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BONE MARCH         


Various claims to royal titles exist 
Capital (largest city in strongest state): currently Rookroost (pop. 17,310) 
Population: 95,000 + 
Demi-humans: Few if any 
Humanoids: Many 
Resources: silver (mines in rift area) 

The Bandit Kingdoms are a collection of petty holdings which were founded sometime around 300 - 330 CY. This collection of small personal territories stretches from the southern Shield Lands to the Bluff Hills and northern verges of the Fellreev Forest, from the Ritensa River to the Artonsamay River in the east. Each little kingdom is ruled by a robber chieftain claiming a title such as Baron, Boss, Plar, General, Tyrant, Prince, Despot, and even King. The territorial boundaries of the holdings of these kinglets are subject to rapid change due to sudden warfare and defeat or victory. In all, there are 17 states within the confines of the area, ruled by four to six powerful lords, with the rest attempting either to become leading rulers or simply to survive. The relationship persists because no single bandit lord is strong enough to conquer the whole territory, and the combined strength of all is often required to defend against neighboring states' retributive expeditions. So bandit and brigand band together in self interest, and no kinglet, regardless of ambition, has seriously attempted to rule the whole, for fear that threatened lords would turn to neighboring states in spite even at the risk of destruction by the summoned "ally." Thus the combined kinglets continue to stand more or less together. The total military strength of all territories is quite considerable due to the fact that each ruler maintains a large force with which to raid and pillage. (There probably are some 10,000 regular troops in total, if recent reconnaissance is to be trusted.) 


His Lofty Grace, Walgar, the Margrave of Bissel 
Capital: Thornward (pop. 3,430) 
Population: 50,000 
Demi-humans: Some 
Humanoids: Some 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, gold, gems (I) 

The Lirtlemark, or March of Bissel, was the northernmost frontier of the kingdom of Keoland, c. 400 CY. It was wrested from the latter in the Small War (Furyondy vs. Keoland) which ended Keoish influence in Veluna (438 CY). Bissel became a tributary state of Furyondy for a few decades, but when humanoid invasions swept over the latter realm, the Margrave Rollo established the independence of the territory by bravery in service of the King of Furyondy (the Bisselites slaughtered a horde of Jebli (goblins) which lay in ambush for King Hugh III, who was guarded by but a small train.) The King granted the brave Rollo palatinate status for the deeds performed, and Bissel has enjoyed self-rule since.
The March now stands as a bulwark between the Ket masses and the rest of the east. It likewise guards Keoland and the south. Because of its strategic position, both Furyondy-Veluna and Keoland now support the principality, and adventurers and mercenaries from all of the Flanaess can be found in the ranks of the "Border Companies" which comprise the standing army of the Margrave. There are four regular companies and four reserve companies; each is 1,000 strong and contains contingents of horse, foot and archers. Favored weapons are the lance, crossbow, pike, fauchard-fork, flail, and sword. Bisselite soldiers are very well equipped and well-armored. Each company has a special squad of scouts (numbering 30 to 50) attached when on border duty.


His Luminous Preponderancy, Archbaron Bestmo of Blackmoor 
Capital: Dantredun (pop. 666) 
Population: 20,000 to 30,000+!- 
Demi-humans: Unlikely 
Humanoids: Considerable numbers 
Resources: ivory, copper, gems (II) 

This little-known territory exists between the fierce nomads to the south and the terrible Land of Black Ice to the north, protected by the cold marshes and the dangerous Icy Sea, as well as the vast stretches of the Burneal Forest. It is reported that hot springs and volcanism keep the area habitable, and that monsters teem in its wildernesses of brush and marsh. The original capital, Blackmoor, and its castle were sacked and ruined some years ago, but extensive labyrinths are supposed to exist under these ruins. There also is purported to be a strange "City of the Gods" somewhere within the Archbarony. Inhabitants of the area employ slings, bows (short), and spears. Cavalry is uncommon, except in the force of the ruler.


His Nobility, the Marquis of Bonemarch 
(title currently held by no one) 
Capital: Spinecastle (pop. 6,300) 
Population: 40,000+!- 
Demi-humans: Few (beleaguered gnomes of the Flinty Hills) 
Humanoids: Many (gnolls, ogres, orcs in numbers) 
Resources: silver, gems (I, II) 

When the Kingdom of Aerdy became an empire, its leaders determined to crush the troublesome barbarians pushing down from the Thillonrian Peninsula and settling in the strip of land between the Rakers and Grendep Bay. Being indifferent sailors, the Aerdians opted to attack overland, and began sending strong parties northward to drive the invaders from the north back to their homeland. After many sharp skirmishes, a large contingent of imperial troops was routed, and full-scale warfare began. 

The Fruztii tribes had retreated before the Aerdians, but sent out calls for their kin, and these doughty fighters poured down by land and sea for the prospect of battle and loot. Over 10,000 assembled and attacked the works under construction at Spinecastle. A relief force fought a pitched battle with these barbarians, most of whom were slain - along with several thousand imperial soldiers. The newly won fief was named for the remains of this struggle, the Battle of the Shamblefield, or Caldni Vir's Charge. In 560 CY hordes of humanoids (Euroz, Kell, Eiger, and others) began making forays into the Bone March, and these raids turned into a full scale invasion the next year. In 563 the land fell to these invaders, its lord was slain, and its army slain or enslaved. Humans in the area were likewise enslaved or killed, and the whole territory is now ruled by one or more of the humanoid chiefs. Exact information is not available. The humanoids gained access to the area by moving through the mountains, and now use these trails to raid the Pale, Ratik, and even Nyrond - although any movement through the Flinty Hills is at great peril due to the gnomes still holding out there. There is continual border warfare along the Teesar Torrent and in the Blemu Hills of Aerdy's North Province, although some say that the Overking would gladly make peace with the humanoids to the north and enlist them in his own armies. 


Her Fey Majesty, Yolande, Queen of Celene, Lady Rhalta of All Elven kind 
Capital: Enstad (pop. 6,950) 
Population: 20,000 
Demi-humans: Gray Elves (9,500), Sylvan Elves (8,000), Gnomes (13,500), Halflings 
Humanoids: None 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, silver 

This small land west of the Wild Coast beyond the Welkwood has long been under the rule of Olvenfolk. Although these are good creatures, they do not welcome strangers (with cause), and little certain knowledge of Celene or its Court exists. The realm is friendly with the Ulek states, and an alliance between Celene and these countries was responsible for the campaigns which drove all of the humanoids from the Lortmil Mountains - although the defeated forces of humanoids subsequently invaded and took over the Pomarj. A small number of humans and
half-elvenfolk dwell in Celene, many serving in its military, for continual warfare is carried on (in the Suss Forest and beyond the Jewel River) with the Pomarj humanoid tribes. 


