Benjamin Davis (1670-1732), son of Daniel and Mary Davis, was termed
a deserter from the King William's War which lasted from 1690-1697.
Ben was a young boy, five to six years old during King Philip's War.
Philip, chief of his tribe after Massatoit's (his father) death in
1660, felt hard pressed by the colonists infringement of Indian land.
Philip's Indians raised havoc and massacred settlers from Plymouth to
the Connecticut River during 1675 and 1676 but did not come as far south
as the costal towns of Connecticut. Estimates place 8% of Plymouth men
killed, in contrast to 1% of U.S. men killed in World War II. Other
Indian tribes continued raids on frontier settlers even after King
Philip was killed.
Meanwhile, back in England, Catholic King James was being dethroned
by Protestant King William of Orange and his wife, English Queen Mary.
King James fled to France and war erupted. This brought French Canada
and English colonists in New England and New York into conflict;
King William's War.
After a band of French and Indians burned Schenectady, New York in
early spring of 1690, an Intercolonial Congress convened to plan
strategy. Sentiment prevailed against using a colony's militia outside
its borders. A plan for Canada's invasion was adopted, consisting of
an overland attack on Montreal and a naval attack on Quebec.
Major Fitz-John Winthrop of Connecticut was chosen as leader of the land
expedition, composed of 850 English (colonists) and 1800 Iroquois,
who were to march against Montreal. Quotas were never filled and
smallpox broke out at Albany among the Connecticut and New York troops.
Supplies were inadequate. When the army finally reached the southern
end of Lake Champlain, canoes could not be built as it was too late
in the season to peel the bark from the birch trees. A dispute arose
over the position of joint commander. With no competent leadership,
the sick and hungry army broke up and failed to accomplish its mission.
The naval attack on Quebec was also a failure. When this raw force
finally arrived off the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, Quebec had
already become a fortified garrison. After a futile bombardment and
an unsuccessful landing attempt, the naval commander decided to return
On the way, while smallpox and fever raged aboard ship, the fleet
encountered gale force winds off New England's coast, and was blown
off course. Several ships were never heard from again.
After 1691, most of the fighting of the King William's War consisted
of Indian raids on the borders of French Canada and English New York
and New England. King William's war ended in 1697 with the treaty of
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