Tips on Staying Healthy with Water
10 Steps
on Staying Healthy with Water |
1. |
Proper hydration with water is
essential. Most of us need at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of good, clean drinking water daily. Coffee, alcohol, and sodas or other sugary beverages do not count toward our daily two quarts of liquids as they do not hydrate our tissues and often have the opposite effect, causing dehydration. Water is the best choice for proper hydration. However, herbal teas and fresh juices do count because of their high water content; furthermore, fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet do add to our water intake. Water is second in importance to air, which we need by the minute. We can survive about a week without water, whereas most of us can live as long as six weeks without food. Water supports our immune system and flushes toxins from the lymph system and body. Our bodies are about 70% water—10 to 12 gallons! In fact, brain and muscle are about 75% water and blood is 85% water content. Except for bone and fat tissue, most of our body is water.
2. |
Finding the right water balance for each of us is also important. This is based on our body size, level of physical activity, exercise and sweating, the local climate, and our diet. A diet that is dry and high in proteins and fats creates a need for even more water to flush these foods healthfully through our system. The average American drinks only 4.6 servings/cups of water a day, or 36 ounces. That’s a bit shy, especially when most of us do not consume our share of fresh fruits and veggies. Water drinking should be a habit, something we do without having to think about it. Only one third of Americans claim they drink eight glasses of water a day; 28% have three or fewer servings, and nearly 10% say they don't drink water at all. The most frequent reason given by Americans for not drinking water is lack of time, as reported by 21% in a recent survey. Like anything, preparation saves time and allows us to engage in these healthier habits. Prioritize water hydration. And during hot weather, drink 2 to 3 glasses more than usual. When we have a cold, or for many illnesses and symptoms, like headaches and allergies, it is helpful to hydrate the body fully with water and herbal teas. We can know this by our urinary output, generally every couple hours during the day.
3. |
every month I tell you to move your body! Create a consistent and sometimes challenging program. It’s so important to your health. And remember that when you exercise regularly and sweat, you need more fluid replacement. Drink before (2 cups 1-2 hours before) and after your workout (1-2 cups), and during exercise if it’s appropriate. Drink cool temperature water, and don’t depend on thirst to tell you; drink anyway! Take your walks, go on hikes, ride a bike, and work out with weights at home or at a gym. Even try something new, like a yoga class. Stretch out your body and stay flexible and youthful. Before and during exercise, drink fluids and particularly water, to reduce body temperature, moderate cardiovascular stress and improve performance. After a strenuous workout, it's important to replace the fluids you've lost.
As Jack LaLanne says in his recent Share Guide (May/June 2002) interview, “Exercise is king, Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you have a healthy kingdom.” (A less patriarchal word for what men and women share could be a “sharedom” or “equi-dom,” or make one up you like.)
4. |
Good, clean water is not a given. Most city waters, and even wells, are suspect for contamination with microbes and chemicals. I believe it is wise to invest in an appropriate filtration system since water is such an important component of our body. The best is a Reverse Osmosis unit or a Solid Carbon block type filter; what’s most effective for your home use depends on what your water concerns are and how much water you need. (See references in the Safe Water Tips at the end of this newsletter.) Many people also buy bottled water from natural springs, or water bottled after filtration. If you use a consistent brand, check it out by calling the company and asking for a report. You may also want to look into an alkaline water unit. There is interesting research on drinking water that is more alkaline or that contains added bicarbonates (and may include calcium and magnesium salts), and on this water’s balancing, healing effects. |
5. |
Dehydration is a very common problem that nearly every one of us experiences at some time. Every cell in our body requires water to
function – to bring in nourishment and carry away toxins. When these functions aren't performed fully due to dehydration, a range of symptoms can occur. At even 1% dehydration, most people get thirsty, which is the body's warning sign. Dehydration can cause dry mouth, flushed skin, fatigue, lightheadedness, headache, or impaired physical performance, as well as lapses in concentration. Headache may be a sign of increased toxicity. Other problems from more chronic dehydration include constipation and poor digestive function, dry and itchy skin, a reduction in urine output, and even an increased incidence of painful kidney stones. Remember my favorite slogan, “Dilution is the solution to pollution.” So, drink your water! |
6. |
Add some nutrients to your water and it may make it healthier and more palatable for you. Some folks do not like to drink plain water; they just have distaste for it. If so, try various bottled waters to see if there is one you like. Add some lemon, lime, or a tea bag to give it some flavoring. Water can also be flavored with some orange or apple juice, or some nutrient powders like Emergen-C or another vitamin/mineral combination available at your store. My family starts each day with nutrient-rich water and juice. Warming drinks include herbal and green teas, lemon water, chai, and vegetable broth. Starting the day with a cup of hot water can awaken you and your digestion. Hot water sipped through the day is a popular therapy for illness in Asia. |
7. |
best time to drink water is first thing in the morning
– ideally two or three glasses. I also encourage
people to drink between meals rather than too much while
eating, as increased fluids dilute the strength of our
digestive juices and lower the efficiency of digestion
and assimilation. For those working to lose weight,
drinking a couple glasses of H2O about 30 minutes before
meals will hydrate the tissues, calm the appetite and
likely lower the amount of food consumed. Water is also
so important to healthy skin and good circulation, to
staying young and healthy. To summarize, the ideal times
to drink water are:
- First
thing in the morning, when you wake up
- Mid-morning
- Mid-afternoon
8. |
Water and weight loss is an important topic, so here’s a bit more. Focus mainly on vegetables and other wholesome foods and away from processed and sweetened high-calorie foods and snacks. Definitely switch from the caloric, sugary sodas and other drinks to pure Water. And drink several glasses when arising and 30 minutes before planned meals. Make this a priority, and make it fun and tasty. Review Tips number 6 and 7 above for further ideas, plus number 3 for your exercise motivation. Carry water with you so you have it available. Have a couple fruits daily, plus make and consume homemade vegetable soups. |
9. |
Kids need water
too. Children don’t handle heat and dehydration as well as adults, and the younger they are, the greater the concern. Diarrhea and subsequent dehydration and malnourishment may be the number one cause of death in kids throughout the world.