His Excellency Margus, the Magister of Dyvers 
Population: 42,000+ (city) 53,000 (total, including surrounding area) 
Demi-humans: Some 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: shipbuilding supplies 

Dyvers' position at the mouth of the Velverdyva River on the coast of the Lake of Unknown Depths (Nyr Dyv) makes it an important trading center and busy port, with lake and river traffic from as far away as Perrenland, Bissel, Nyrond, Urnst, the Pale, Tenh, and even occasional missions from Iuz. The city was originally a part of the Viceroyalty of Ferrond and contributed heavily in money, goods, and men to the war which saw the institution of the Kingdom of Furyondy. Because of the alliance and close ties with Veluna, whose policies the Gentry of Dyvers see as restrictive, the city declared its independence in 526 CY, King Thrommel II allowing this act to pass unchallenged. Dyvers claims some 2,000 square miles of land, including the islands at the mouth of the Velverdyva, as its sovereign territory - although the Magisters have been careful not to claim any of the land on the north band of the river. The free city boasts a marine force of 1,000 men and an army twice as numerous. These troops are very well armed and equipped. 


His Sublime Magnificence, the Caliph of Ekbir - Xargun 
Capital: Ekbir (pop. 29,400) 
Population: 250,000 
Demi-humans: Doubtful 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth 

Ekbir is the strongest city of the Bakluni in the Flanaess. Founded by survivors of the Invoked Devastation, the small port quickly grew into a place for nomads' goods as well. The original village grew into a walled town, and town grew into thriving city. Ekbir controls a sizable territory and has a large war fleet. Her forces consist principally of light and medium cavalry, although there are 1,000 heavy foot in her standing army, which is reported to number some 5,000 soldiers. 


His Most Warlike Majesty, King Ralff of the Fruztii 
Capital: Krakenheim (pop. 3,300) 
Population: 50,000+/- 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Some 
Resources: foodstuffs, furs, silver, gold 

The Frost Barbarians are the weakest of the three nations (of Suel peoples) inhabiting the Thillonrian Peninsula, called Rhizia by these peoples. They have never recovered from the Battle of Shamblefield, and have been under the suzerainty of the Schnai for the past two decades - and several times previously as well. The supposed figurehead placed upon the throne of the Fruztii has, however, built his kingdom carefully, and in actuality it is now independent in all but oath. A recent pact concluded between Fruztii and Ratik saw a joint army wreak havoc in the Bone March, and during the next campaigning season clear the north pass of the "Fists" (see Hold of Stonefist).


His Pious Majesty, The King of Furyondy - Belvor IV 
Capital: Chendl (pop. 15,600) 
Population: 350,000+ 
Demi-humans: Some 
Humanoids: Doubtful 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, gold 

The Viceroyalty of Ferrond was founded upon several small states during the height of Aerdian power (c. 100 CY). It was aimed at giving the Great Kingdom a strong satrapy on the western frontier from which further conquest could be launched. The Viceroy ruled from the Clatspur Mountains to the Nyr Dyv, from the Lortmils in the south to the far shores of Whyestil Lake, and beyond, in the north. As the power of the Malachite Throne in Rauxes waned (c. 200 CY), the viceroys of Ferrond ruled more by their own writ and less by the leave of the Aerdi overlords. In 898 O.R. the heir to Viceroy Stinvri (the Viceroyalty had become hereditary some years previously) was crowned in Dyvers as Thrommel I, King of Furyondy, Prince of Veluna, Provost of the Northern Reaches, Warden General of the Vesve Forest, Marshall of the Shield Lands, Lord of Dyvers, etc. The adjunctive states were soon lost, but the central core of the kingdom was sound and viable and has persisted. Belvor IV is a most noble and just king, and his realm is closely allied with that of Veluna, constantly warring upon the evil Horned Society and Iuz, as well as lending contingents to expeditions mounted by the Earl of the Shield Lands against the Bandit Kingdoms. Furyondy's belled heavy cavalry is famous throughout the Flanaess, as are their light infantry units drawn from the Vesve Forest. The standing army of the kingdom numbers only a few thousand, but noble and militia contingents swell its numbers to 20,000 or more in rime of need. The Furyondian fleet upon the Whyestil absolutely commands that body of water, and there also is a Furyondian squadron upon the Nyr Dyv, sailing from its base at Willip. The kingdom's colors are blue and red stripes. 


His High Radiance, Owen I, Grand Duke of Geoff 
Capital: Gorna (pop. 4,800) 
Population: 65,000 
Demi-humans: High Elves (6,000), some others 
Humanoids: Some (see Crystalmist Mountains) 
Resources: cloth, copper, silver, gold, gems (I) 

The isolated position of Geoff, surrounded on all sides by mountains, hills, and forests, has made it virtually immune to the normal warfare of the Flanaess - although at one time a brief conflict with Keoland was fought (c. 450 CY). Rushmoor forms the nominal eastern boundary of the realm. The inhabitants of the Grand Duchy are of Flan-Suel-Oerid mixture, seemingly combining the best features of each race. This is fortunate, as they are continually threatened by incursions of formidable ogres and giants coming down the Crystalmists. The Geoffites dwell in harmony with the olvenfolk in the realm, and these two peoples often combine to combat the invading monsters. The Grand Duke, Owen I, is a clever and valorous leader, on friendly terms with the Earl of Sterich and the King of Keoland alike. The forces of the Grand Duke include horse, bowmen, and contingents of pikemen from the mountain holdings. 


His Most Resolute Magnitude, Petros, Commandant of Gran March 
Capital: Hookhill (pop. 4,500) 
Population: 80,000 
Demi-humans: Some 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, copper, gems (III) 

Keoland established the territory of the Gran March during its early stages, basing it upon a military-religious order of knights. These zealous fighters quickly subdued the warring inhabitants, established order within the area, and conscripted all fit males into worker and infantry battles (regimental-like formations). The land between the Lortmils and Dim Forest north of the Sheldomar became productive and peaceful, but the rule of these first Commandants was repressive and harsh. When Berlikyn, then ruler of the fief, was slain in combat in the war with Veluna-Furyondy in the Small War, the populace rose in rejoicing. Keoland reconsidered its policies thereafter, and allowed the people to elect their own Commandant from amongst the noble houses of Gran March. The state is now only a nominal vassal of Keoland and maintains friendly relations with Bissel. The army of the Commandant relies primarily upon its mailed cavalry -medium horse armed with lance, crossbow,
and sword. 


His Celestial Transcendency, the Overking of Aerdy, Grand Prince Ivid V of the North; Archduke of Ahlissa, Idee, and Sunndi; Suzerain of Medegia; Commander of the Bone March; Lord of the Sea Barons; Protector of Almor and Onnwal; Hetman of all the Aerdi; etc., etc. 

Capital: Rauxes (pop. 41,000) 
Population: 5,000,000 (includes N. and S. Province and Medegia) 
Demi-humans: Some (scattered on fringes of kingdom) 
Humanoids: Some (mixture) 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, copper, silver, gold, gems (IV) 

The history of the Great Kingdom is too well known to dwell upon here. Once the most powerful force for order and good, the Aerdians have declined over the last century to an unspeakable state of decadency. After a millennium of leadership, its rulers and nobles turned to evil and irrationality. Its current monarch, Ivid V of the royal house of Naelax, is reported to be quite mad, but crafty and deviously capable nonetheless.
His writ extends to the Royal Demesne surrounding the capital, the Grandwood, and further only by threat and persuasion of the Peers whose fiefs comprise the balance of the realm. The Overking's Companion Guard consists of 10 select companies of various arms (heavy, medium, and light cavalry, crossbowmen, archers, and five companies of pole armed foot). 

