break food habits/abuses, especially to psychoactive foods such as sugar, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and for many people, wheat products.
Check out Dr. Haas' Detox Diet and classes and that may not really be fat, it may be "False Fat." Elson, you have spent your years as a doctor primarily focusing on food....blah, blah and it is because of food being what I created myself out of mostly and still only now know myself and my food personally and make it into the best possible fuel for my life...each person is different DNA-wise and food wise, getting to know your needs and times to eat free for you to go onward and learn more about other appetites and other's....
6. |
Exercise regularly with a balanced program that includes stretching for flexibility, aerobics for endurance, and weight training for strength. This can help to lower body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol. And exercise makes your body, mind, and heart happy, and is a good prevention for depression.
[Bethany] You can either choose the treadmill or end up on one with them deciding if you need heart surgery, drugs - when what you may need is to give or get a hug or to lug your body out into nature, which we are all knocking down to build more hospitals, shopping centers, more indoors--and isn't it amazing how the word blessing has the word less in it!
7. |
Nutritional supplements to support emotional well being include the essential fatty acids, the B vitamins, calcium and magnesium to relax the body and muscles, valerian root or kava for anxiety or better sleep, and St. John's
Wort, SAM-e, or 5-HTP for depression.
[Bethany] Give a
reco for them to use nutrition book. Thank you, and that's Staying Healthy With Nutrition.
8. |
Learn to manage your stress, let go of anger and frustrations, and communicate your feelings in a safe and non-aggressive way. Practice forgiveness and moving forward in life, still being aware of what you have learned from your life experiences (to avoid repeating mistakes in behavior).
[Bethany] We all do repeat and when you are finally complete and do not wish to repeat nor replete, then you can take your seat in the recovery of your true joy which you were gifted with and didn't know to appreciate...give thanks, be simple, simply be.
9. |
Identify your key issues, create positive affirmations, and practice them daily. Examples could be, "I am a loving person and I deserve love." or "I am happy and healthy, physically and emotionally."
[Bethany] Be that which you desire and love shall be the match that light's the heart's fire.
10. |
Develop close personal relationships that you can count on for support. Continue to expand your ability to give and receive in your friendships/loveships. And let your sails fly free in the wind.
[Bethany] Again, if you know about blendship and you've
experienced bonding, it is a precious blanket thru the joys and storm-born rainbows... Become the blest best you are and so do others in a truly respectful loving focus.
Love is Focus...who and what you focus on is that which thrives.
Do what the doctor do, or at least
what they suggest!