Elders need water too. They are also sensitive to dehydration and the effects of hot weather. Heating and cooling of the body can be accomplished with warm or cool foods and beverages. This is a natural inclination, yet it may need to be developed in this world where kids (and all of us) are exposed to relentless advertising. Drinking warm/hot water and teas is a good habit for those living in the colder climates. Adding splashes of juice is helpful in getting kids to drink water instead of sugary beverages. Also, adding a nutrient powder, many of which are nicely flavored, provides a good start to a child’s day, or as replenishment after a busy or active time. For children who are overweight or who are fixated on sodas and sugary drinks, it will be a great lifetime health benefit to switch them to water and lighter drinks, such as juice and carbonated water combinations. Be a good example by drinking your water too! |
10. |
Other General Ideas on
Water. • Water your flowers and plants. • Use aromatherapy and flowered sprays to mist the air and your body, and like plants, you can hydrate yourself. • With airplane travel it’s easy to experience dehydration, so drink your water and avoid salted foods and alcohol beverages. • Many medications, such as diuretics, can cause dryness, while others can cause water retention and bloating. Learn about any medicines you take, even the natural ones. Mainly, when we take meds or eat too much junk, we usually need to drink lots of water. • The containers from which we drink water are also important. I prefer glass or the harder and more stable poly-carbonate plastic rather than polyethylene material which emits plastic into the water more readily. Particularly avoid all plastic containers for lemon water or the Master Cleanser, because the acids in the lemon even leach more toxins. • Bathe your body regularly. Soak in water for the relaxation and healing it generates. Regular sweating, as in saunas, physical work, sweat lodges, hiking, or eating chili peppers may help us to live long and healthfully! Swimming is a great recreation and exercise. Find a lake, river, or the ocean and have some great swim fun this summer.
Blessings in Love and Life,
Dr. Elson
Tip: Freeze plastic water bottles full in your freezer
for future use and to keep your fridge cool if
electricity goes out. Plus, you have drinking water as
it melts. You can also use them behind your neck to cool
you down or to keep your picnic cooler cold for your day
on the river, at the lake, or at the beach. Play, get
wet with the hose, and get water between your toes. It
takes water to grow a rose... |
a PoeTree break from Bethany Argisle & Elson Haas
trickle, float.
Sail on a boat
Expand, freeze and thaw, wash your veggies when raw
Emotional expression comes through well-watered
like the kidneys and bladder.
Let it flow, let it grow
Oh, eyes when dry do not cry,
Brains that are dry strain in pain
Drinking alcohol, eating breads and sugars
Make a dip-in-water date.
Add lemon and herbs to water, and drink plenty
You are a moist cellular being
There is dew, there are reservoirs, the entire world of
is a reflection of Earth’s two thirds content
All creatures live in or near water and depend upon it
Water is life…
Water your plants, wash your pants, bathe your body
We all require water to thrive and survive.
Be Wet and Be ALIVE!
Water Tips
(for Travel and Suspicious Water) Excerpted from The Staying Healthy Shopper's Guide by Elson Haas, MD. (Celestial Arts Press, 1999).
1. Avoid drinking tap water as your main source of drinking water, especially water with chlorine and fluoride.
2. Drink either bottled water or filtered water, depending on your family's needs and budget.
3. Consider having your regular drinking water professionally assessed, particularly if you have a well. Sources: National Testing Lab at 800-458-3330 and
www.ntllabs.com and Suburban Water Testing at 800-433-6595 and
4. If you want to use a filtration system and you're puzzled about which one to use, choose the reverse osmosis with a post-carbon filter.
5. If you must drink tap water, avoid the first morning's water and boil it for 10-20 minutes.
6. Avoid using tap water in baby formulas and young children's foods. Never use hot tap water, which can contain even more lead and bacteria.
7. If you shower regularly with chlorinated water, invest in an inexpensive dechlorinator and filter attachment for the shower.
8. When traveling, be extra careful about contaminated water. When camping, boil your water for 15 to 20 minutes, use iodine tablets, or an appropriate travel filtration system with a very fine filter.
9. Read up on drinking water issues in current sources such as Your Bodies Many Cries for Water by Batmanghelidj and Boosting Immunity by Saputo and Faass has a good chapter on Water.
Remember: It’s still a great time to do a cleansing/detox program if it’s right for you. Check out the Master Cleanser and other cleanses as well as the how-tos of cleansing in several of my books, including
The New Detox Diet, Staying Healthy with the
Seasons, or The False Fat Diet. If you have any health conditions, you may wish to go more carefully, utilizing professional guidance with someone who is experienced in detoxification practices.