Noble contingents allow the Overking to field an army numbering over 15,000 troops in a relatively short time, and if necessary a force of four or five times that can be called up. 

Both the North and South Provinces are under the suzerainty of Aerdi royal houses and are ruled almost as independent states. The troubles in the Bone March have caused the Herzog of the North to fall into line, as the difficulties with the Iron League brought his southern counterpart into closer cooperation with the Malachite Throne (see North Province, South Province, and also See of Medegia.) The Sea Barons pay a token tribute to the Overking and conduct their piratical operations under letters of marque bearing the Overking's Seal. 


His Solemn Authority, the Lord Mayor of Greyhawk - Nerof Gasgol 
Population: 58,000 (city)75,000+ (total, including surrounding area) 
Demi-humans: Some 
Humanoids: Some 
Resources: silver, electrum, gold, platinum, gems (I-IV) 

Greyhawk was established as a trading post on the Selintan River during the period of early migrations. As it flourished, a local warlord built a small keep on the hills above the village called Greyhawk which had sprung up around the trading center, extracting taxes from the trade and occasionally raiding caravans (particularly those coming with silver ingots found in the burial mounds of the Cairn Hills). This petty noble soon became quite rich and powerful and assumed the title of Landgraf of Selintan. Greyhawk and the power of the new Landgraf grew rapidly thereafter, and his son and heir, Ganz, was wed to the daughter of the Gynarch (Despotrix) of Hardby, a sorceress of no small repute. Their descendants ruled a growing domain which rose to considerable heights c. 375 CY under the rule of Zagig Yragerne (the so-called Mad Archmage). It was Zagig who built the sprawling Castle Greyhawk (now a ruin) and poured funds into the City of Greyhawk in order to make it into the "Gem of the Flanaess." His reign was bizarre in many other ways, and it came as no surprise when it was reported that Zagig Yragerne had mysteriously vanished after years of rule when no change or aging could be detected. The castle was abandoned, supposedly due to a terrible curse upon the place, but the City proper continued to flourish. In 498 CY it was proclaimed a free and independent city, ruling a territory from Hardby on the Woolly bay to the Nyr Dyv, between the eastern folds of the Cairn Hills and the Gnarley forest, including much of what is now the northern section of the Wild Coast region. These holdings have been lost over the intervening decades, and a decline in trade seemed certain to turn the place into a backwater, save for recent events. Several years ago a series of treasure troves was discovered in or near Greyhawk Castle. Immense wealth began flowing into the city, and artisans and mercenaries began flocking to Greyhawk due to this boom. Local lords used this influx of hard money to revitalize the city, and it again rules a considerable portion of the area, claiming all of the land from Nyr Dyv to the Neen River where it Joins the Selintan, including the mines in the Cairn Hills. The Despotrix of Hardby now pays tribute to Greyhawk to avoid being absorbed in the growing city state once again. 

Greyhawk is ruled by its Lord Mayor; this individual is chosen by the Directing Oligarchy. The latter body is composed of the Captain-General of the Watch, the Constable, the Guildmaster of Thieves, the Guildmaster of Assassins, and various representatives of the Society of Magi, the Merchants and Traders Union, Artisans League, and Clerical leaders. The total number of the Directors ranges from 12 to 18. 


The Worthy Sir, Loftin Graystand, Mayor of Highfolk 
Population: 2,500 (excluding demi-humans) 
Demi-humans: High Elves (5,000 ) and some others 
Humanoids: None 
Resources: gold 

Highfolk is independent and of importance simply because it is the southern outpost of the Olvenfolk of the Quagflow Valley (the Fairdells in Olven). The town itself is a trading center and home to some 2,000 humankind. It is well fortified and protects the homeland - the 100-mile stretch of valley above, which lies between the southern arm of the Yatils and the Vesve Forest to the east. There are many thorps set in beautiful dales along the banks of the river, and the Lord of the High Elves dwells in the region, along with some 10,000 of his kin and numerous Sylvan Elves as well (the latter in the fringes of the Vesve on the east bank). The folk of Highfolk and the valley above are at peace with their neighbors to the north and south. The more restless sometimes take service with mercenary bands of Perrenlander soldiery. 


(No organized government or single ruler) 
Population: 20,000 (woodsmen) 
Demi-humans: High Elves (12,000), Sylvan Elves (9,000), 
Gnomes (4,000), Halflings (2,000 Tallfellows), Gray Elves (1,000) 
Humanoids: Some (raiders only) 
Resources: gold, rare woods 

As related above for the independent town of the same name, Highfolk is principally an elven realm. The humans dwelling along the 100 miles of the valley are woodsmen who live in harmony with their demi-human fellows, or hillmen who are allies of the gnomes. The Lord of the High Elves is deferred to as the nominal ruler, but this is through general consent and respect. The word of the Gnome prince, a village Elder, or the Earl of a
community of Sylvan Elves is listened to with as much respect. All the peoples of Highfolk Valley are independent and free-spirited. However, in time of need, they are able to muster a considerable body of fighters, including humans armed with longbows and many sorts of demi-human troops. The Knights of the Hart of Highfolk are drawn from the best of the elven and half-elven warriors of the valley region. The main enemies of the people of Highfolk come from the land of Iuz, penetrating the Vesve Forest. 


Iuz, Lord of Evil (evil Demi-god) 
Capital: Dorakaa (pop. 10,000 ) 
Population: 40,000 
Demi-humans: None 
Humanoids: Many (numbers unknown) 
Resources: furs, electrum 

Iuz, old Iuz of fearbabe talk, may be human - or may once have been human, but this is not known for certain one way or another. He has ruled the lands from the Howling Hills south to the Lake of Whyestil for ages longer than any man can live. The lands between the Dulsi and the Opicm Rivers are steeped in wickedness and evil, so much so that the otherwise fearless Wolf Nomads and Rovers of the Barrens pass through the Cold Marshes rather than cross even the edge of the Land of Iuz. For a time the land was leaderless, for Iuz himself was missing. For many decades the evil of the place was in relative quietude for lack of evil direction, and the neighbors of good ilk prospered. Iuz had been trapped by the mirthful and mad Zagyg, locked away in a strange chamber deep below the ruins of Greyhawk Castle, one of nine powerful demi-gods so confined. These prisoners were loosed in S70 CY, and once again Iuz rules, and his forces gather for fell purpose. Iuz has vowed to bring ruin upon Tenser the Archmage and Lord Robilar and the others who tried to slay him when his prison was sprung. 

In addition to the many evil clerics, thieves, fighters, assassins, and magic-users who have gathered under the grim banner of Iuz, numbers of the foulest tribes of humanoids have grown in strength and are ready to march. Goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins in the thousands are known to be in arms, swelling the human contingents of Iuz 5 armies.


