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Groundwater Recharge Mapl



In 1975, the State of California mapped natural groundwater recharge areas in Sonoma County. These are permeable areas through which rain penetrates to fill the underground aquifer. Not all land permits recharge. The most important man-made impediment to ground water recharge is asphalt. Asphalt actually is harmful in two ways. It is an impenetrable barrier to groundwater recharge and it also dramatically facilitates runoff water. Runoff water feeds rivers and streams making them more destructive of shoreline and increasing the flow of soils and rock to the Bay.




Click on the image to see the overall map of Sonoma County with prime groundwater recharges areas marked with hatched lines.

click to enlarge

Here is a detail of the same map showing areas of prime groundwater recharge along Petaluma Hill Road. This is the area where Rohnert Park along with investors and land owners plan to construct 4,500 houses and five million square feet of commercial space.

click to enlarge




DWR article on groundwater resources, dated 1975

Letter describing groundwater overdraft in this area

groundwater recharge as part of hydrologic cycle (Virginia)


What's an aquifer?

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