Professional Sports and Sports News
The San Francisco Giants Virtual Dugout
Cal Bears Athletics
The Official Major League Baseball Site
Ballparks Profiles and photos of major league ballparks including a press release and sketches of the Giants new park!
The San Francisco Chronicle Sporting Green
KNBR Radio home of the SF Giants
BayInsider Sports
CNN/Sports Illustrated
Fox Sports Online
CBS Sportsline
Softball Teams Around the World
- Formerly the Knights, from San Mateo, CA.
Comfortably Numb Universe - a group of gimps, drunkards, perverts, and
reprobates that has gotten together weekly to play softball since the dawn of
man. From Davis, CA.
AWA Enterprises A team from San Jose that's been together for 22 years!
Madden Cruisers
- A tournament team out of Fullerton, CA.
ZEP Manufacturing from Burnsville, MN.
Norms 2001 Minnesota State champs from Eagan.
The Bloody Glove Comprised of grad students and staff from University of Michigan's Physics Department.
Creative Impressions (formerly Precise Metal) from Detroit, Michigan
The Hobbits Softball Homepage A coed team from Buffalo, NY
Andy's Amalgams A coed slow pitch team from Amherst, Massachusetts
CERN Softball Softball team of the CERN Laboratory for Particle Physics, Birthplace of the WWW, in Geneva, Switzerland
Softball Organizations
San Francisco Adult Softball
ASA The Amateur Softball Association of America
USA Softball The official site of USA National teams
Softball BC The Amateur Softball Association of British Columbia.
Softball Directories, Guides, and Miscellany
Softball on the Internet Softball Sales online
Yahoo Softball Search Page
Coach Steve's Sports Guide
Ray DeMarini's Website Tips and tricks for hitting plus the DeMarini line of bats.
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(Updated January 1, 2006)