His Peerless Majesty, the King of Keoland, Kimbertos Skotti Lord of Gran March, Plar of Sterich; Protector of the South; etc. 

Capital: Niole Dra (pop. 21,600) 
Population: 300,000 (excluding dependencies) 
Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves, Gnomes, Halflings 
Humanoids: Doubtful 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, gold, gems (III) 

Keoland was the first major kingdom to be established in the Flanaess, the Oeridians and Suloise tribes mingling and joining to build a tolerant and prosperous realm which nominally included many and varied demi-human groups as well. After several centuries of benign leadership, a line of monarchs upon the Keoish Throne became ambitious and embarked upon a policy of conquest. At the peak of this imperialism, Keoland held sway from the Pomarj to the Crystalmist Mountains, while her armies pushed into Ket and threatened Verbobonc and Veluna City (c. 3S0-360 CY). The Ketite expedition came to grief in successive battles (Molvar, Lopolla), while an alliance between Veluna and Furyondy ended the Keoish threat in that quarter (Short War). 

Coincidentally, the Olvenfolk within the boundaries of Keoland objected to the warlike policies of the King and began expelling royal garrisons in the Ulek Provinces and Celene. In the ensuing struggle, the freemen of the western portion sided with the demi-humans. Raiders in the far south took advantage of these conditions to harry the Keoish coast from Gradsul to Gryrax. 

King Tavish III was slain in battle against the Sea Princes (Siege of Westkeep, 453 CY), and his son, Tavish IV, immediately changed the policies of the kingdom upon ascending to the throne. After protracted negotiations, the independent state of the Yeomanry was recognized, the Ulek states were granted autonomy, and Keoland returned to its former state of tolerance and prosperity thereafter. The semi-independent Gran March and Earldom of Sterich are loyal to the crown and furnish strong contingents to the royal army. The Keolanders are well known for their light cavalry employing javelins, crossbows, and lances. The bulk of the army consists of footmen armed with pole arms and long spears, while the nobility comprises the heavy cavalry portion of the force. There are typically small companies of elves, gnomes, halflings, and/or dwarves included in muster. The fleet is battle-worthy but small, and conflict with the Sea Princes continues to plague the realm. 


His Illustrious Glory, Zoltan; The Beygraf of Ket and Shield of the True Faith 
Capital: Lopolla (pop. 23,400) 
Population: 85,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: silver, gems (I, IV) 

Ket is the frontier state of the Baklunish and a trading center between eastern Flanaess and the world beyond. For many decades it has alternately menaced the Oeridian/Suloise states east and south and threatened them by invasion. Despite this continual warfare, the land flourished due to the rich trade with the Paynim tribes, Tusmit, Ekbir, Perrenland, Bissel, and Veluna. Goods from Zeif and Wintershiven pass through Lopolla. This mixture of cultures includes the people themselves, for the Ketites are of mixed racial stock, albeit of Baklunish culture for
the most part. The court of the Beygraf is a strange mixture of eastern and western influences. This admixture pervades the military as well, for the Ketites field a strong force of pikes and crossbows along with their light horse archers and medium lancers. The army is well honed, for despite racial ties and trade, the Paynim clans often raid the border country west of the Tuflik River. 


His Exalted Highness, Prince Latmac Ranold of Duxchan; Lord of the Isles; Scourge of the Waves 
Capital: Sulward (pop. 5,500) 
Population: 80,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Doubtful 
Resources: rare woods, spices 

This scattered principality stretches over seven major islands, from the Spindrift Sound to the mouth of the Tilva Strait. These islands are rich and fertile, and enjoy the benefits of their strategic location. They profit hugely from cargoes of goods brought from Hepmonaland to the Great Kingdom and collect tribute from those states which wish to use the Tilva Straits in commerce. The rulers of Duxchan gave up piracy in favor of more lucrative methods of extracting money from merchants. There is particular enmity between the Sea Barons and the Lord of the Isles for rather obvious reasons. The Duxchaners are still smarting from the Battle of Medegia (572 CY), wherein the Sea Barons sank four of their warships and made prizes of three loaded cogs before they could gain safety in Pontylver. 


His Equitable Nemesis, Spidasa, the Holy Censor of Medegia 
Capital: Rd Astra (pop. 39,800 ) 
Population: 250,000 
Demi-humans: Sylvan Elves (see Grandwood Forest) 
Humanoids: Some 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth 

The Holy Censor was originally the chief cleric of the Great Kingdom. Clerical holdings were granted from Rel Astra to Pontylver south of the Mikar and Flanmi Rivers, including a portion of the Imperial Preserve (Grandwood Forest). This fief became so strong as to be virtually independent when the Mal- 



(Various nomadic leaders) 
Populations: Uncertain, possibly 500,000 or more 
Demi-humans: Doubtful 
Humanoids: Doubtful but possible 
Resources: Unknown 

Only a small portion of the rolling plains inhabited by nomadic Baklunish tribes falls within the Flanaess. The pair which is on our portion of the continent is sometimes nearly empty of human life, and at other times it is reported to swarm with horsemen. These nomads evidently move out of the Dry Steppes region when summer makes the area an arid waste, and return there in the rainy season. Of course, the tribe of Ull (q.v.) has a permanent territory and the northern parts of the plains are held by the more civilized states bordering the Dramidj Ocean. 
    Each tribe is ruled by a noble, variously called Amir or Khan. Greater nobles are called Ilkhan, Orakhon, or Shah. Leaders of the royal rank are known as Tarkhan, Padishah or Kha Khan. The northern and western tribes use the titles Amir, Shah, and Padishah, while those from the south (Dry Steppes) favor Khan, Ilkhan, etc. These horsed nomads are poorly armored but very mobile troops. The most lightly protected wield short, powerful horn bows and light curved swords, while the remainder (20% to 30%) employ light lance and mace or flail. Little else is known. The western states such as Ket, Tusmit, and Ekbir will often employ forces of mercenary Paynim nomads against each other or other marauding nomads. As the Tiger and Wolf Nomads (qq.v.) also used the title of Khan et al., it is speculated that these peoples are branches of the same race separated by an influx of later nomads (those using the titles Amir et al). 


Population: 20,000 (?) 
Demi-humans: None 
Humanoids: Orcs (15,000), Goblins (10,000), others 
Resources: silver, electrum, gold, gems (I, II) 

This rich peninsula was originally a collection of petty states under the protection of the Prince of Ulek. Not content with this status, the nobles of this area forswore their oaths and drove out the garrisons of the sovereign's castles, taking them for their own. For several decades the Pomarj prospered under this new freedom, the mines in the Drachensgrab and sea trade making noble and commoner alike rich. However, in the Hateful Wars (498-510 CY), the combined Ulek states, with cooperation from Veluna and the demi-humans of the Kron Hills, broke the power of the Euroz and Jebli hordes which had nested in the Lortmils and were attempting to spread into the lands around. These humanoids were finally driven out and scattered - some fleeing northward toward the Yatils, but most (having wiser leadership) taking to the Suss forest and thence to the rugged mountains of the Pomarj. Finding the humans there weak and indolent, the invaders attacked quickly, captured the strongholds, and then set themselves up as masters of the whole peninsula. There are undoubtedly renegade humans helping these invaders, and mercenaries as well - bought and paid for by the gold from the Stoneheim mines and the moonstones and cairngorms from the high peaks as well. A relief force of dwarves and men from the Prince crossed the Jewel River but were turned back after a fierce battle below the Hilly pastures. The humanoids have not often dared to cross into Ulek, hut their raiders cause much trouble in the Wild Coast. 


