general strikes in the dominican republic

map of the dominican republic

1997, november 11 - 12 - overwhelming turnout for two day national strike
despite government claims that the two day general strike had been in fact a "holiday", 340 people arrested, 23 injured and 1 dead show exactly the opposite. the strike, called by the coordinating committee of popular, trade union, peasant, drivers and students organisations was a success. according to representatives of the committee, 9 out of 10 people in the island participated in the protest despite heavy police and army presence in the streets and continuous government provockations in the days previous to the strike. even 70% of the shops were closed down during the strike.

the strike had been called to protest against high levels of inflation and price hikes for basic products, against continuous electricity cuts and generally against the government's economic policies. the strike follows protests in the summer where also another youth was killed in clashes with the army.

in the days before the strike there were police raids against opposition parties offices and also a journalist was illegally arrested by the army and kept for a day in a secret detention centre in navy premises. kennedy vargas denounced that some other 200 people were at the same detention centre. he was freed later on.

report based on information from agencia informativa pulsar and noticias dominicanas where you can also find the full story about kennedy vargas arrest.

from labournet.

1997, july 8 - 9 - dominican general strike forces government to negotiations

a two day general strike in the dominican republic forced the state to negotiate over the availability and affordability of basic goods and services july 9. police murdered at least 1 striker and wounded at least 15 others. strikers demanded a new hospital, airport, sports facilities and schools. the workers also demand affordable food and funding for local agriculture.

from the industrial worker, a publication of the industrial workers of the world.

the world : central america and the caribbean : dominican republic