His Valorous Prominence, Lexnol, the Lord Baron of Ratik 
Capital: Marner (pop. 3,240) 
Population: 35,000 
Demi-humans: Mountain Dwarves (8,000+), Gnomes (3,000+) 
Humanoids: Many 
Resources: shipbuilding supplies, furs, gold, gems (IV) 

When the Bone March was created by the Overking, a further outpost was desired and the Aerdi banners pushed northward as far as the Timberway. A military commander was appointed to see to the establishment of a secure territory and lumbering was gotten underway, as the great pines of the area were highly desirable in shipbuilding. The active commander soon sent such a stream of riches southward (he was a just man, friendly with the Dwerfolk, and an able tactician, too) - accompanying them with detailed reports of successful actions against the last of
the Frost Barbarians in the area - that the Overking took notice. After a raiding fleet was roundly beaten, the Overking elevated this general to the nobility, creating him Baron Ratik. Thereafter a succession of his descendants have ruled the fief, bravely combating raiders so as to gain their respect and even friendship from some, while humans and demi-humans alike prospered. When the hordes of humanoids began attacking, Ratik had ample warning from the dwarves dwelling in the mountains. Companies of men and gnomes hurried 'vest to aid their countrymen against the invaders, while couriers were sent south (and north) to alert the people there. Resistance was so fierce that the area was bypassed, and the attackers fell instead upon the Bone March. The isolated barony has since been ruled as a fief palatine. The Baron's forces are able to defend Ratik, but they are not strong enough to dislodge the humanoids from the mountains of the plain to the south. The baronial levies consist of schiltrons of spearmen and a small force of light cavalry. Large dwarven contingents are available in time of need, as are several
companies of sturdy gnomes. A force of men-at-arms, crossbowmen, and mounted sergeants comprises the regular army of Ratik, with bow armed woodsmen patrolling the north and sling-equipped hillrunners watching the southern borders.


His Most Lordly Nobility, Drax, the Constable Mayor of Rel Astra 
Capital: Rel Astra (pop 63,900) 
Population: 90,000 
Demi-humans: Very few 
Humanoids: Some 

The city and constabular fief of Rel Astra extends from the precincts of the city northward to the Lone Heath south of the Mikar, including the town of Ountsy, whose mayor is subject to Rel Astra. This trading and mercantile port city is held in hereditary fief by a rival noble house of the Aerdi who are secretly conspiring against the royal house of Naelex, although they are careful to allow no proof of this to fall into their enemies' hands. They desperately seek close ties with Medegia and the Sea Barons to balance the weight of the Overking's kinsmen in North and South
Province. It is reported that the Overking views these machinations with ill-concealed delight, for they are seen as check and balance, as the monarch fears his own at least as much as he distrusts others. In any case, the lord of Rel Astra at the same time desires to check the growth of the Censor's lands and holdings, and secret plots with the freefolk of Grandwood Forest and the Herzog of the South Province are rumored. The Constable Mayor fields a strong force of cavalry and foot, as well as a squadron of warships. His horse units have a nucleus of nobles and
knights numbering about 100, and their esquires and sergeants add some 400 medium cavalry; light horse contingents round the number to a full 1,000. There are an equal number of men-at-arms, about half of whom are crossbowmen. Levies and militia numbering 1.000 horse and 6,000 foot can be called up from Rd Astra, Ountsy, and the surrounding lands on short notice. Recently the Rel Astrans have employed mixed human and orcish scouting bands as light troops in the Grandwood and similar groups on the Lone Heath. 


His Mighty Lordship, the Ataman of the Standards, Kishwa Dogteeth; Chief of the Wardogs 
Population: 65,000? 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Numerous 
Resources: furs, gold 

The tribes of nomadic peoples who dwell between the Wastes below the Icy Sea and the Fellreev Forest called themselves the People of the Plentiful Huntinglands, but their neighbors named them Rovers of the Barrens as they had no permanent settlements and the area they roamed seemed bleak. These tough nomads were content enough with their herds, hunts, and occasional raids upon Furyondy, the bandit Kingdoms, or Tenh. The growth of the bandits' power and the swelling numbers of humanoids, however, have sharply reduced the territory, numbers, and
power of these clans. At the great battle of Opicm River, the might of the Rovers of the Barrens gathered to war upon a combined host from the land of Iuz and the newly formed Horned Society. The wardog soldiers and light cavalry of the Rovers were decimated and scattered, and many of their chieftains were slain. Perhaps three or four clans of but a few tribes each are all that now remain of the force which once sent the tumans of the Wolf Nomads flying back across the Dulsi without their gray-tailed banners. The numerous people that formerly went where they would between the Dulsi and Veng Rivers to White Fanged Bay and the Zumker River are now reduced to a handful of warriors huddling from the Wastes to the Forlorn Forest. The light cavalry of these tribes ply lance and javelin, although many also use bows. Picked men use lariats to pull enemies down. Certain tribes furnish excellent medium horsemen who provide shock power. The wardogs are footmen able to run with cavalry and fight, hamstringing enemy mounts and disrupting their formations. 


His Peerless Serenity, the Father of Obedience (true name unknown) 
Capital: Unknown, but reported as a hidden city of splendor and magnificence 
Population: 35,000 +/- 
Demi-humans: Doubtful 
Humanoids: Highly probable 
Resources: rare woods, spices, gold, gems (I, III, IV) 

It is said that an order of monastic religious militarists was founded long ago on the remote plateau south of the closed city of Kro Terlep. This order is purported to espouse the cause of the Suloise as the rightful rulers of all the Flanaess, claiming superiority of that race above all others, and embracing evil as the only hope of achieving its ends. Supposedly the Scarlet Brotherhood is the fruition of these aims, and it now controls the whole of the land from the Vast Swamp to the tip of the peninsula. Brothers of the Scarlet Sign are reportedly hiding as trusted advisors or
henchmen in many courts and castles in the north, spying for their master and ready to strike. The Brotherhood is tripartite, according to tales told, with thieves as its lower ring, assassins next, and then the smallest and highest ring of monks as superior. The leader of the thieves is called "Elder Cousin," that of the assassins is known as "Foster Uncle" - thus other thieves are entitled "cousins" and assassins "nephews." The temple and monastery of the Scarlet Brotherhood is supposedly a fortress and walled town unto itself, guarded by soldiers, humanoid legions which are being readied for future conquest, and monsters trained to serve the Brotherhood. 


His Noble Prominence Sencho Foy, the Lord High Admiral of Asperdi; Commander of the Sea Barons 
Capital: Asperdi (pop. 7,100) 
Population: 55,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: None outstanding 

The Aerdi power spread to the islands off the shores of the Gullcliffs, where the newcomers mixed with Flannae. The Overking eventually appointed certain nobles to baronial island fiefs, four in all, instructing them to build squadrons of ships and compete, for whichever of their number excelled in warfare at sea would be appointed over all as supreme baron and admiral as well. Baron Asperdi won the post, and to this day the High Admiral of the Great Kingdom is the hereditary baron of that place. The four barons are virtually independent today, but still swear fealty to the Overking and serve loyally if not with great enthusiasm. Their squadrons protect the coasts from Bellport to Pontylver, driving off the northern barbarian seawolves, protecting the coastal sealanes, and fighting with the ships of the Duxchan Lord whether piratical or otherwise. 


His Royal Highness, Prince Jeon II of Monmurg; Ruler of the Azure Sea; Captain of all Fleets; etc. 
Capital: Monmurg (pop. 14,200) 
Population: 100,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Probable 
Resources: foodstuffs 

The buccaneers of the Azure Sea and Jeklea Bay grew strong and wealthy when Keoland was at the height of its power, for the eyes of its leaders were turned northward toward empire, and the sea raiders were ignored. These privateers took to calling themselves Sea Princes, after a particularly successful captain who was in fact of noble birth. Sailing unchecked from their island and mainland strongholds, these raiders were the scourge of the coasts from Gradsul to Scant, on the Pomarj, and even beyond into the Sea of Gearnat and the Tilva Strait. When Keoland turned back from imperial expansion, her navy began to rebuild in order to check the threat of the Sea Princes, as they were now commonly known. Their numbers and strength had become so great, however, that the Keoish fleet, even with the aid of a squadron of Ulek warships, could at best deliver a sharp check to them (Battle of Jetsom Island). This lesson caused their leaders to rethink their policies, however, and several of the wiser captains retired to mainland estates, appointing lieutenants to command their ships, not in piratical or raiding activities in the
Flanaess, but on expeditions to the Amedio coast and thence to trade northward with the rare woods, spices, ivory, and gold which they wrested from the jungle savages. Eventually the mainland possessions of the Sea Princes amounted to more territory than their island homes, and they practiced little formal raiding. Today they probably are still the strongest sea power, but they also have a small and efficient army and are relatively peaceful traders. If those people have a fault, it is that they allow the use of slaves in their nation, despite strong protests from the
Yeomanry. It is reported that the Prince of Monmurg would abolish this practice, but his fellow nobles (the Prince of Toli, the Plar of Hool, and the Grandee of Westkeep, along with the Commodores of Jetsom, Fairwind, and Flotsom) prevent it. 


His Most Honorable Lordship, Holmer the Earl of Walworth; Knight Commander of the Shield Lands 

Capital: Admundfort (21,300) 
Population: 65,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: foodstuffs 

When the Bandit Kingdoms began to grow powerful, the petty nobles of the north shores of the Nyr Dyv banded together in a mutual protection society. The small Earldom of Walworth had the advantage of possessing a sizable island upon which was built the only city in the whole district, so its Lord was chosen as Knight Commander of the combined forces of the nobles. A headquarters was established at Admundfort, and a holy order of religious knights begun. The Shield Lands are still ruled by many small noblemen, while the Earl of Walworth is
hereditary general of their combined military and naval forces. Their military activity brings contributions from Furyondy and Urnst, as well as many esquires and knights to serve in the core of the army, the Knights of Holy Shielding. This area currently is in desperate straits with the growing might of the Horned Society menacing the delicate balance. 


His Magnitude, Querchard, Earl of Sterich 
Capital: Istivin (pop 3,000) 
Population: 40,000 
Demi-humans: Mountain Dwarves (4,000), Gnomes, Halflings 
Humanoids: Some (in mountains) 
Resources: silver, electrum, gold, gems (II, III) 

The Earl of Sterich is a nominal vassal of the King of Keoland, although treated more as a favored relative than a vassal by the king. The Sterish are loyal to their Earl and the King of Keoland alike, and in time of need a large contingent of the renowned light cavalry and sword-armed light infantry of the earldom are sent to Keoland, accompanied by companies of stout heavy dwarvish infantry from the Crystalmists. A good portion of the levies of Sterich must always remain on guard to the west, however, for many humanoids, giants, and even worse monsters tend to follow the headwaters of the Davish River down into the fertile low country to loot and pillage. The halberdiers and medium horse of Stench are thus seldom seen outside their native land. The Earl maintains good relations with the Grand Duchy of Geoff (being of the same bloodline as the Grand Duke, this is not too surprising), and some trade is carried on with the Yeomanry via the Javan River. 


His Most Grim and Terrible Might, the Master of the Hold, Sevvord Redbeard 
Capital: Vlekstaad (pop. 2,100) 
Population: 60,000 + 
Demi-humans: Doubtful 
Humanoids: Some 
Resources: furs, ivory, silver, gems (I) 

Stonefist, then Vlek Col Vlekzed, founded his chiefdom in approximately 430 CY. Vlek was cast out from the Rovers of the Barrens for banditry and lying, but a small number of warriors and their families followed him as leader. For several years be wandered around the fringes of his homeland, raiding and stealing from everyone without prejudice. These minor successes attracted a growing following of fellow outcasts, bandits, criminals and like unsavory types. Yet with this strange mixture of fighters, be mounted a highly successful raid into Tehn, swung down
into the Bandit Kingdoms and recruited more followers, and then defeated a punitive expedition sent from Tenh. When threatened by a bandit kinglet, Vlek replied by surprising his stronghold, sacking it, and carrying away most of its population. Riding unmolested through the lands of his former people, but not caring to test their fighting ability, Vlek moved beyond White Fanged Bay and established a fortified settlement as a permanent camp. The inhabitants of the area, the Coltens Feodality, were tricked into negotiation with Vlek. These negotiators and their escorting force were slaughtered, the remainder of the Coltens host routed by surprise and ferocity, and Vlek settled down to rule over the whole.


The Unvanquishable Tiger Lord, Ilkhan Cligir of the Chakyik Hordes 
Capital: Yecha (3,800) 
Population: 75,000 + 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: furs, silver, gems (I) 

The Tiger Nomads are tough and hardy horsemen who dwell on the prairies above the Yatil Mountains. They are herdsmen and hunters, roaming from the Burneal Forest to the foothills of the Yatils, the Dramidj Ocean to the banks of the Fler. Because of their proximity to more civilized states, these nomads have established a few towns and villages, mine silver and gems, and conduct a fair amount of trade with both Ekbir and Perrenland. Naturally, they likewise raid both places and war continually with the tribes of the Burneal and their cousins to the east,
the Wolf Nomads. These people are Baklunish, and most do not even speak the common tongue of the Flanaess. Their banners bear the likeness of a tiger, tiger tails, etc. The Ilkhan's robe of state is a tiger skin, reportedly that from a sabre-tooth, while the lesser khans wear the pelts of normal tigers. Tiger nomads move about on horseback, with carts carrying tents and other possessions. Their main force consists of light cavalry armed with horn bows and lances. There is a small percentage of better-protected cavalry which is comparable to medium. Infantry never accompanies a tuman or horde on the march, except if the whole people is moving. Small garrison forces of footmen are stationed in permanent settlements such as Yecha. 


His Exalted Splendor, the Pasha of Tusmit, Jadhim/orem 
Capital: Sefmur (pop. 18,500) 
Population: 150,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: foodstuffs, silver, gold 

The state of Tusmit is maintained through the crafty playing off of one neighbor against the other - Ekbir against Zeif, Zeif against Paynim nomads, Paynims against Ket, and so forth. By such careful diplomacy, Tusmit maintains her rich holdings south of the Tuflik and avoids costly warfare of an open nature. Of course, her forces are engaged in frequent border clashes with Ekbir and Ket, as well as skirmishes with raiding tumans of Paynim horsemen. The Pasha fears absorption by Ekbir, and most of the politics he engages in reflect this. It is said that the Pasha plans to hire both Perrender and Uli mercenaries to settle the problem. The soldiery of Tusmit is similar to that of Ekbir in most respects. 


Lewenn, His Noble Mercy, the Count Palatine of Ulek 
Capital: Jurnre (pop. 10,900) 
Population: 25,000 
Demi-humans: Gnomes (5,000), Halflings (4,000), others 
Humanoids: None 
Resources: foodstuffs, copper, silver, gems (I, II) 

Humans and demi-humans have long sought safety in the lands in and around the Lortmils. Flan tribes, dwarves, elves, and so forth settled permanently in the area which has been known as the Ulek States for centuries. These territories were under Keoish rule for a short period, but have been independent for a considerable period since. Although each is separate and distinct, they have a community of interest which allies them in the face of outside aggression or time of need. The County Palatine is on good terms with its neighbors north and south as well as its
former suzerain, the Kingdom of Keoland. Since the humanoid tribes have been driven out of the Lortmils, the land has enjoyed considerable prosperity. Its troops are mixed human and demi-human companies. Cavalry is solely human, as are the heavy infantry. Lighter infantry and missile troops are typically gnome and halfling companies. The county extends between the Kewl and Old Rivers through the Lortmils to Courwood in the Suss Forest.


Grenowin, His Noble Radiance, the Duke of Ulek 
Capital: Tringlee (pop. 13,800) 
Population: 15,000 
Demi-humans: High Elves (12,000), Sylvan Elves(4,000), Gnomes 
Humanoids: Doubtful 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, electrum, gems (I, II) 

The elven realm of Ulek is ruled by a wise and intelligent Duke of High Elven race. Many of the human inhabitants of the land are partially elven, and the remainder are well-disposed to demi-humans. After gaining independent status, these peoples were quick to make treaties of mutual aid with Celene and the lower Ulek states. While they do not love the Keoish, they do not bear them enmity, and normal relations and trade exist between the Duchy and the Gran March and Keoland. Most traffic, however, passes through the mountains to Celene and the gnomes of the
Kron Hills. There is a standing force of some 1,000 men and elves serving the Duke. This force consists of a small troop of heavy cavalry, another of medium, and a body of elvish light. The balance (60%) consists of crossbowmen, billmen, and elvish archers. In time of need levies of men, elves, and gnomes can be raised speedily. 


His Serene Highness, Prince Olinstaad Corond of Ulek, Lord of the Peaks of Haven 
Capital: Gryrax (pop. 17,200) 
Population: 30,000 + 
Demi-humans: Dwarves (18,000), Mountain Dwarves (9,000), Gnomes, Halflings 
Humanoids: Doubtful 
Resources: foodstuffs, silver, gems (II, IV) 

Dwarves and other demi-humans are more numerous than are humans except in the city of Gryrax, where the larger folk are about twice as common. This is mainly because they are better sailors and are in charge of the dwarven prince's naval squadrons based at the capital. The remainder of the human population is scattered throughout the principality, which extends from the Sheldomar to the Jewel River, south of Old River, across the lower Lortmils. The human inhabitants also make up the entire cavalry force of the realm and provide a small portion of regular men-at-arms. Most of the infantry is dwarven, of course, with small contingents of gnomes, and a body of halfling scouts. At one time, the territory of the Prince reached to the tip of the Pomarj, but the nobles there despised a dwarven overlord, and they ejected the mixed garrisons which protected their holdings in the Prince's name. Ulek took no reprisal against them, and an effort was made to relieve the distressed territory when swarms of vicious humanoids fell upon it after being driven from the Lortmils. The Prince is on very good terms with the Count of Ulek and trades with Keoland and the Sea Princes as well. 


His Illustrious Ferocity, Draske, the Orakhon of Ull 
Capital: Ulakand (pop. 6,000+1-) 
Population: 100,000 + 
Demi-humans: Doubtful 
Humanoids: Some (in mountains) 
Resources: silver, gems (II) 

A strong tribal clan of the Paynim nomads found the rich area between the Barrier Peaks and the Ulsprue Mountains provided them with ample grazing and a perfect territory to "settle" in. The Ull claimed this area of land for themselves and have held it against all comers. The territory comprises over 90,000 square leagues, including the hills that separate the Ulsprue from the Crystalmists. While many of the Uli retain their nomadic habits and roam the open plains to the north, a fair number of these people have taken to more settled ways. A caravan town is situated near the center of Ull (Ulakand), and there are numerous hill and mountain villages to the south. The numbers of the Ull enable them to field a strong force of cavalry and still protect their town and villages with tough infantry. The latter use huge bows, strange pole arms, and great maces. As traders, the Uli are crafty and sly. They are fierce, warlike, and highly unpredictable otherwise. 


His Venerable Reverence, the Canon of Veluna - Hazen, Shepherd of the Faithful 
Capital: Mitrik (pop. 12,600) 
Population: 230,000 (excluding Viscounty of Verbobonc) 
Demi-humans: High Elves (10,000), Gnomes (7,000), others 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: foodstuffs, copper, silver, gold 

The Archclericy of Veluna has long been a shining example of the better side of humankind in the Flanaess. Since the state became independent, it has treated fairly and justly with its neighbors and championed the cause of righteousness everywhere. After the unfortunate Short War (see Bissel, Keoland), Veluna returned to normal affairs and only engaged in formal military action again when the Horde of Elemental Evil manifested
itself. The Archclericy aids Bissel, Highfolk, and the Gnomes of the Kron Hills. She is on very close terms with Furyondy (q.v.). Seven noble houses support the clerical ruler of the realm, the Plar of Veluna being the foremost. The semi-independent Viscount of Verbobonc is a willing vassal of the state, and his inclusion in the council makes an eighth noble. Veluna fields a regular army which has a small core of heavy cavalry, large troops of medium horse, and scouts which are light cavalry. The bulk of her infantry are pikemen, with gnomish support and elven archers.


His Lordship the Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc 
Capital: Verbobonc (pop. 11,600) 
Population: 35,000 
Demi-humans: Gnomes (4,000), Sylvan Elves (2,500) 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: copper, gems (I-IV) 

This small state would hardly be worth mention in a continent-wide work of this nature, despite its riches, except that evil forces chose the area to establish a stronghold. A temple and fortress were constructed in the wooded hills southeast of the town of Verbobonc, not far from the village of Hommlet. Trade was ravaged, the countryside pillaged, and bands of evil humanoids and men were flocking to the gruesome standards raised. Prompt action was taken when it became apparent that evil had grown strong. The Right Worshipful Mayor of the town called
up the trained levies, and the Viscount brought all of his retainers and the militia, and these forces were in the forefront of the ensuing battle which broke the hordes of the Temple. The Viscounty is a large one, extending from the Velverdyva's south bank some 15 leagues into the Kron Hills, being over 5O leagues in breadth. Verbobonc is situated in the approximate center of its east-west axis. 


Capital: None, but several major towns: Safeton (4,600), Narwell (2,900), Fax (6,700), 
Badwall (5,200), Elredd (8,400) 
Population: 150,000 +(?) 
Demi-humans: Many 
Humanoids: Many 
Resources: None outstanding 

The western shores of the Sea of Gearnat have long been called the Wild Coast, for the region has been a haven for malcontents, dissidents, demi-humans, humanoids, and the outcasts of other states. It is a fair but not particularly fertile area -rolling countryside interspersed with woodlands, fens, and scattered clusters of dwellings. Parts of the Gnarley Forest, all of the Welkwood east of the Jewel River, and Suss Forest are considered as being in this region. The Wild Coast remains a free territory comprised of petty nobles, robber barons, guildheld towns,
fishing and forest villages, freebooters, mercenaries, and displaced persons of all sorts, This is due to the remote and isolated position it holds, its lack of resources, and the fact that it has never been a desirable position strategically. Portions of the area have been tinder the control of Celene, the Prince of Ulek, the Gynarch of Hardby, and the Free City of Greyhawk at various times. The inhabitants, being of a mind otherwise, have always managed to regain their freedom. 

There is no question that the Wild Coast is known throughout the Flanaess as a place of sanctuary albeit a highly dangerous one, filled with adventure at the very least. Its racially mixed-peoples are well known as mercenaries and adventurers themselves. The area gives rise to many outstanding clerics, fighters, magic-users, and thieves. Legendary natives of the Wild Coast include such persons as Mordenkainen, Robilar, and Tenser, to name but a few. 

Tales relate that somewhere within the Suss there exists a lost city of the Old Suloise from which the Jewel River gained its name. It has never been found, and the legend is highly doubtful. Since the Pomarj has been in the control of rapacious humanoids, the southern portions of the Wild Coast have been less than wholesome in any event, and expeditions into the Suss Forest have not been attempted of late for obvious


The Fearless Wolf Leader, Bargru, Tarkhan of all the Wegwiur, Commander of the Relentless Horde 
Capital: Eru-Tovar (4,000) 
Population: 80,000 
Demi-humans: Few 
Humanoids: Few 
Resources: furs, copper 

Much as their western kin have done, the Wolf Nomads have assumed a few civilized characteristics, in that they have a permanent capital and carry on trade with Perrenland. At one time the Wegwiur horsemen contested gladly with the Rovers of the Barrens for rights to the lands around the Howling Hills and the Dulsi River, sometimes defeating them, and sometimes being driven away. With the rebirth of Iuz, the WolfNomads shun the territory they once disputed, and are themselves subject to raids from humanoids and humans from Iuz. These Nomads are
not daunted by these forays, however, and have given as good as they've gotten. Having lost their favorite foemen, the Wolves of the Prairies fight with the Tiger nomads or raid southward for sport. Their banners depict one or more wolves, and their standards bear wolftails and heads. They are otherwise akin to the Tiger Nomads (q.v.). 


His Steadfastness Crispin Redwell, the Freeholder, Spokesman for the Yeomanry League 
Capital: Loftwick (6,000) 
Population: 100,000 
Demi-humans: High Elves (2,000), Dwarves, Halflings 
Humanoids: Few (many in mountains) 
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, silver, gems (II) 

The peoples who settled the territory west of the Javan River, north of the Hool Marshes and below the Jotens were mixed tribes of Flannae-Suel. Some Oeridians also came into the area, accepted by the original settlers as long as the newcomers did not infringe the lands or rights of those already there. These peoples developed the habit of holding annual meetings of all the tribes in the region, where disputes were settled and arrangements of all sorts made. All warriors were treated equally, but each tribe appointed one spokesman for each dozen.
Eventually, as numbers grew, this became one for every 12 dozen, with the 12 spokesmen electing a 13th to speak for all. This democratic tradition persisted when the region came under Keoish rule. Despite its isolated position, considerable commerce was carried on between the kingdom proper and the Yeomanry, for the latter area was very rich. Although they exploited them, the Keoish also brought many benefits to the inhabitants of the land. The Keoish monarch, regarding the yeomen as persons of gentle birth and their appointed spokesmen as lesser nobility,
gave the region a voice in council (and exposure to the affairs of the world beyond the boundaries of the Yeomanry). Many thousands of yeomen served in the Keoish military for decades, but when the kingdom began its wars of conquest, the freemen of the territory revolted and closed their frontier to Keoish rule forever. The move was successful primarily because the kingdom was beset with rebellion everywhere, but the result was the founding of a state ruled by all of its warriors through election! All those bearing arms, those who have borne them in the
past, and artisans and craftsmen are now entitled to elect spokesmen. 

The Freeholder must be elected from one of the several score of greater landowners, but he is ruled by the council of Common Grosspokesmen. He conducts government affairs and directs the Free Captains of the Battles. 

The soldiers of the Yeomanry are mostly spearmen and crossbowmen. The mountaineers provide heavy, pole armed troops and light slingers. The greater freeholders furnish the small cavalry contingents. Demi-humans are enlisted in time of need, for they too are electors of the land. Elvish spear and how units, dwarvish mailed foot, and halfling light troops are brought to the field when the army of the Yeomanry sallies forth. 


His Omnipotence, the Glory of the West, the Sultan of Zeif - Murad 
Capital: Zeif (pop. 40,300) 
Population: 200,000 
Demi-humans: Doubtful 
Humanoids: Doubtful 
Resources: foodstuffs, gems (III) 

The Sultanate of Zeif is the westernmost state of the Flanaess, a portion of it extending beyond the north-south dividing line marked by the Ulsprue Range. The lands of the Sultan stretch from the Dramidj to south of the town of Antalotol, and border Ekbir and Tusmit. Little is known of the Sultan or his court. The army of Zeif is said to be comprised mainly of superb mailed cavalry and huge footmen armed with two-handed swords. It is likely that numbers of mercenary Paynim horsemen are also enlisted in its ranks. The warm currents of the Dramidj make the land very rich, although the Sultan possesses few mineral resources save a secret source of chrysoberyls and peridots which are so fine as to be sought after as far east as Keoland, Furyondy, and beyond Zeif is supposed to have territorial designs upon both Ekbir and Tusmit, but this is not certain.